
  • software production
  1. 为提高软件生产过程的质量,文章提出了一种基于UML的概念建模方法。

    Presents a conceptual modeling approach based on UML as a way to improve the quality of the software production process .

  2. CMM是目前国际上最具权威性的一种软件生产过程改进和软件企业软件过程能力评价标准,已经得到了国际软件产业界的认可。

    CMM is the authoritative appraisal criterion about the software production and process ability , which is accepted by the international software enterprises .

  3. WebServices在软件生产线中的应用

    Applying Web Services to Software Product Lines

  4. 软件生产线与Web服务分别是软件工程与分布式计算领域中两个新兴的热门话题。

    Software Product Lines and Web Services are two new and the hottest topics respectively in software engineering and distributed computing areas .

  5. 通过图形化建模工具,给出了UMLprofile技术在智能手机软件生产线中具体的可变性建模应用实现。

    Through the graphical modeling tool , this paper achieves the modeling variability for the UML Profile technology under the environment of smart phone softwares .

  6. 作为目前流行的建模语言,UML并不能很好地描述软件生产线的可变点和构件设计。

    As the current popular modeling language , UML can not describe the variant point of software product line and component design result .

  7. 甲骨文今年12月份以15亿美元收购了云营销软件生产商ResponsysInc.。

    Oracle in December acquired Responsys Inc. , a maker of cloud marketing software , for $ 1.5 billion .

  8. 1991年,在软件生产和消费方面都一直走在世界前列的美国,推出了一个指导软件组织改善软件过程的软件能力成熟度模型,这就是CMM(capabilitymaturitymodelforsoftware)。

    In 1991 , capability maturity model for software-so-called SEI CMM is developed in American where production and consumption of software lead the field , which can direct software organization to improve software process .

  9. 基于资产的开发(Asset-baseddevelopment,ABD)是应对软件生产和运输的成本和效率方面不断增长的挑战的一个至关重要的机制。

    Asset-based development ( ABD ) is a key mechanism for addressing the ever-increasing challenges in the cost and efficiency of software production and delivery .

  10. CRM的特点是它的规范化的生产管理技术和设计方法,这种特点使它十分适于作为软件生产自动化过程的基础蓝本。

    SEI presented the CRM ( Cleanroom Reference Model ), whose character is the normalized management and method which make it a very suitable base for software producing automation .

  11. Salesforce.comInc.:这家云软件生产商过去七年一直在收购市场营销、社交媒体和人力资源方面的公司。

    Salesforce.com Inc. : Cloud software maker Salesforce.com spent the last seven years buying companies in marketing engagement , social media , and human resources .

  12. SAPAG:总的来说,今年对SAPAG是平淡的一年,这家企业软件生产商经常成为埃利森愤怒的目标。

    SAP AG : On the whole , it was a relatively quiet year for SAP , the enterprise software maker that is the frequent target of Mr. Ellison 's ire .

  13. 对提取的模型、建立的可复用库及其EADS领域的软件生产线模型进行了验证,最终得到很多经验和技术积累。

    By testifying extracted model , reusable base , and software production line model , experience and techniques are accumulated .

  14. 由于传统的地理信息技术是建立在软件生产商的各自的独特技术的基础上的,所以为GIS数据的共享制造了障碍。数据共享已成为业内技术专家、政界人士关心的问题。

    The traditional Geographic Information Technology is based upon unique technique of software manufacturer , so various GIS software has its own file format , it raised obstacles to data share which has been a problem concerned by technology expert and politicians .

  15. 安全软件生产商SymantecCorp。首席执行长萨利姆(EnriqueSalem)说,作为一家中等企业,我不会与它们较量的;

    ' I 'm not going to fight'being a mid-tier company , says Enrique Salem , chief executive of security-software maker Symantec Corp.

  16. 我想,不管您在软件生产环境中扮演什么样的角色,具备快速编写轻量级UI测试自动化的能力都能使您的技能得到很大提高。

    I think you 'll find the ability to write lightweight UI test automation quickly to be a useful addition to your skill set no matter what role you play in the software production environment .

  17. 其中,SW-CMM(软件生产能力成熟度模型)就是一种当前比较普遍有效的软件生产过程标准。

    SW-CMM ( Software Capability Maturity Model ) is a more common and effective software production standards .

  18. 鲍尔默2000年接替微软创始人盖茨(BillGates)出任首席执行长,他正在努力将微软从一家基于个人电脑的软件生产商转变为一家设备和服务公司,重点是移动和云计算。

    Mr. Ballmer , who took the CEO reins from founder Bill Gates in 2000 , is in the midst of transforming Microsoft from a PC-based software maker to a device and services company , with an emphasis on mobile and cloud computing .

  19. 目前在Maya三维动画制作软件生产实际的特效场景时,粒子动画相对于基于物理的流体动画模拟较为容易和控制,所以应用较为普遍。

    Maya is currently in the three-dimensional animation software , the actual production of special effects scenes , as opposed to animation particle physics-based simulation of fluid animation and easier to control , the more general use .

  20. SW-CMM(软件生产能力成熟度模型)为软件企业的过程能力提供了一个阶梯式的进化框架,它基于过去所有软件工程成果的过程改善的框架,吸取了以往软件工程的经验教训。

    SW-CMM provides a ladder-type framework for software projects , based on the process improvement framework which from all past software engineering , drawing on lessons learned from previous software engineering .

  21. Yase曾在众多会议上进行过发表,如软件生产线大会、极限编程大会和敏捷大会等。

    Yaser has published in a number of venues such as the Software Product Line Conference , the XP conference and the Agile conference .

  22. 正如你们所知,我们一直在和两家美国软件生产商商讨有关合并的事情,计算国际和M2C国际。

    Now , as you all know , we 've been in merger talks with two American software manufacturers , Computing International and M2C International .

  23. 印度IT职业教育走在世界前列,NIIT(安艾艾迪)是从事软件生产和IT职业教育的国际性企业。

    Nowadays IT vocational education in India is in the leading position in the world . One of its corporations , NIIT , is one of the multinational corporations engaged in software producing and IT vocational education .

  24. 安大略伍德布里奇(Woodbridge)监控软件生产商NesterSoft的销售专员伊莲娜•普洛斯库米娜(ElenaProskumina)称,此类软件可以让管理者发现谁需要帮助、谁又在浪费时间。

    Such programs can help bosses spot people who need help , as well as those who are wasting time , says Elena Proskumina , a sales specialist for NesterSoft , a Woodbridge , Ontario , maker of a monitoring program called WorkTime .

  25. 微软公司是软件生产世界里的垄断者。

    M $ is a monopoly company in software production world .

  26. 软件生产自动化是人们长期追求的目标。

    Software automatic generation is the goal for software engineers .

  27. 软件生产的质量保证发生了根本性的变化。

    The focus of quality is no longer on testing software product ;

  28. 软件生产企业无形资产的价值计量

    The Value Estimation of the Intangible Assets of Software Producer

  29. 实现软件生产的自动化还可以大大提高软件生产率。

    The productivity of the softwares can be greatly increased .

  30. 软件生产的流水线作业模式探讨

    A new mode of software production & pipelining production