
  • 网络inter-firm organization;intermediate organization
  1. 中间性组织的运行机制、组织结构和有效规模是决定其效率的关键因素。

    The operative mechanism , organizational structure and effective scale are crucial factors to the efficiency of the inter-firm organization .

  2. 本研究致力于探讨中间性组织作为独立制度形式的结构、运行及竞争优势,指出中间性组织这种制度形式是促进中国经济发展,提高企业和产业竞争力的关键。

    The paper focuses on the organizational structure , operative mechanism and competitive advantages of the inter-firm organization , and approves that the new institutional form , inter-firm organization , is an import factor to improving the development of Chinese economy and enhancing the competence of enterprises and industries .

  3. 中间性组织的必要性及其组织功能

    On the Necessity and Function of the Inter - firm Organization

  4. 基于中间性组织视角的产业集群三层次治理模式

    Three Levels Industry Clusters Government Model Based on the Middle Organization

  5. 中间性组织的产生:一个演化博弈模型

    The Emergence of the Inter-organization : An Evolutionary Game Model

  6. 中间性组织、市场拓展与区域经济合作

    Intermediary Organization , Market Expansion and Regional Economic Cooperation

  7. 基于中间性组织的公司外部治理研究

    Study of Corporate External Governance Based on Inter-Organization

  8. 中间性组织的制度分析

    Institutional analysis of the intermediate organization

  9. 从演化经济学出发,按照比较研究的分析思路,对中间性组织网络中成员企业的学习行为进行解释。

    The modes of learning in inter-organizational networks are studied from the perspective of evolution economics with the comparative method .

  10. 作为介于市场和企业之间的一种中间性组织形式,企业网络在世界各地的迅速发展。

    As a kind of intermediate organization different from market mechanism and enterprise structure , enterprise network grows rapidly worldwide .

  11. 蔬菜批发市场、蔬菜专业技术协会、蔬菜专业合作社以及蔬菜农贸市场是蔬菜产业化过程中的中间性组织,在蔬菜产业化过程中起重要作用。

    In the course of vegetable industrialization there are some middle organizations including wholesale market , special technique associations , special communes and vegetable markets .

  12. 紧接着,将资源配置模式扩展到市场、企业、中间性组织三种机制,探讨了跨国公司边界的模糊化问题。

    Thirdly , on the base of dividing the resource-arrange pattern into market , enterprise and inter-economic-organization , discuss the fuzzy boundary of transnational corporations .

  13. 传统的理论从经济学中关于市场分工、交易成本的角度探讨了介于企业与市场之间的中间性组织&企业网络存在的缘由;

    The traditional theories probed into the middle organization between the firm according to the theories of the transaction cost economics and the work-dividing of community .

  14. 通过中间性组织来承载单纯的政府之间合作和企业之间合作所达不到的区域经济合作的市场网络枢纽功能和利益契合功能。

    The intermediary organization is set up to function as regional economic market net-pivot and mutual profit which was unattained for mere cooperation between governments and companies .

  15. 企业集群与企业集团作为典型的中间性组织形式,与单体企业相比具有明显的竞争优势,对区域经济的发展也起到了积极的促进作用。

    As a typical intermediate organization , Enterprise Group and Enterprise Clusters , which played a positive role in regional economic growth , have a distinct competitive advantage over single enterprise .

  16. 为提高地区竞争力和改善投资环境,采取措施促进商会、行业协会、企业集群、非政府组织以及企业和产业支持机构等中间性组织的发展,是一项关键性的战略选择。

    It will be a crucial strategic choice to promote the inter-firm organizations such as chamber of commerce , guilds , company industrial cluster , nongovernmental organizations and other supporting institutions .

  17. 因此,知识因素在中间性组织中更加受到重视,将其纳入对中间性组织的分析可以弥补交易费用理论的不足。

    The factor of knowledge will be put more attention , so the author bring it into the analysis of inter-form and that can make up for the shortcomings of transaction fees theories .

  18. 但在中间性组织内涵、外延的界定,以及中间性组织的组织结构、有效规模及运行模式、运行机制等问题上尚未达成共识。

    But , no sufficiently detailed and theoretically consistent definition has appeared . Even there is disagreement on what the organizational structure , effective scale , operation mode , and operative mechanism are .

