
é dìnɡ ɡōnɡ lǜ
  • rated power
  1. 论述MG250/591-WD电牵引采煤机截割电机恒功率控制系统,确保截割电机始终工作在额定功率附近。

    The exposition about MG250 / 591-WD electric haulage shearer cutting motor constant-power control system guarantees the cutting motor to operate throughout nearby the rated power .

  2. V带传动额定功率及其增量数表处理程序化方法

    Program Processing Method for V belt Driving Rated Power and Its Incremental Data Table

  3. 推荐了按不同预期寿命计算V带额定功率的计算公式,并给出计算实例。

    A new calculating formula is recommended and it 's practical examples are given .

  4. 单根普通V带基本额定功率数表的公式化

    Formulization of Basic Power Rating of Classical V-belt

  5. 具有内侧张紧轮时V带传动额定功率计算方法的研究

    Study on the Calculation Method of Nominal Power of the V belt Drive with Inner Side Tension Pulley

  6. 因此,文中建立了P、Q与电机额定功率以及轴承基本额定动载荷之间的约束关系。

    Therefore , we established the constraint relations between P , Q with the motor rated power and bearing basic rated dynamic load .

  7. 不同预期寿命时V带传动额定功率计算方法的研究对ISO52921980计算方法的改进

    Study of V-Belt Drives Power Ratings Calculation Method in Different Expected Service Life & Improving of ISO 5292-1980 Calculation Method

  8. 介绍用公式法,实现国家标准中V带传动额定功率、额定功率增量的推荐数表数据自动检索程序化处理方法。

    Introduces the program processing method for V belt driving rated power and its incremental data as listed in the national standard table .

  9. 对额定功率一定的电动机,其最小电流轨迹曲线可以通过实测的n个离散的数据(反映功率与电流的关系)拟合得到。

    Some of the rated power motors , the minimum current trajectory curve can be measured in n discrete data ( reflecting the relationship between power and current ) fitted .

  10. 实验结果表明,受试PEMFC系统在宽温度范围内均可输出额定功率,并有较快的动态响应速度。

    The results show that the tested PEMFC stack can supply rated power with relatively quick response in a wide temperature range .

  11. 而且,对于恒定额定功率设置的PZT换能器系统,温度的改变导致PZT换能器实际加载的功率及阻抗的改变。

    Moreover , for the fixed power setting of PZT transducer , the temperature change can lead to difference in actual power and impedance of PZT transducer .

  12. 微网是由额定功率为几十千瓦的分布式电源(DG)、储能装置、负荷以及控制装置组成的一个可控系统。

    A microgrid is a single control unit consisted by distributed generator ( DG ) rated at tens of kilowatts , energy storage units , loads and control device .

  13. 4C车身重2465英镑,采用1.7升发动机,额定功率为237马力,扭矩为259英尺-磅,拥有超高的动力-重量比。

    At 2,465 pounds and powered by a 1.7-liter engine rated at 237 horsepower and 258 foot-pounds of torque , the car has an extremely high power-to-weight ratio .

  14. 单相电路中,电流冲击时充当阻尼电阻的PWM变频器的额定功率为主变压器的14%,而在三相电路中为19%。

    The required-ratings of the PWM converter , which performs the damping resistor for the inrush phenomena , is 14 % as compared to that of the main transformers in single-phase circuits . In three-phase circuits , it is 19 % .

  15. 根据单根V带额定功率的计算公式,推导出求解普通V带传动极限速度υlim和最佳速度υopt的两个方程,并提供了计算实例。

    Two equations of classical V belt drives limit velocity ( υ lim ) and optimum velocity ( υ opt ) are deduced on the ground of V belt power ratings calculating formula . Finally , the example is given .

  16. 该产品是一款交直流转换器,额定功率为60W。适用于液晶电视和液晶显示器。

    This product is a AC to DC power transfer device , it can provide for60W with constant voltage source .

  17. 在额定功率是基于印刷电路板散热的能力,相当于2平方米的铜连接到GND引脚英寸。

    The power rating is based on a printed circuit board heat spreading capability equivalent to2 square inches of copper connected to the GND pins .

  18. 后轴的总额定功率(GRAR)

    Gross Rear Axle Rating ( GRAR )

  19. 自然风速为9.8m/s时,输出功率达到发电机额定功率600W。

    When the natural speed is 9.8m / s , the output power rose up to the generator rating power of 600W .

  20. 从实验的角度研究了额定功率为660W的SPT在低于其额定功率下运行,推力器的放电特性、推力特性、推力效率、比冲等性能随推力器工作参数的变化。

    In this paper , a SPT thruster was operated below their rated power , and their discharge characteristics , thrust , thrust efficiency , specific impulse , and thrust cost at different operating parameters were investigated experimentally .

  21. 对实验波形和结果进行了记录和分析,逆变器性能达到预期指标,额定功率运行时THD小于4%,效率高于93%,同时实现了设计方案中的各项功能。

    The waveforms and data were recorded and analyzed , and experimental results showed that the current THD and efficiency reached less than 4 % and more than 93 % respectively . The system achieved the functions of the design scheme .

  22. 选择选择额定功率为500KW的内燃机和发电机27台套,其中二台套为备用设备;

    Select the option for500KW power rating of the internal combustion engine and generator sets , including two sets of27 for standby equipment ;

  23. 介绍一种新型大功率逆变等离子喷涂电源,电源主体采用并联方式,额定功率80kW,最大输出电流可达1000A。

    A new type large power invert plasma spray power supply is introduced . The main structure of the power supply adopts parallel connecting method , it is rated 80 kW and the output current can be up to 1 000 A.

  24. 采用额定功率为6.0kW的压缩机驱动,使用进口铅丸脉管制冷机最低制冷温度达12.9K,这是当前单级脉管制冷机达到的最低制冷温度;40K时的最大制冷量为57.4W。

    With an input power of 6 kW , a lowest no-load temperature of 12.9 K , which is a new record for the single-stage pulse tube cooler , and a cooling power of 57.4 W at 40 K have been obtained using imported lead spheres .

  25. 该发动机额定功率为184千瓦(250马力)。

    The engine is rated at184 kW ( 250 hp ) .

  26. 柴油机船主机额定功率的选择

    On the selection of main engine rated power for motor ships

  27. 窄型三角胶带传动额定功率计算新方法

    A New method to Calculate the power rating of Narrow V-Belt drives

  28. 更换保险丝时请务必使用相同的型号和额定功率

    Always replace the fuse with the same type and rating

  29. 多楔带传动额定功率计算新方法

    A New Method to Calculate the Power Ratings of Ribbed V-Belt Drives

  30. 有趣的是,该飞机改装列出了两个额定功率。

    It is interesting that the aircraft conversion lists two power ratings .