
zhōnɡ yānɡ mín zú dà xué
  • Central University for Nationalities
  1. 浅谈中央民族大学的计算机机房建设

    About the Construction of Computer-Classroom in the Central University for Nationalities

  2. 中央民族大学的特殊地位和作用

    Special position and role of the Central University for Nationalities

  3. 中央民族大学大学生总体幸福感的初步研究

    Study on General Well-being of Undergraduates in Minzu University of China

  4. 中央民族大学大学生参与课余体育锻炼的调查与分析

    An Investigation and Analysis of Extracurricular Physical Exercise of Students at MUC

  5. 中央民族大学学科建设的思考

    Thoughts on Discipline Construction of the Central University of Nationalities

  6. 中央民族大学的学术风格和研究取向直接影响了她的学术风格和研究取向。

    The style of her studying is affected by that of CUN .

  7. 中央民族大学研究生学分制改革实践与思考

    The Practice of Credit System in Postgraduates Education in Central University for Nationalities

  8. 中央民族大学理科教学楼结构设计

    Structural Design for the Natural Sciences Building of the Central University for Nationalities

  9. 费孝通与中央民族大学

    Professor Fei Xiaotong and the Central University for Nationalities

  10. 试论中央民族大学的办学理念与办学思路

    Ideology and Approaches of Running Central University for Nationalities

  11. 中央民族大学民族干部培养回顾、现状及思考

    Retrospect and Analysis of the Present Situation of Training Ethnic Cadres in MUC

  12. 加强科研工作,提高研究能力,形成和提升中央民族大学的核心竞争力

    Enhancing Scientific Research , Improving Research Ability and Increasing CUN 's Core Competitive Competence

  13. 中央民族大学综合楼基坑支护施工与监测研究

    Construction And Monitoring of Pit Protection for Multiple subject Building at Centre Nationality University

  14. 中央民族大学本科毕业。

    He is a university graduate .

  15. 中央民族大学本科生月消费水平与消费结构调查

    Survey of the Monthly Consumption Capability and Structure of the Undergraduates in Minzu University of China

  16. 中央民族大学预科学生语文学习状况调查分析

    An Investigation and Analysis of Chinese Learning of Students of Department of Preparatory Training Courses of CUN

  17. 即选取中央民族大学哲学与宗教学系的宗教学专业进行个案研究;二是文献资料法。

    I choose the speciality of religious studies in the Central University of Nationalities as a case ;

  18. 就读于北京中央民族大学美术学院油画系,获得学士学位。

    Graduated from Beijing Central Minzu University of China , Academy of Fine arts , Bachelor Degree .

  19. 中央民族大学数学与计算机学院;

    Department of mathematics , Central University for Nationalities ; Department of mathematics , Beijing Institute of Technology ;

  20. 实施两大战略,培育优势学科把中央民族大学建设成高水平研究型大学

    Implementing " Two Great Strategies ", Fostering Superior Subject and Building CUN into a High Level Research Oriented University

  21. 高等民族院校学生的数学学习能力研究&以中央民族大学为例

    Research of The Ability of The Learning Mathematics of Students in Minority University & Example of Minzu University of China

  22. 从已发表的文献中,笔者只发现一篇有关维吾尔语语篇回指的文章,它是笔者(2007年)发表在中央民族大学学报上的一篇论文。

    The only work on discourse anaphora we have found in Uyghur linguistic literature is the author ( 2007 ) .

  23. 坚持学生评教不断提高教学质量&论中央民族大学课堂教学质量学生评价中学学生评教之研究

    Persevering in Students ' Evaluation of Teaching to Improve Teaching Quality A Study on Middle School Students ' Evaluation of Teaching

  24. 文章的作者张洪亮(音译)是北京中央民族大学证券研究所的主任。

    The article 's author , Zhang Hongliang , is the director of a securities-research institute at Minzu University in Beijing .

  25. 民族院校大学生职业价值观现状调查&以中央民族大学为例

    A Survey of Present Status of Occupational Values of Students of Ethnic Universities & Taking Minzu University of China as an Example

  26. 浅论十五期间中央民族大学实验室的建设及管理

    Discussion for Construction and Management of Laboratory in the Central University for Nationalities during the 10 ~ ( th ) Five-year Plan

  27. 22岁的阿克木当前正在中央民族大学就读管理专业。和许多在大城市学习的维吾尔族学生一样,他计划一毕业就回家乡工作。

    Like many Uygur students studying in big cities , Akemu , a22-year-old management major at MUC , plans to return home after graduation .

  28. 因地制宜,突破传统&谈中央民族大学文科教学楼的设计

    Adjust Measures to Local Conditions , Break Though the Tradition . - Rambling on the Design of the Arts Building of Central University for Nationalities

  29. 第三章“校园锅庄的音乐和舞蹈”:描述了中央民族大学“校园锅庄”的音乐和舞蹈,并对音乐、舞蹈相互影响的关系进行了探析。

    Chapter III : The music and dance of'Campus Guozhuang ' , which focuses on the relationship between Guozhuang music and dance and described each other separately .

  30. 实施人才强校战略是中央民族大学争创一流的根本保证

    The Strategy of " Talents Make the University Strong " is the Fundamental Guarantee for Building Central University for Nationalities into a Topmost One in the World