
  • 网络Software Factory;Microsoft's Software Factories
  1. 软件工厂模板是在SoftwareFactorySchema的基础上实现的。

    The implementation of the Software Factory Template is based on the Software Factory Schema .

  2. InfoQ:对于用户来说,软件工厂的价值是什么?

    InfoQ : What is the value of the software factory to the users ?

  3. 领域MIS应用软件工厂化开发过程研究

    A Research on MIS Application Factory-production Process

  4. InfoQ:软件工厂的用户是谁,使用体验如何?

    InfoQ : Who uses this software factory , and how does that experience look ?

  5. 本文的主要工作如下:1、综述了快速应用程序开发RAD与软件工厂的基本思想和方法,并论证了RAD、软件工厂与Wizard三者之间的隶属关系;

    Basic ideas of rapid application development ( RAD ) and software factory are surveyed ;

  6. Oslo是迈向软件工厂的一步。

    Oslo in one step forward for Software Factory .

  7. 更确切地说,诸如Maven之类的构建工具是软件工厂领域中必不可少的。

    More precisely , build tools like Maven are necessary within the software factory realm .

  8. InfoQ:你谈到过DSL,并介绍了它在软件工厂计划中的用途。

    InfoQ : You 've talked about domain-specific languages and explained their role in the software factory initiative .

  9. 指出了软件工厂与RAD实例化关系,Wizard与软件工厂的实例化关系。

    The relationships are made clear among RAD , software factory and Wizard technology via confirming the instantiation of software factory to RAD and Wizard to software factory .

  10. 因为Maven非常灵活并且是开放源码的,所以很容易推断和设想Maven是软件工厂平台中的一个核心组件。

    Due to Maven 's flexibility and open nature , it 's easy to extrapolate and imagine integrating Maven as a core component in a software factory platform .

  11. InfoQ:软件工厂使用的架构是否必须是固定的?

    InfoQ : In order to provide a toolkit that allows for " simply " assembling the parts with some additional customizations a Software Factory needs to be based on a fixed architecture , doesn 't it ?

  12. JES:当然,软件工厂必须定义产品架构,这是工厂施行操作的基础。

    JES : Indeed , a software factory defines a product architecture , since it 's this product architecture that provides the model upon which the factory operates .

  13. JES:软件工厂的主要用户是构造解决方案的软件专家。

    JES : The primary users of a software factory are software professionals building the solutions-these are the factory users that the factory builders design their factories for .

  14. 东鸟公司由北京设计中心和苏州软件工厂构成。

    Eastbird consists of Beijing Design Center and Suzhou Software Factory .

  15. 注意,我会逐步介绍有关软件工厂的术语。

    I 'll also introduce the factory jargon as we go .

  16. 关于自动化软件工厂模型及其实用技术的探究

    Researches About Automatic Software Factory Model and Some of Its Practical Technologies

  17. 当然,软件工厂并非是适合所有类型的软件研发目标的万能方案;

    But they are not the answer to all software development solutions .

  18. 服务组合的观点引发了“软件工厂”的思想。

    A service assembly viewpoint leads to " software factory " thinking .

  19. 新闻发布谈论了“模型驱动”方法,而不是软件工厂

    The press release talks about " model-driven " approach rather than software factories

  20. 用于业务建立和修改的智能网络软件工厂

    Intelligent Network Software Plant for Service Initiation and Modification

  21. 软件工厂的灵活性和可装配性如何?

    How flexible or composable is a Software Factory ?

  22. 乔布斯领导的软件工厂到底有多大影响力,最简单的方法就是用数字说话。

    The crudest way to measure the impact of Jobs'software factory is by the numbers .

  23. 我们来看看如何利用标准化部件建造软件工厂。

    Let 's see how we get from these standard parts to building a software factory .

  24. 包括四种类型的指导:指导包、参考实现、软件工厂和应用程序块。

    There are four types of guidance : Guides , Reference Implementations , Software Factories , and Application Blocks .

  25. 我们不应该再沉浸于基于设计器的,企业类库思想的,乐于使用软件工厂代码设计器的幻想中了。

    You should be the last to care about the whims of the designer-based , enterprise-library-minded , software-factory-code-generator-happy folk .

  26. 大约一年前,我在博客上写了一篇文章介绍了软件工厂以及来自其用户的热烈反响。

    About a year ago I blogged about Software Factories and the great response from people who were using them .

  27. 通过显著提高自动开发的级别,软件工厂提供了一个花费更少、更灵活的应用程序开发方法。

    Software factories provide a less-expensive and more reliable approach to application development by significantly increasing the level of development automation .

  28. 对于公众而言,软件工厂一直以来都是一个十分有用的资源;并且我们一直都有在这方面投资,以根据您的反馈意见不断更新它们。

    Software Factories have continued to be a useful resource for the community and we are invested on updating them based on your feedback .

  29. 分析后,我们得出一个改进的供应链新模型,即通过弱化人才市场的作用同时引入软件工厂策略,加强IT职业培训机构和用人企业的直接联系。

    After analyzing , we propose an improved model , which lower the role of HR market and import a strategy of software manufactory .

  30. 通过将IT组织视为可以创建满足发展的业务目标的解决方案的“软件工厂”来提供更大的灵活性。

    Greater flexibility can be offered by treating an IT organization as a " software factory " for creating solutions that meet evolving business goals .