
néng lì cè yàn
  • ability test
  1. 一种新型空间定向能力测验的结构效度分析

    Analysis on the construct validity of a new spatial orientative ability test

  2. 本研究结果显示:一、「词汇导向之绘本教学」对国小学习障碍学生,在词汇能力测验上,具有立即成效与保留成效。

    The study explores students'progress on the performance of vocabulary ability test , reading fluency test , and reading comprehension test .

  3. 两组均行术前、术后神经系统物理检查、颅脑计算机体层摄影(CT)和认知能力测验比较。

    Preoperative and postoperative neurological examination , brain computed tomography ( CT ) scan , and cognitive function tests were performed .

  4. 你知道布什总统在大学学术能力测验中得到几分吗?布什(GeorgeW.Bush)是美国第43、44任总统。他的母亲姓Walker,所以他的名字中的W.是Walker的缩写。SAT是ScholasticAptitudeTest(学术能力测验)的缩写。

    Do you know what President George W. Bush got on his college SATs ?

  5. 目的:比较知人能力测验与MMPI用于精神疾病团体筛检的效度。

    Interpersonal Perception Scale could reduce the omission of MMPI in Group screening of mental disorder .

  6. 有研究对SCL-90和数字搜索能力测验进行相关分析发现,有抑郁、精神病性症状的新兵反应能力较低[1]。这就提示研究者数字搜索测验在人员筛查过程中有一定的辅助作用。

    The investigation between SCL-90 and searching number had showed that the recruits with dumps and psychosis had lower ability , which suggests that searching number play an assistant role in selecting people .

  7. 10d后,不使用增氧呼吸器进行自行车功量仪负荷运动,运动10min后,重复上述两项心理能力测验。

    10 day later , loaded exercise of bicycle ergometer was conducted without add-oxygen-breath-instrument for 10 minutes , two tests of mental ability that mentioned above were repeated .

  8. 小学生写作能力测验的编制报告

    The Information about the Test of the Pupil 's Writing Ability

  9. 该系统涉及基本认知能力测验和人格测验两个测验。

    The system involves basic cognitive assessment and personality test .

  10. 第五章为测试过程;中学生解决物理问题发散思维能力测验

    Test of students ' divergent thinking ability in the process of physics problem-solving

  11. 本研究还对如何编制小学生语文阅读能力测验提出了一些合理建议。

    Besides , some suggestions are made about the construction of reading tests .

  12. 飞行人员心理旋转能力测验的练习效应

    Practice effect of mental rotation test on pilots

  13. 约翰在大学能力测验中得了高分。

    John scored high on his College Boards .

  14. 而且她们会用亲切的态度来使用这套方法,姑且被称之为“能力测验”。

    And they do it with something affectionately known as a Sh * t Test .

  15. 数字加工和计算能力测验的修订及信效度检验

    Revision of Test of Digital Processing and Calculation and Study on Its Reliability and Validity

  16. 基本认知能力测验软件测量7项基本认知能力;

    The software of basic perceive ability were applied to measure 7 basic perceive ability ;

  17. 五项空间能力测验的结构效度分析

    Construct validity analysis of five spatial-ability tests

  18. 更让人不安的是,即便排除了大学前的学术能力测验分数的影响,这种悬殊的差距依然存在。

    More troubling , the disparity persists even when controlling for precollege academic aptitude scores .

  19. 做过职业能力测验吗?

    Ever take a career aptitude test ?

  20. 芝加哥心理能力测验

    Chicago Test of Primary Mental Abilities

  21. 罗斯高层次认知能力测验

    Ross Test of Higher Cognitive Processes

  22. 成功通过这个英文能力测验的人会获得证明书认可他们的英文能力。

    Those who have successfully passed the English proficiency test will get certificates acknowledging their English competence .

  23. 运用层次回归分析,研究还对公文筐测验的增量效度进行检验,结果发现:公文筐测验对认知能力测验具有增量效度,其增量效度为。

    By using hierarchical regression analyses , the result showed in-basket had good incremental validity over cognitive test .

  24. 然后采用四种心理理论任务,用现场实验法对幼儿逐个进行心理理论能力测验;

    Then these children were tested on their ToM ability one by one using four types ToM tasks .

  25. 歼击机飞行员基本认知能力测验信效度分析

    The reliability and validity analysis of the basic cognitive capability test assessing the abilities of the fighter plane pilots

  26. 最新测量基本认知加工元素的能力测验包括工作记忆和加工速度测验。

    The latest ability tests of elementary cognitive processing facets are including working memory test and processing speed test .

  27. 但在阅读理解能力测验中,学生需要了解文字后去做推理来得到答案。

    Like the Reading Comprehension test , the Listening test requires students to demonstrate both literal and inferential understanding .

  28. 相比之下,那些没有进行高强度锻炼的人,在做认知能力测验的时候,得分还在降低。

    In contrast , cognitive function test scores continued to decline in the group that didn 't have vigorous exercise .

  29. 来自北京三个社区的217位60~85岁的老年人接受了五项基本心理能力测验、感觉功能测查、加工速度和工作记忆容量的测试。

    217 old people , from three communities of Beijing , participated the study of the aging of primary mental ability .

  30. 方法:采用自编创造能力测验对125名怒族、111名傈僳族、110名景颇族中小学生进行测量。

    Mothods : 125 students of Nu , 111 students of Lisu and 110 students of Jingpo nationalities were assessed by creativity test .