  19. 20世纪中后期,随着经济全球化的不断深入和信息技术的不断发展,企业出现了从单体企业向中间性组织发展的趋势。

    In The late 20th century , with the deepening of economic globalization and the development of information technology , the formation of enterprises gradually evolves from a single firm to an intermediate organizational company .

  20. 促进我国区域经济合作必须充分考虑到跨越区域或省际的市场协调成本与障碍,要通过有意识地发展和创新中间性组织专业化地降低合作成本,为促进区域经济合作创造条件。

    The effective promoting of regional economic cooperation must be fully taken into account coordination costs and obstacles between regions , by consciously innovating and developing kinds of intermediary organization to reduce cooperative costs professionally .

  21. 本论文由中间性组织的相关文献,分析相关理论对中间性组织的理论研究和管理实践的贡献及不足,进而研究将知识因素纳入中间性组织治理研究的必要性。

    Based on former theory analysis of inter-form , the dissertation will research the contributions and shortcomings of them , and further research the necessity of bringing the factor of knowledge into the analysis of inter-form governance .

  22. 为了实现在资源配置和生产技术上的区域协作和专业化分工,必须在市场交易体系上实现降低成本的组织创新,尤其是供给出以往有所缺位的市场中间性组织。

    Low-cost organization 's creation in market trading system , especially for the intermediary organization which we lacked in the past is now necessary for realizing resources arrangement , regional productive technical cooperation and specialized division of labor .

  23. 第二节根据商业特许经营的基本特征,分析其产生的内外动因,并比较其产生的学说理论,结合资源配置组织模式的研究思路,初步界定商业特许经营为中间性组织。

    According to the characteristic of franchise , section 2 analyzes the internal and external reason of origin of franchise . With the achievement of economic theories , franchise is defined as an interim organization from resource allocation research ideas .

  24. 事实上,通过鄂商大会这类中间性组织带动和鼓励一大批鄂商回乡创业,将对湖北经济发展,促进区域经济合作效率产生不可估量的影响。

    In fact , through intermediary organization such as he General Assembly of E-Commerce , lots of Merchant born in Hubei has return home business , leading to more rapid economic development and higher efficiency of regional economic cooperation in Hubei .

  25. 产业集群作为一种介于市场与企业(科层组织)之间的中间性组织,可以克服两者的缺点:节约市场交易费用并降低科层组织的管理费用。

    AS a intermediary organization which is situated between the market and the enterprise ( branch level organization ), The industrial cluster may overcome two shortcomings : Saves the market transaction expense and reduces the overhead charge of branch level organization .

  26. 通过分析交易成本和知识的特性,以及知识经济下企业面临的环境,研究知识作用下的中间性组织形成机理和治理模式。

    By analyzing the environments of knowledge economy and the characteristics of knowledge and transaction cost , the dissertation will research the establishment mechanism and governance mode and of inter-form . Inter-form has many forms such as multinational group , enterprise knowledge alliance and virtual enterprise .

  27. 知识经济背景下,环境的不确定性和知识的特性使得中间性组织的演进有了新的变化趋势,中间性组织的构建和治理更加注重知识共享和知识创造的作用。

    On the background of knowledge economy , the evolution of inter-form emerges many new trends by the influence of turbulent environment and characteristics of knowledge . Enterprises will set great store by knowledge creation and knowledge share in the establishing and governance process of inter-form .

  28. 从经济组织演化的趋势和发达国家实际运行的情况来看,中间性组织可以说是整个经济组织体制中最富有活力和变化的部分,它在社会经济生活中扮演着越来越重要的角色。

    According to the evolution of the economic organization and the practices in the advanced countries , the intermediate organization , considered as the most energetic and changeable part in the whole economic organization system , is playing a more and more important role in the social economic life .

  29. 接着,论文阐述产业集群的属性,认为产业集群是一个中间性经济组织,是一种制度安排。

    The author thinks that the industrial cluster is a intermediate economic organization , is a kind of institutional arrangement .

  30. 作为中间性体制组织,专业化产业区具有以企业网络性,产业关联性与组织协调性为主要特征的结构性特点。

    As an intermediary organization , specialized industrial district is structurally characterized by enterprise networks , industrial relatedness and organizational coordination .