
  • 网络Software Requirement Specification;SRS
  1. 在1985年,我们一直在寻找许多不同的方法来定义问题,如书面写好需求,软件需求说明书(SRS)是用来记录它们的主要载体。

    In1985 , we were looking at many different ways to define a problem by writing good requirements , and a software requirements specification ( SRS ) was the main vehicle programmers used to record them .

  2. 完成了项目软件需求说明书和项目计划书,并以此对系统软件进行设计和开发。

    Thus , the software requirements specification and the project specification are completed and the systematic software is designed and developed with it .

  3. 例如,软件需求规格说明书(SRS)工件是需求详细说明人负责的。

    For example , the artifact Software Requirements Specification ( SRS ) is owned by the Requirements Specifier .

  4. 是分析问题或项目失败的最可靠的方法之一,如一个复杂的软件项目的需求规格说明书却很简单。

    One of the most reliable methods of ensuring problems , or failure , in a large , complex software project is to have poorly documented requirements specifications .

  5. 软件测试应贯穿于软件定义与开发的整个周期,软件的需求规格说明书,结构设计及程序编码,都属于软件测试的对象。

    Software test should be used throughout the whole software life cycle of software definition and development . Software specifications 、 architecture design and coding are all the objectives of software test .