
zhōnɡ ɡuó zhènɡ fǎ dà xué
  • China University of Political Science and Law
  1. 张桂琳,中国政法大学副校长、教授、博士生导师。

    Professor , Vice president , China University of Political Science and Law .

  2. 王迪(音译),中国政法大学法学教授

    Wang Di , professor of law at China University of Political Science and Law

  3. 中国政法大学法学士;

    Bachelor of Chemical Science , Tianjin University ;

  4. 张晋藩,中国政法大学终身教授。

    Professor with Lifetime Tenure , China University of Political Science and Law , Beijing .

  5. 中国政法大学国际经济法专业硕士;

    Bachelor of law & Master of economic law , China University of Political Science of Law ;

  6. 刘斌,中国政法大学人文学院常务副院长、教授。

    Liu Bin Professor , Executive President of Humanities School , China University of Political Science and Law .

  7. 本项目由中国政法大学诉讼法学研究中心主持承担。

    This project will be undertaken by Research Center on Procedural Laws of China University of Politics and Law .

  8. 我们中国政法大学诉讼法学研究中心的四位教授参加了会议。

    Four professors from our Research Center on Procedural Laws of China University of Politics and Law attended this symposium .

  9. 杨阳,文学博士,中国政法大学人文学院教授、副院长。

    Ph.D.of Literature , professor , associate dean , College of Humanities , China university of Political science and Law .

  10. 21岁的丁勇是中国政法大学法律系大三学生。

    Ding Yong , a 21-year-old junior in law at China University of Political Science and Law ( CUPL ) .

  11. 事实上,在中国政法大学和北大我都强调了司法独立的重要性。

    In fact , China University of Political Science at Beijing University and I emphasize the importance of the independence of the judiciary .

  12. 《法哲学范畴研究》,中国政法大学出版社2001年版,第40页。

    Zhang WenXian , On Categories of Legal Philosophy , China University of Political Science and Law Press , 40 ( 2001 ) .

  13. 柯华庆,中国政法大学法学院副教授,法律经济分析中心主任。

    Associate Professor and Director of Center for Law and Economics , Law School , China University of Political Science and Law , Beijing .

  14. 在全国英语四、级考试中,中国政法大学的通过率和优秀率在北京各高校中名列前茅。

    In the national CET4 and CET6 tests , the passing and excellence rate of its students head the list of universities in Beijing .

  15. 湖南邵阳人,中国政法大学外国语学院英语专业毕业。

    Elva Chen , born in Shaoyang , Hunan Province , was a graduate from China University of Political Science and Laws with English major .

  16. 今年,中国政法大学将男生录取分数线设为588分,比女生低了44分。

    This year , China University of Political Science and Law had an admission score of 588 for men - 44 points below that for women .

  17. 王东海,鲁东大学汉语言文学院教授;王洁,中国政法大学法律语言研究中心教授。

    Wang DongHai & Wang Jie , School of Chinese Language and Literature , Ludong University ; professor , China University of Political Science and Law .

  18. 参见方世荣主编:《行政诉讼法案例教程》,中国政法大学出版社1999年版,第235页。

    See Fang Shirong , A Course of Case in Administrative Litigation Law , China University of Politic Science and Law Press , 235 ( 1999 ) .

  19. 以中国政法大学为例,从本月起,中国政法大学开始实施新学制。

    Take China University of Political Science and Law ( CUPL ) as an example , which has started to implement the new schedule from this month .

  20. 而来自中国政法大学的助理教授刘晓楠(音译)则认为职场中的歧视会危害到社会的公平和公正。

    However , according to Liu Xiaonan , assistant professor at China University of Political Science and Law , discrimination in the workplace damages social justice and equality .

  21. 中国政法大学法学教授皮艺军表示,该文件的出台肯定与目前存在的校园暴力情况有关。

    Pi Yijun , a law professor with the China University of Political Science and Law , said the release of the guideline was partly meant to address school violence .

  22. 中国政法大学校长徐显明说,80年代中期下放部分死刑案件的核准权是适当的,对降低当时的犯罪率起了很大的作用。

    Chen Xianming , president of China University of Political Science and Law , said the revision was appropriate in the mid1980 's and helped to lower the country 's crime rate .

  23. 据中国政法大学胡继晔教授表示,这项保险法归入了多种类型的医疗保险并纳入了反欺诈措施。

    It brings many types of medical insurance under one roof and incorporates anti-fraud measures , according to Hu Jiye , a professor at the China University of Political Science and Law .

  24. 一项由中国政法大学于2010年发起的毕业生求职调查显示,超过一半的学生遭受过性别、年龄和户口等方面的就业歧视。

    A 2010 survey on college graduates employment by China University of Political Science and Law revealed that more than half suffered employment discrimination from gender to age , height to Hukou .

  25. 中国政法大学教授巫昌帧说这样的活动是一个扭曲的婚姻观的反应,一个是拜金主义的。

    Wu Changzhen , a professor of the China University of Political Science and Law , says such events were the reflection of a twisted concept of marriage , one that was money-oriented .

  26. 中国政法大学法学教授刘廷吉认为,中国的法律体系要想达到国际标准还是任重道远。

    Meanwhile , China 's legal system has a long way to go before it is of international standards , according to Liu Yanji , professor of law at China University of Politics and Law .

  27. 中国政法大学副校长时建中表示,全面的电商立法有利于解决与消费者密切相关的许多问题。

    Shi Jianzhong , Vice president of China University of Political Science and Law , says that a comprehensive set of E-commerce laws will help address many issues closely related to the lives of consumers .

  28. 他同时亦是中国政法大学荣誉教授和中国复旦大学新闻及传播研究中心荣誉院士。

    He is also an Honorary Professor at the China University of Political Science and Law , and an Honorary Fellow of the Centre for Research in Information and Communication at Fudan University in China .

  29. 同样来自中国政法大学的蔡定剑教授去年在接受《新京报》采访时称,就业市场缺乏公平竞争,普遍存在歧视现象,这会破坏社会稳定。

    Cai Dingjian , a professor at the same university as Liu , told The Beijing News last year that discrimination is rampant in the job market which is fundamentally a lack of equality which undermines social stability .

  30. 中国政法大学教授王军表示,新规则与中央政府限制主要城市人口增长的努力相符。

    Wang Jun , a professor at the China University of Political Science and Law , says the new rules are in line with the central government 's efforts to limit the growth of population in major cities .