
  • 网络Software Structure;software architecture;VISA
  1. 基于Web服务器群的社保网上办公系统的软件结构

    Software Structure of Web Server Clot in Social Insurance Net Office System

  2. 卫星编队多Agent软件结构仿真研究

    Simulation Research of Software Structure for Satellite Formation Based on Multi-Agent

  3. PC自动化测试技术及软件结构

    PC-Based Automation Testing Technologies and the Software Structure

  4. 介绍了自行研制的单频GPS实时定姿系统硬、软件结构,以及硬件组成和软件设计对GPS定姿系统实时性的影响。

    Firstly the hardware , software and real-time performance of a single frequency GPS real-time attitude determination system is introduced in detail .

  5. 系统的软件结构设计,包括Web服务器的移植和配置、串口通信程序设计、CGI程序设计、图像捕捉程序设计等;

    Software design of web server , RS232 communicating program , CGI program , program of capturing the graph and etc.

  6. 伴随计算机技术的发展而产生的新软件结构&B/S(Browser/Server)模式,具有升级和维护方便等优点。

    Along with the development of computer technologies , a new-style software framework & B / S ( Browser / Server ) mode appears , which is easy to update and maintain .

  7. 传统的核心路由器是构建整个Internet核心网络的重要设施。由于其自身硬件体系结构、路由操作系统以及协议软件结构的固有限制,组成的核心网络无法满足下一代互联网的多方面需求。

    Traditional core router , which is the most important infrastructure of Internet , can not meet the multidimensional requirements of next generation Internet , for the limitations of hardware platform , router operating system and routing protocol implementation .

  8. 第二部分对IP多播桌面视频会议文档管理系统所采用的三层软件结构、多媒体信息管理、分布组件对象模型等关键技术进行详细论述。

    In the second section , the author discuss the key technologies such as DCOM , three-tier architecture , multimedia database , Active Template Library and ADO adopted in the Conferencing Document Managing System ;

  9. 根据ATM系统的特点及金融交易的特殊要求,对ATM系统的硬件及软件结构进行了整体设计。

    Based on the characteristics of ATM system and the special requirement of financial transaction , an overall design of hardware and software structure of ATM was made .

  10. Office2000中Add-in的开发及对未来软件结构的启示

    The Development of the Add-in of the Office 2000 and the Inspiration to the Structure of Software

  11. 通过对简单网络管理协议和监测站子系统的分析,给出了在监测站中实现SNMP代理端的软件结构,并给出了代理软件的程序流程及实现步骤。

    At last , this paper analysis SNMP and monitoring station , and gives the software architecture , program flow of the SNMP agent in monitoring station .

  12. 接着从软件结构的设计、WINDOWSnt的调度机制和C++语言的性能分析三个角度论述了提高系统实时性的技术手段。

    Secondly , the means to improve the performance of system real time is introduced from design of system structure , scheduling mechanism of Windows NT and evaluation of C + + performance .

  13. 重点介绍了采用Intel网络处理器实现MPLS路由器的软件结构,为使用网络处理器的研发人员提供了一个应用实例。

    The software structure of adopting Intel network processor to implement MPLS router is introduced . An application example is provided for R & D technicians of network processor .

  14. 对Z-Stack的软件结构进行了分层的阐述,然后介绍了Z-Stack的工作流程。

    We introduced the layered software structure of Z-Stack and the work process of it .

  15. 介绍一种基于CVI平台和GPIB接口的航空电台自动测试系统的设计思想,论述了系统的硬件平台选择、系统组成及硬件设计主要技术问题和解决办法,同时也论述了软件结构。

    The basic design principle of universal automatic test system based on CVI platform and GPIB interface technology is introduced . The hardware and software of the system are discussed .

  16. 以移动通信网管功能为出发点,以TMN体系结构为基础,设计了CIMS环境下的移动通信网络管理系统数据采集层总体软件结构。

    This paper begins with the mobile communication network management function , and based on TMN , devises the general software structure of the mobile communication general network management data collection layer under CIMS .

  17. 介绍了一种多道粮仓温度检测系统的硬件组成和软件结构以及基于RS-485通信的网络测控系统。

    Introduce the hardware components , the software framework and the measurement & control network system based on RS-485 of the MGTDS . For each granary , there 's one running computer that can work independently .

  18. 其次,设计和实现了WCS-Lab远程实验子系统的硬件结构和软件结构。

    After that , hardware and software architecture of remote experiment subsystem of WCS-Lab is designed and realized .

  19. 针对重构工具的开发,提出了用于存储用例模型的DTD结构,描述了实现该工具的软件结构。

    For the development of refactoring tool , this paper proposed a Document Type Definitions ( DTDs ) structure to store use case model , and described a software structure to realize the tool .

  20. 文章介绍了故障-安全的概念、HJ04A系统的硬件和软件结构,对系统故障进行了分类,并列出了一些常见的故障;

    The paper introduces the concept of fail-safe , the hardware and software 's frame , divides the faults into some classes , and lists some general faults .

  21. 详细介绍了VstarMPEG-2系列远程数字视频监控系统的视频采集、压缩、传输和系统控制等方面的设计,提供了基于TCP/IP协议的C/S软件结构和多线程通信的设计与实现方法。

    The design of the embedded remote monitor system of Vstar MPEG-2 base on Internet is introduced in detail . The implementation of C / S software architecture based on TCP / IP protocol and multi-thread is presented .

  22. 软件结构权衡分析方法(ATAM)是一种评估软件结构的技术,它不仅用于软件系统的结构的特性评估,还能在有质量冲突体系中做出折衷。

    The Architecture Trade-off Analysis Method ( ATAM ) is a technique for evaluating software architecture , the ATAM not only can evaluate specific architecture quality and attributes , but also allows enginee-ring tradeoffs to be made among possibly conflicting system quality goals .

  23. 研究经济型数控系统的硬件及软件结构。

    Structures of economic CNC system hardware and software are discussed .

  24. 蒸气锅炉计算机控制系统的软件结构

    Software Structure of the Controlling System with Computer on Steam Boler

  25. 智能打浆度测定仪及软件结构

    Intelligent On Line Pulpiness Measuring Device and Its Software Structure

  26. 并设计软件结构,编写软件程序。

    And designing software structure , compiling software program .

  27. 通用集中式测控系统软件结构模型

    A General Software Structure Model for Concentrated Testing-Control System

  28. 新一代化工系统软件结构与功能设计

    Function Design For a New Chemical Process System

  29. 立方体总线型阵列机中的通信软件结构

    The communication software structure in CUBE-BUS-BASED array computer

  30. 系统设计包括功能结构设计、数据库设计、软件结构设计和系统用例图设计。

    System design includes functional design , database design , software design and system use case design .