- point group

Quality Assessment of Point Group Geometry Generalization with Polarization Transformation
The study of molecular structures of the conjugated cyclenes with point group method was based on the hypothesis that all conjugated cyclenes ' carbon atoms were arranged at one same surface .
An improved algorithm of point cluster selection based on circle characteristic transformation
To represent point-cluster , the study builds Delaunay triangular network .
A Generic Algorithm for Point Cluster Generalization Based on Voronoi Diagrams
Crystal Orientation Dependence of Longitudinal Piezoelectric Properties for 3m Point Group Crystals
They belong to the D ∞ h point group and have unique structures . The electron population and vibrational mode analysis were carried out to study their unique structures .
An Alternative Method in Measurement of Elastic Constants of a Crystal with 3 m Symmetry
ZnO is self activated wide band gap semiconductor material composed of ⅱ - ⅵ elements with P6 mm point group symmetry hexagonal wurtzite crystal structure .
The Strong Field Scheme of Point Group C_ ( 2h ) for System d ~ 5 and the Absorption Spectrum of MnCl_2 · H_2O
The point groups above and below the transition temperature are Amm and m respectively .
An elliptic curve is defined over a finite field GF ( p ) for a given set of operation rules .
Two kinds of contact problems in decagonal quasicrystalline materials of point group 10 mm
The Calculation Methods of the Second Harmonic Generation Phase Matching Angles in Orthorhombic mm2 Group Biaxial Crystals
In the paraelectric-antiferroelectric phase transition of antiferroelectrics NH_4H_2PO_4 , the symmetry of crystalloid changes .
In1990s based on the eigenfunction method of representation theory of groups , a new method , the symmetrized boson representation ( SBR ) method , was brought forward .
The second is a special flow chart for point group determination by CBED when the crystal system of the specimen have been determined by XRD or SAED .
An axial vector R is selected as the order parameter to reflect the change of symmetry in anti-ferroelectric phase transition . According to Curie principle , the satisfying results are obtained relative to the change of symmetry group in the phase transition .
Some elliptic curve based on cryptographic protocols , such as ECDSA signature verification , require computation of multiple scalar multiplications of kP + lQ , where P and Q are points on an elliptic curve .
The key to finding a useful elliptic curve for Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem ( ECC ) is to compute the order of elliptic curve rational points group over a finite field .
The divisor class group , often called Jacobian group , based on which hyperelliptic curve cryptosystems are constructed , is much complicated than the elliptic curve rational point group .
They belong to C_ ( 2V ) local symmetry . From the point of view of point-charge model the ligand field semi-quantitative calculation is applied to molecules with C_ ( 2v ) point group symmetry .
The paper introduces the analytic representation of the effective second nonlinear coefficients for 5 groups of biaxial crystals in the coordinate planes of optical ellipsoid .
It is discovered on the basis of XRD research that the samples calcined at lower temperature than 1100 ℃ belong to a X1 type which is the monoclinic crystal and its space group is P21 / c.
Based on the fundamental piezoelectric Christoffel 's equation , we derived the expression of the elastic constants for piezoelectric crystal with trigonal symmetry point group 3 m.
From the data of total energy , Ligand-field splitting , transferred spin density and strength of π donor-bond , it is found that the geometry of Mn ( H_2O ) _6 ~ ( 2 + ) should belong to T_h point group .
The origin of the coupling between LA and TA phonons propagating along (ζζ 0 ) axis in the crystal of point group Td was investigated according to " the first-order spatial dispersion " phenomenological theory .
ADP ( ammonium dihydrogen phosphate ) and KDP ( patassium dihydrogen phosphate ) are classified as 42m point group which both are the famous piezoelectric crystals in earlier last century .
First of all , when the five-dimension reduction representation with the five d orbits wave-functions as the base functions is converted to an un-reduction representation , the energy splitting in tetrahedron crystal field can be obtained .
In this paper , two sets of flow charts for point group determination by convergent beam electron diffraction ( CBED ) were given .