
  • 网络Sdk;software development kit;Tool
  1. 介绍了使用数据库软件开发工具VISUALFOXPRO编写一元线性回归预测程序,以及进行回归预测分析。

    The article mainly introduces how to use database software development kit Visual Foxpro to compile unary linear regression forecast procedure and carry on the forecast .

  2. 之后苹果发行了iPhone,随之还发布了iPhone软件开发工具,这套软件开发工具是一套工具,可用于开发与研制iPhone应用。

    And then Apple released the iPhone , and with it , the iPhone software development kit , and the software development kit is a suite of tools for creating and programming an iPhone app .

  3. 机械CAD图形软件开发工具

    The Developed Implements for Machinery CAD Graph Software

  4. 本仿真系统以Windows系统为开发平台,以C语言为软件开发工具。

    This simulation system is using Windows system as development platform , C language as software development tool .

  5. 本文以VisualFORTRAN6.0作为编程语言的软件开发工具,在微机上在开发了在Windows2000环境下运行的具有自主权的模拟程序。

    Based on the windows 2000 , Visual Fortran 6.0 has been used to set up this simulation system .

  6. Eclipse是一个搭建软件开发工具的开放平台。

    Eclipse is an open platform for building software development tools .

  7. 谈制作多媒体CAI软件开发工具的选择

    On the Choice of Software Tools of Creation Multimedia CAI Courseware

  8. 利用功能强大的软件开发工具VISUALBASIC6.0和数据库管理系统ACCESS开发出了界面友好、实用性强的应用软件。

    A software with wide practicability and friendly interface is exploited by the powerful Program developing tool Visual Basic 6.0 and ACCESS .

  9. Visualc++是功能非常强大的软件开发工具,而电子邮件又是我们日常生活中经常需要用到的Internet应用。

    Visual C + + is a very powerful software develop tool , E-mail is a useful internet application in our daily life .

  10. 游戏机CAI软件开发工具的改进绘制直线算法

    Improved Drawing Algorithm of Development Tool of the Software of the Game Computer CAI

  11. 特定工具的指导,包括怎样高效的使用IBMRational软件开发工具以及其他的合作者的工具。

    Tool-specific guidance , including how to effectively leverage IBM Rational software development tools , as well as partner tools .

  12. 第一章介绍了DSP的特点、性能指标、硬件结构及软件开发工具。

    The first chapter introduces DSP 's characteristics , performance index , hardware structure and development tools of software .

  13. GB:为什么您认为软件开发工具对IBM是如此重要?

    GB : Why do you think software development tools are so important to IBM ?

  14. 总而言之,IBM相信两种软件开发工具将为MDA提供强有力的支持

    In general , IBM believes that two categories of software development tools provide strong support for MDA

  15. 基于OpenGL的交互式三维图形软件开发工具

    Design of an Interactive 3D Toolkit Based on OpenGL

  16. JavaCommunityProcess已经包含了Eclipse框架,一个由众多供应商支持的创建共用软件开发工具及胖桌面应用程序的环境。

    The Java Community Process has also embraced the Eclipse framework , a multi-vendor-supported environment for building interoperable software development tools and rich desktop applications .

  17. 例如,有些小组可以使用RationalSynergy和RationalChange,而其他小组可以使用其他的软件开发工具。

    For example , some groups might use Rational Synergy and Rational Change , and other groups might use other software development tools .

  18. Visualc++是一个功能强大的可视化软件开发工具,可以开发出有良好的交互功能、兼容性和扩展性的应用程序。

    Visual C + + is a powerful visual software development tools , can develop a good interactive features , compatibility and scalability of applications .

  19. 作者利用Visualc++软件开发工具将改进的调度算法软件化并设计CAN总线静态调度软件平台。

    The author uses Visual C + + software development tools to realize the software of improved scheduling algorithm and designs CAN bus static scheduling software platform .

  20. CIMSCLASS&面向CIM的零件分类软件开发工具

    CIMCLASS ── A CIM - oriented Development Tool System fro part Classification

  21. Eclipse是一种获奖的开放源码平台,它用来构造强大的软件开发工具和富桌面应用程序。

    Eclipse is an award-winning , open-source platform for the construction of powerful software development tools and rich desktop applications .

  22. 软件开发工具选用IAREmbeddedWorkbench,并结合其优点进行了说明。

    Software development tools selection IAR Embedded Workbench , and its advantages are illustrated .

  23. 软件开发工具MENU(B)在CATCS开发中的应用

    The Design of Software Development Tool MENU ( B ) and Its Application to CATCS

  24. 其中远程监控采用客户机/服务器模式,以Delphi作为软件开发工具,RealSystem视频平台为基础实现其远程视频监控功能。

    Client / Server mode was adopted for its remote monitoring , and Real System video platform was used for implementing remote video monitoring with Delphi as the software developing tool .

  25. 最后探讨了Delphi软件开发工具在开发此结构的大坝安全监测系统中的应用。

    Finally , it chiefly brings forth the use of Delphi software to the dam safety monitoring system .

  26. 应用Delphi软件开发工具,结合microsoftSQLserver数据库管理软件,开发了碟簧产品数据管理集成系统。

    Applying the Delphi software developing tools and Microsoft SQL Server database system , a disc spring product data management system is developed .

  27. Authorware是目前最流行的多媒体软件开发工具之一。

    Authorware is now one of the most popular multimedia software designer tools .

  28. Sammi简介&基于Client/Server结构和Web结构的软件开发工具

    Sammi Introduction : Based Client / Server Structure and the Structure of Web Software Development Tools

  29. 该模型对设计开发VR应用系统和VR软件开发工具都有一定的意义。

    This model can help the design and development of VR application and VR software tools .

  30. GB:您可以给出一个例子来说明Rational的软件开发工具和最佳实践是如何帮助IBM的软件计划的吗?

    GB : Can you give an example of how Rational 's software development tools and best practices are helping IBM 's software initiatives ?