
  • 网络Household consumption;Family consumption;consumption by households
  1. 这使得家庭消费占到gdp的40%-45%。

    This puts household consumption in the range of 40-45 per cent of GDP .

  2. 在上世纪80年代,中国家庭消费占国内生产总值(GDP)的比重平均略高于50%。

    In the 1980s , household consumption averaged slightly more than half China 's gross domestic product .

  3. C.消费性销售;对山西省城镇居民家庭消费性支出的分析

    Analysis on the Consumption-type Expenditure of the Urban Households in Shanxi Province

  4. 自九十年代末以来,家庭消费占GDP的比重就从大约一半下降到35%。

    Since the late1990s , household consumption as a share of China 's GDP has fallen from roughly half to35 percent .

  5. 相比之下,在美国人不可持续的无节制消费的鼎盛时期,美国家庭消费占GDP的比例曾攀升至67%。

    By comparison , US household consumption climbed to 67 per cent of GDP at the height of Americans ' unsustainable spending binge .

  6. 相比之下,2007年美国家庭消费占GDP的比例为72%(现在我们知道,这一水平不可维系)。

    By comparison , in 2007 US household consumption was running at what we now know was an unsustainable 72 per cent of GDP .

  7. 上世纪80年代,家庭消费支出占中国GDP比重超过一半,但这一项目前所占GDP比例仅略超过三分之一。

    Whereas household consumption made up more than half of China 's GDP in the 1980s , it now contributes little more than a third .

  8. 官方数据显示,2008年,中国家庭消费仅占GDP的36%,而固定资产投资占到了47%。

    Official data indicate that Chinese households consumed just 36 per cent of GDP in 2008 , while gross fixed capital formation amounted to 47 per cent of GDP .

  9. 例如,家庭消费占中国国内生产总值(GDP)的比例已降至35%的低位,而上世纪80年代为50%。

    China 's household consumption , for example , has fallen to a lowly 35 per cent of gross domestic product , against 50 per cent in the 1980s .

  10. 因此,除非这种转移发生逆转,否则家庭消费占GDP的比重就不可能上升;如果这种转移得到逆转,将必然导致投资大幅减少。

    Household consumption , then , cannot rise as a share of GDP unless those transfers are reversed , and one necessary consequence will be a sharp reduction in investment .

  11. 我的同事黄益平教授以及清华大学的李稻葵教授都认为,过去几年间家庭消费在GDP中所占比重有所上升。

    My colleague Yiping Huang and David Li , professor at Tsinghua University , both believe that the share of household consumption in GDP has increased in the past several years .

  12. 在推动经济持续增长上,中国过度依赖出口和投资,目前必须降低这种依赖,而唯一的方式就是提高家庭消费在gdp中所占的比例。

    China must reduce its excessive reliance on exports and investment to fuel its continued growth , and the only way that can happen is if household consumption rises as a share of GDP .

  13. 但是,也有亮点:政府及家庭消费表现活跃,相比过去十年的平均贡献率只有41.6%,今年第一季度政府及家庭消费对GDP的贡献率达到了76%。

    But there was one bright spot : spending by households and government proved resilient , contributing to 76 % of GDP – up from an average of 41.6 % during the past decade .

  14. 顾名思义,中国经济要实现再平衡就要让家庭消费占GDP的比重上升,而做到这一点的唯一有效方式就是提高家庭收入占GDP的比重。

    Rebalancing in China means by definition that the household consumption share of GDP must rise , and the only effective way to do this is by raising the household income share of GDP .

  15. 1985年,家庭消费占国内生产总值(GDP)的比例为51%,而到2007年,这一比例降至35%,为中国历史最低水平,也是和平时期主要国家中的最低比例。

    In 1985 , household consumption was 51 per cent of gross domestic product ; in 2007 , it was 35 per cent , the lowest proportion ever for China and for a major country in peacetime .

  16. 然后,采用了Johansen协整检验与误差修正模型研究了我国城镇居民家庭消费支出和通货膨胀之间的关系。

    Then , the relationship between urban consumption and inflation in China was studied by means of Johansen Test and Error Correction Model .

  17. 这并非由于中国人没有增加消费。过去十年,中国家庭消费增长率接近8%,远远高于亚洲发展中国家的平均水平。只是因为消费增速跟不上GDP的增速。

    This is not because people are failing to spend more – at nearly 8 per cent , Chinese household consumption growth far outstripped the average for developing Asia last decade – but simply because it could not keep pace with GDP .

  18. 成员包括经济学家安尼克多芬(anyckdauphin)在内的一个研究小组证明,英国青少年的确在影响家庭消费,尤其当他们有权支配自己的收入时。

    And a team including the economist anyck Dauphin has demonstrated that British teenagers do influence household consumption , especially if they have access to their own income .

  19. 住房消费是家庭消费环境影响的主要来源,利用生命周期分析方法和Boustead模型,对两种典型居民楼的部分生命周期过程的能源消耗及环境排放进行了比较。

    House consumption is the main source of environmental impact of household . Using life cycle analysis methodology and Boustead Model , The energy consumption and environmental emissions of two types of residential building in their partial life stages were compared .

  20. 我国城市居民家庭消费性支出的实证分析

    The Analyse of the City Resident Family Consumption Outgo in China

  21. 试论家庭消费的现状及价值评判

    On the Status Quo of Family Consumption and Its Value Judgement

  22. 近期居民家庭消费呈现增长态势是一个令人振奋的信号。

    The recent growth of household consumption is an encouraging sign .

  23. 财富积累、习惯、偏好改变、不确定性与家庭消费决策

    Wealth Accumulation , Habits , Preference Changes , Uncertainty and Consumption Decisions

  24. 美联储表示,不断下跌的能源价格提高了家庭消费能力。

    Falling energy prices have boosted household spending power , it said .

  25. 退休过程结束,家庭消费安排的调整也同时结束。

    When the process is finished , the household have finished adjustment .

  26. 城镇居民家庭消费结构的比较分析

    Comparison and analysis of household consumption structures of urban residents

  27. 论我国居民家庭消费结构的优化

    A Study of Family Consumption Structure Optimizing in Chinese Residents

  28. 增量效用函数:家庭消费理论的重新构建

    Incremental Utility Function : the Restructuring of Household Consumption Theory

  29. 职工家庭消费需求行为及购买约束与科学消费

    Demands of Worker-Family Consumption , Restriction of Purchasing Power and Rational Consumption

  30. 家庭消费结构是整个消费结构的基础。

    Family consumption structure is the basis among the whole consumption structure .