
  • 网络TMN;Telecommunication Management Network;TMN Telecommunication Management Network
  1. 高科技软件技术与电信管理网的结合

    Combination of High-technology Software Technology with TMN

  2. 光缆线路自动监测系统是电信管理网中传输网管理域的一个子网,在通信网络的稳定运行中扮演着重要的角色。

    As a subnet of transport network management in TMN , Optical fiber cable line Automatic Monitoring System ( OAMS ) plays an important role in the stable operations of communication networks .

  3. JAVA消息服务在电信管理网故障管理中的应用

    Application of Java message service in fault management of telecommunications management network

  4. 电信管理网Q3接口协议及其实现

    The Q_3 Interface Protocol and Its Implementation in TMN

  5. 基于CORBA技术的电信管理网北向接口系统的研究开发

    Study and Development of TMN Northbound Interface System Based on CORBA Technology

  6. 最后,把CORBA技术应用到黑龙江省网管中心的实际项目中,设计了具有三层结构的电信管理网。

    Finally , we apply CORBA into the Project Heilongjiang Province Telecommunication Network Management .

  7. 利用OO技术实现电信管理网性能管理的分析与研究

    Analysis & Research of Utilizing OO to Implement Performance Management of TMN

  8. 电信管理网(TMN)的研究国际电联的电信管理网体系结构

    Study of Telecommunication Management Network The TMN Architectures Recommended by ITU

  9. 基于TMN的电信管理网研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of Telecom Management Net Based on TMN

  10. SDH数字微波网管系统同SDH先传输网管系统、PSTN网管系统、DDN网管系统一样,是电信管理网(TMN)的一部分。

    SDH digital microwave network management system is a part of Telecom Management Network .

  11. 本论文首先介绍了电信管理网(TelecommunicationManagementNetwork,TMN)技术以及TD-SCDMA技术的基础知识,分析了课题的研究背景及其重要性。

    At first , this thesis introduced the essential knowledge of TMN ( Telecommunication Management Network ) and TD-SCDMA , and discussed the background and importance of NMS .

  12. 电信管理网TMN开发探讨

    Discussion of Development for Telecommunication Management Network

  13. 发展铁路电信管理网(TMN)的构想和思路

    Developing Plan of the Railway TMN

  14. 电信管理网(TMN)是未来电信网络管理的趋势。

    The telecommunication management network ( TMN ) is a trend of future telecommunication network management .

  15. 基于此种需求,国际标准化组织ITU-T提出了电信管理网标准&TMN。

    Therefore , the ITU-T has put forward a telecom net management standard TMN .

  16. 电信管理网(TMN)的研究

    Study of Telecommunication Management Network

  17. 电信管理网TMN综述

    Summary of Telecommunications Management Network

  18. TMN规范是电信管理网的主流技术,其信息模型的定义和描述是TMN技术标准的核心,具体实现已有多种方式,但主要是基于C或C++,难以实现跨平台移植。

    TMN is a main technology of telecommunication management net , the definition and description of which information model is a kernel of the technology standard .

  19. 电信管理网(TMN)根据一套由ITU-T提出的建议标准定义了一种管理电信网络及其服务的框架。

    The telecommunications management network ( TMN ) architecture defines a framework for the management of telecommunications networks and services .

  20. 最后,本文给出了基于电信管理网TMN的网管系统中配置管理模块的重点部分的实现过程。

    At the end , the paper carries out the primary part of configuration management function of network management systems based TMN .

  21. 在电信管理网(TMN)中采用接口的方法定义了物理块之间的关系。

    In the field of TMN ( Telecommunication Management Network ), the relationship between physical blocks is defined by means of interface .

  22. 在基于TMN标准的电信管理网中,每个网络管理系统的设计都遵从TMN的体系结构和信息接口。

    In TMN standards-based telecommunications management network , each network management system designed to comply with the TMN architecture and information interfaces .

  23. 本文结合TMN(TelecommunicationManagementNetwork电信管理网)理论,通过对AGENT系统的深入研究,对移动网络管理系统的子系统&故障管理AGENT子系统进行了研究与设计。

    This paper uniting TMN ( Telecommunication Management Network ) theory , through the thorough research of AGENT system , conduct the research and design to the subsystem of mobile network management system & the fault management AGENT subsystem .

  24. 本文以电信管理网(TMN)作为基础体系,探讨了电力通信综合网管系统的设计方案,提出了与电力通信网相适应的基于Web的层次化网管系统体系结构。

    My literature regards TMN as the basic system , discusses the scheme of the integration power system communication network management system , brings up the layer network management architecture based on Web .

  25. 介绍了TMN(电信管理网)可信性建模的一种新的方法&Petri网。

    This paper describes a new method to construct the dependability models of TMN ( telecommunication management networks ) using the Petri net .

  26. 在分析了电信管理网(TMN)和公共对象请求代理体系结构(CORBA)各自特点的基础上,探讨了CORBA在TMN中的应用,并提出一种新的基于CORBA的TMN管理平台构想。

    This paper analyzes the characteristics of TMN and CORBA , discusses the application of CORBA in TMN environment and presents a new TMN management platform based on CORBA .

  27. 在此就如何通过WBEM访问电信管理网(TMN)进行了探讨。

    In this paper , it probes into how to access telecommunication management network ( TMN ) by WBEM .

  28. 正是在这种市场需求下,中兴通讯股份有限公司按照电信管理网TMN规范,基于J2EE体系架构开发了电信统一网管平台。

    To meet such the requirement , according to the TMN standard , ZTE Corporation has developed the unified elementmanagement platform ( UEP ) of telecommunications based on the J2EE system .

  29. 配置管理是TMN所规定的电信管理网五大基本管理功能之一,也是其它管理功能的基础。

    Configuration management is the one of the five key functions in TMN telecom management system , which works as the basic of all other functions .

  30. 电信管理网(TMN)作为电信基础网的运营支撑网络系统之一,是电信网的一个重要组成部分。

    TMN , as a important part of base telecom network , how to build a effective TMN , is a important project we must confront .