
  • 网络Software Configuration Management Tool;SCM Tools;Rational ClearCase;SCMT;Soft Configure Management Tool
  1. 阐述了IBMRational的软件配置管理工具的功能、运行环境和软件配置管理策略。

    This paper explains the functions , running environment and management strategies of IBM Rational SCM .

  2. RationalClearCase是管理各个构件或文件的版本的软件配置管理工具。

    Rational ClearCase is the software configuration management tool that manages versions of individual artifacts or files .

  3. 通过集成RationalChange与RationalTeamConcert,RationalTeamConcert可以从一个源头管理新开发和遗留代码的必要变更,同时不必将代码基础转移到新的软件配置管理工具中。

    By integrating Rational Change with Rational Team Concert , Rational Team Concert can manage new development and required changes to legacy code from a single source , without the cost or effort required to move the code base into a new software configuration management tool .

  4. 用户需要了解软件配置管理工具,以及了解如何合并模型。

    It required users to learn a software configuration management tool and learn how to merge models .

  5. 一个可靠的、鲁棒性好的、并且有效的软件配置管理工具,在完成配置管理流程目标的过程中是一个极为关键的组成部分。

    A reliable , robust , and efficient software configuration management tool is a key component in the achievement of configuration management process goals .

  6. 软件配置管理工具帮助组织团队的文件、跟踪和共享更改,以及保持整个团队协同工作以实现共同目标。

    Software configuration management tools help in organizing the team 's files , tracking and sharing changes , and keeping the entire team working in concert to achieve common goals .

  7. 但是许多传统的软件配置管理工具将软件仅看做一个文件集合,而不是一个架构,这造成软件设计领域(架构层)与软件配置管理领域(文件层)的脱节。

    However , many traditional software configuration management tools view ' software ' merely as a set of files , not as architecture . An unfortunate impedance mismatch between design domain ( architecture level ) and configuration management domain ( file level ) was introduced .

  8. 软件配置管理(SCM)工具可分为两类

    Software configuration management ( SCM ) tools fall into two basic categories

  9. 然后用户可以指定使用源代码管理部分中的软件配置管理(SCM)工具。

    The user can then specify which software configuration management ( SCM ) tool is to be used in the Source Code Management section .

  10. 软件配置管理系统&CIMS实验工程软件配置管理的计算机辅助工具

    A software configuration management system - The computer-aided tool for the software configuration management system of CIMS experimental engineering

  11. 随着我国航天事业的飞速发展,对航天测控软件的质量要求也越来越高,为此,我们开发了针对航天测控软件系统的软件配置管理工具(SCMT)。

    The rapid development of our space technology requires high quality of tracking and controlling softwares ( TCSs ) .