
  • 网络central south university;CSU
  1. 结果中南大学大学生营养不良率为19.9%,肥胖率为26.3%,膳食蛋白质、脂肪、碳水化合物和维生素A、B2、C、钙等摄入与标准相当。其中肥胖率比重较大。

    [ Results ] The result shows that innutrition rate and adiposity rate of CSU students are 19.9 % and 26.3 % , and prandial protein , fat , carbohydrate and vitamin A , B2 , C and calcium absorbed are within standard .

  2. 基于以上主要的研究发现以及需求分析的结果,本研究致力于为中南大学硕士生英语课程设置提供启示和建议。

    On the basis of such major findings and results drawn from needs analysis , this study makes great attempts to provide implications on curriculum design of graduate English in CSU .

  3. 设计并完成了中南大学GPS接收机标准基线检定场的建设。

    We have schemed out and accomplished the GPS standard baseline fields of CSU .

  4. 最后,介绍了基于XML的数据集成系统所用关键技术在中南大学信息港项目中的实现。

    Finally the paper discusses the key technologies on implementation of the XML-based data integration system in the Central South University Information Harbor .

  5. 方法2004年1月~12月中南大学湘雅二医院共行心脏瓣膜置换术500例,对其中123例重症心脏瓣膜置换术患者在ECC中应用超滤脱水技术。

    METHODS From January to December of 2004,123 cases of severe heart valve replacement were used ultrafiltration in ECC .

  6. 中南大学数字地质博物馆坚持以人为本的方针,利用WebGIS技术实现了真正意义上地质资源的网络共享,为社会大众提供了一个很好的网络平台。

    Insisting in the value of people-first , using Web GIS , Digital geology museum of Central South University should realize the real share for the geology resources , and provide a well network terrace for social people .

  7. 为了探索外源性抗氧化剂维生素E对足球运动员无氧训练血浆MDA水平和SOD活性的影响,选取20名中南大学湘雅医学院足球队队员,随机分为两组,每组10名,进行试验训练后;

    In order to explore the effects of external source of anti-oxygen , Vitamin E , on the MDA and SOD of non-oxygen training of football players . This study selected 20 football players of Zhongnan University that were divided into two groups : 10 players each group .

  8. 本文对多智能体间的协作和协调进行了研究和分析,论述了基于角色和基于区域的两种传球决策方法,以及它们在中南大学云麓队(CSUYunlu)中的应用。

    This paper studies the collaboration of agents and discusses in detail the role-based passing ball strategy and area-based passing ball strategy .

  9. 作者结合中南大学认证中心的建设实践,提出了Netscape认证管理系统终端实体验证管理器的一个设计方案,并给出了具体实现。

    This paper is based on the practice of construction of CA center for the campus network users of Central South University . It gives out the design and implementation of end-entity authentication manager for Netscape certificate management system .

  10. 本文提出的多智能体协作策略已成功应用到中南大学的RoboCup仿真球队CSUYunlu中,实际比赛中对抗的结果,证实了以上协作策略是可行、有效的。

    The two cooperation strategy proposes in this article has been successfully adopted in CSU_Yunlu Simulation Team , the result of actual antagonism testing shows that the cooperation strategy is feasible and effective .

  11. 根据本文提出的参数值,由中南大学研发的水泥沥青砂浆材料已成功应用于武广客运专线5km长的板式无碴轨道试验段。

    Based on the parameter in this paper , the CAM material researched by Central South University has been applied to the ballastless track test section with the length of 5 km on the Wuhan-Guangzhou passenger dedicated line . 4 .

  12. 中南大学湘雅二医院住院大楼基坑深16.2m,基坑支护综合应用多种措施,取得良好效果。

    The foundation pit of the in-patient building of Xiangyang Hospital No. 2 of Central South University is 16.2m deep . Comprehensive supporting measures were taken for the pit with good effect achieved .

  13. 中南大学新生学习动机调查研究

    Investigation of the learning motive in freshmen of Central South University

  14. 中南大学地球与信息物理学院;

    School of Geosciences and Inforphysics , Central South University ; 3 .

  15. 中南大学现代远程教育模式的探讨与实践

    Discussion and Practice of Modern Distance Education Model in CSU

  16. 单位:中南大学精神卫生研究所。

    SETTING : Mental Health Institute of Central South University .

  17. 星阁刘,中南大学,中国。

    Xingge Liu , Central South University , China .

  18. 我国东西部高等教育布局结构研究中南大学学科布局及结构调整研究

    A Study in Discipline Overall Arrangement and Structural Adjustment , Central South University

  19. 中南大学毕业生就业市场分析报告

    An Analysis of Contral South University Graduates Job Market

  20. 中南大学资源加工与生物工程学院;

    School of Minerals Processing and Bioengineering , Central South University ; 2 .

  21. 我就读于中南大学外国语学院,现是外国语学院一名研二的学生。

    I 'm a postgraduate student majoring in translation in Central South University .

  22. 以教育、科技、经济一体化完善高校创新机制&解读中南大学学科性公司制创新理念

    Perfecting University Innovation System Based on the Integration of Education , Technology and Economy

  23. 中南大学新校区校园规划

    Programming of the New Campus of Zhongnan University

  24. 中南大学数学学院概率统计研究所;

    School of Mathematics , Central South University ;

  25. 我毕业于中南大学和哈佛大学。

    I attended Cental South University and Harvard .

  26. 中南大学艺术学院学生作品

    The Design Works of the Students from the School of Art , Central South University

  27. 中南大学湘雅二医院里到处闪动着明亮的黄色身影。

    Changsha & Volunteers in yellow T-shirts are everywhere in Xiangya Hospital , Changsha city .

  28. 中南大学学报(医学版)医疗垃圾集中焚烧处理技术探讨

    Journal of Central South University ( Medical Sciences ) Approach of Central Incineration Treatment of Medical Wastes

  29. 环境文脉语境下的创作&中南大学新校区工程总体规划

    Creation under the Environment and Context - Concept Plan for the New Campus of Central South University

  30. 并结合实际情况,介绍了中南大学的院级教学管理模式的思路。

    At last , introduce the idea of CSU school-level teaching management model accord to the facts .