
  • 网络China Export-Import Bank;China Exim Bank;The Export-Import Bank of China;exim
  1. 在巴哈马群岛的赌场建设项目中,中国进出口银行(Export-ImportBankofChina)提供了25亿美元贷款,约占项目融资总额的三分之二。

    For the Bahamas casino , about two-thirds of the project financing is coming from a $ 2.5bn loan by Export-Import Bank of China .

  2. 中国进出口银行因势而变

    The Export-Import Bank of China Is Changing to Meet the New Situation

  3. 本文结合中国进出口银行国际结算系统的特点,对网上国际结算系统进行了分析和改进,并结合WebServices技术对国际结算系统核心模块进行详细设计和实现。

    Combining with the Web Services Technology , this thesis makes detailed design and implementation for the core module of the International Settlement System .

  4. 中国进出口银行(chinaeximbank)的贷款帮助中石化获得了安哥拉一个大型项目的部分股权。

    Loans from China Exim Bank helped Sinopec acquire a stake in a large project in Angola .

  5. 这些分包商的融资又来自中国进出口银行(ChinaEx-ImBank)等中资政策银行提供的出口信贷和优惠贷款,从而很容易受到中国融资冻结的影响。

    These sub-contractors are in turn financed by export credits and concessional loans from Chinese policy lenders such as the China Ex-Im Bank – thus creating the vulnerability to a freeze in Chinese finance .

  6. 中国进出口银行在短短两年里发放了大约6700亿美元信贷——超过美国进出口银行(USExImBank)在之前80年期间提供的贷款、担保和保险。

    The latter has in the space of two years doled out about $ 670bn in credit - eclipsing all of the loans , guarantees and insurance extended by the US ExIm Bank in the previous eight decades .

  7. 今年1月,菲律宾国家水务机构mwss放弃亚行,转而向中国进出口银行(chinaexport-importbank)贷款,理由是中方银行提供的贷款利率更低,审批过程也更快。

    In January , mwss , a state water agency in the Philippines , switched its borrowing to the China Export-Import Bank from the ADB on the grounds that the Chinese were offering cheaper rates and faster approval .

  8. 去年,中国进出口银行(Eximbank)承诺将在未来3年向非洲基础设施及贸易项目提供200亿美元发展资金,金额超过了所有西方捐赠承诺的总和。

    Last year , the Chinese Eximbank pledged $ 20bn in development funds for African infrastructure and trade financing over the next three years , funds that outstripped all western donor pledges combined .

  9. 助力中部崛起&访中国进出口银行董事长、行长李若谷

    China Eximbank to Help the Rise in Middle Part of China

  10. 中国进出口银行将加大对中国出口商的信贷规模。

    China Exim Bank to expand credit loans to Chinese exporters .

  11. 对我国外贸代理制的再思考中国进出口银行

    A Critical Review of the Export & Import Agency System in China

  12. 中国进出口银行排在第59位,而中国驻各国使馆排在第70位。

    The China Export-Import Bank ranked 59th while Chinese embassies finished 70th .

  13. 中国进出口银行对出口的支持研究

    A Study on the Support of the Export-import Bank of China to Exportation

  14. 中国进出口银行在日本获债券信用高等级

    The Import and Export Bank of China wins high bond credit rating in Japan

  15. 议付行:中国进出口银行总行营业部

    " Reimbursement Bank : The Export-Import Bank of China , Head Office , Beijing "

  16. 中国进出口银行:发展之路非坦途

    The Development of China Ex-Im Bank

  17. 谁能得到贷款&访中国进出口银行行长助理朱鸿杰

    Who can Get China EXIMBank Loan

  18. 做大出口支持进口&中国进出口银行行长李若谷坦言未来发展之路

    Expand Export , Support Import

  19. 给你金融支持&访中国进出口银行行长羊子林

    Giving You Financial Support

  20. 中国进出口银行为210亿元人民币出口信贷(主要为卖方信贷);

    RMB 21 billion export credit ( mainly sellers ' credit ) for the Export and Import Bank of China ;

  21. 中国进出口银行还是借款国从中国获取优惠贷款的主要渠道,中国国开行更多的是以市场利率发放贷款。

    Eximbank is also the main conduit for concessional loans from China , while CDB often lends more at market rates .

  22. 日本人、韩国人、欧洲人和美国人都拥有类似中国进出口银行和国家开发银行的机构。

    The Japanese , the Koreans , the Europeans and the Americans all have institutions similar to exim and China Development Bank .

  23. 十五期间,中国进出口银行各项业务持续快速发展,信贷资产质量显著提高;

    During the time of 10th Five-Year Plan , China EXIM has developed opera - tions rapidly , and improved the loans quality greatly .

  24. 目前,美洲开发银行和中国进出口银行已直接向拉美提供贷款和信用担保,新基金的股权投资将对此构成补充。

    Equity provided by the fund will complement loans and credit guarantees that the IDB and China Eximbank already provide directly in the region .

  25. 国家发展改革委和中国进出口银行共同建立境外投资信贷支持机制。

    I.The National Development and Reform Commission and the Export-Import Bank of China will jointly set up a credit support mechanism for overseas investments .

  26. 中国进出口银行是我国的政策性银行之一,由于起步较晚,信贷风险管理的水平相对落后。

    The risk management level of China 's Export and Import Bank , which is a new comer , is relatively lower than others ' .

  27. 据悉,中国进出口银行近期还将相继与其他商业银行签署类似的委托代理协议。

    It is reported that the Import and Export Bank of China will also soon successively sign similar trust agency agreements with other commercial banks .

  28. 上月,中国进出口银行的一名高管表示,该行不会考虑公开上市,也不打算成为一家商业性实体。

    Last month , a top executive at Exim Bank said it would not consider a public listing and had no plans to become a commercial entity .

  29. 中国进出口银行成都分行副行长杨剑华表示,中国进出口银行支持有竞争优势的中国企业开展对外投资。

    " Our bank supports Chinese companies with competitive advantages to go abroad ," noted Yang Jianhua , vice president of Export-Import Bank of China , Chengdu Branch .

  30. 透过过去几年中国进出口银行与世行建立共同捐助架构的过程,人们可以很好地了解中国进出口银行以及中国是如何操作的。

    A good window on to how Eximbank and China operate came through its establishment of a co-donor structure with the world bank in the past few years .