
  1. 广东省现代制造服务业的发展模式探讨

    Discussion about Development Pattern of Modern Service Trade of Manufacture of Guangdong Province

  2. 全球经济发展正向服务经济转变,在此环境下,制造业与服务业融合的趋势加强,发展现代制造服务业成为促进我国制造业产业升级、保持经济可持续发展的重要力量。

    As the global service economy is formed , the trend of integration of manufacturing and service industry is increased , then the development of modern manufacturing services has become the key to ensure the efficiency development of national economy .

  3. 据温州市人才开发服务中心预测,十一五期间温州每年需要培养高技能人才10万名左右,其中优势轻工产业、现代制造业和服务业高技能人才需求尤为突出。

    It is predicted from Talent Development Service Center of Wenzhou that there is a large demand of about 100,000 highly-skilled talents per year in dominant industries such as light industry , modern manufacturing and services in Wenzhou .

  4. 现代制造业与生产者服务业互动发展研究

    Investigation of the Interacting Development of Modern Manufacturing and Producer Service Industries