
ruǎn jiàn kāi fā
  • Software Development;software design;java
  1. Client/Server结构下分布式软件开发的工程化

    The Engineering of Distributed Software Development on Client / Server Architecture

  2. WEB软件开发框架的研究和实践

    Web Software Development Framework Research and Practice

  3. 阶梯轴锻模CAD软件开发及图形的处理

    CAD Saftware Development and Graphics Processing for Stepped Shaft Forging Dies

  4. 捕沫箱分离伞部件CAD绘图软件开发

    Development of CAD drawing software for the catch basin and separator umbrella

  5. 空间分析GIS软件开发研究

    Research on the Development of Spatial Analysis GIS Software

  6. 形式化方法在CAD软件开发中的应用

    The Application of Formal Method to CAD Software Development

  7. 这个预编译器改进了C语言错误处理机制,提高了软件开发效率。

    The precompiler improved improves the mechanism of handling errors in C language , and increased increases software development efficiency .

  8. 本仿真系统以Windows系统为开发平台,以C语言为软件开发工具。

    This simulation system is using Windows system as development platform , C language as software development tool .

  9. UML模型用于驱动软件开发堆栈。

    UML model is used to drive software development stack .

  10. UML软件开发过程和支持环境研究

    Research on UML Software Development Process and Support Environment

  11. 关于工程图学CAI软件开发的几点思考

    Suggestion on the software developing of computer aided instruction for Engineering Drawing Course

  12. 游戏机CAI软件开发工具的改进绘制直线算法

    Improved Drawing Algorithm of Development Tool of the Software of the Game Computer CAI

  13. Windows98平台下PCI设备的软件开发

    Development of PCI Devices on Windows 98 Platform

  14. 例如,有些小组可以使用RationalSynergy和RationalChange,而其他小组可以使用其他的软件开发工具。

    For example , some groups might use Rational Synergy and Rational Change , and other groups might use other software development tools .

  15. OOP技术在CAE软件开发中的应用研究

    The Study of OOP Technique in the CAE Software Development

  16. 传统的软件开发方法如何达到CMM的可重复级标准

    How to Adapt Traditional Software Development Methods to the Repeatable Level in CMM

  17. 以橡胶弹性接管CAD系统的开发为例,提出一个Autocad和Foxpro作为软件开发环境的CAD应用系统开发模型。

    This paper introduces a CAD system model that uses the Autocad and Foxpro as the softwares for developing environment .

  18. 利用Authorware软件开发贪食蛇游戏

    The Design of the Belly-Worship Snake Game with Authorware

  19. 用pDS软件开发pLSI/ispLSI器件

    Developing a pLSI / ispLSI Device with the pDS Software

  20. 应用ASP、ASP.NET等先进的网络应用软件开发技术,开发了系统的主要功能页面。

    The thesis developed the main pages with advance techniques for WEB application software such as ASP and ASP . NET .

  21. 利用OLE技术及VBA进行互补软件开发

    Cross-linking software design by OLE technology and VBA

  22. OO编程方法及在岩土工程勘察软件开发中的应用

    Application of OO - Programming in the Software Developing of Rock and Soil Survey

  23. 目前,开放源代码的软件开发模式已经被越来越多的软件开发者所采用,其中不乏Linux这样的成功范例。

    At present , software explorers like Linux , who makes a great success in the field , increasingly adopt developing models of open source software .

  24. PLD器件及其软件开发系统

    PLD Device and its Software Developing System

  25. 采用了UML中的相应方法建立起油气藏动态分析软件开发中的用户需求视图,功能视图,信息视图,在此基础上构造系统的构件视图。

    Correspond methods are used to establish the user requirement view , function view , information view in the development of performance analysis software system .

  26. 在QUARTUSII软件开发平台下,利用VHDL硬件描述语言和原理图输入方式可实现数字化控制。

    The digital control could be realized with VHDL language and graphic chart based on the Quartus II software .

  27. Rational公司从当前对软件开发过程的需求及其动向出发,提出了UML柔性软件开发过程的概念,并以Rose为核心创建了迭代式的UML集成化支持环境的框架方案。

    Rational creates flexible software development process for Unified Modeling Language , and establish a iteratively integrated development framework based on UML with Rational Rose as the kernel .

  28. SDK:软件开发工具包

    SDK : software development kit

  29. 我作为软件开发科的成员,参与前置系统的设计,并负责了ATM、POS以及柜面中间业务程序的编写。

    As a software developer , I took part in the design of the system , in charge of program compiler .

  30. 控制反转(InversionofControl,IoC)模式是一种框架设计模式,可以使软件开发框架具有组件间松散耦合、可扩展性高和可复用性高等优点。

    Inversion of Control is a pattern of framework design , the software development framework with IoC pattern has some advantages such as loose coupling , higher extensibility and reusability .