
  1. 点轴开发模式在理论上有待进一步探讨的几个问题

    Point-axis development model : a few issues to be more discussed

  2. 甘肃旅游点轴开发模式探讨

    Point and Axle Development Mode of Tourism in Gansu

  3. 点轴开发模式已成为区域经济开发的主导模式。

    Point-axis development pattern has become the leading pattern of the regional economic development .

  4. 根据哈大齐工业走廊区域特点,经对各区域经济开发模式比较分析可知,该区域经济开发适合采用点轴开发模式。

    According to its regional characteristics , the regional economic development model suitable for point-axis .

  5. 区域网络开发是区域经济发展中一个新的重要模式,是在点轴开发模式基础上的进一步延伸。

    The development of regional network is a new and important mode to the regional economic development .

  6. 进而提出安阳旅游开发应采用点轴开发模式,实行非均衡性发展战略,突出重点,分步骤、分层次发展,最终实现安阳旅游业的腾飞。

    A conclusion can be drown that Anyang tourism would be developed rapidly by adopting the " point-line " mode in development .

  7. 同时应采取以中小城市为主导,点轴式开发模式,明确职能分工,组成合理的布局。

    Simultaneously , methods should be based on the dominance of medium and small cities , use the model of Pole-Axis , to determine the division of the urban function , and to constitute a proper layout .

  8. 环洞庭湖区经济开发空间模式。现阶段环洞庭湖区应采用点一轴系统开发模式。

    The spatial model of the economy development in the " around Tung Ting lake " in this stage , it should apply the point-axis system model .

  9. 对非均衡型区域和发展中的地区而言,近期采用点&轴渐进式开发模式,远期采用网络开发模式不失为一种正确的战略选择。

    For non-balanced regions and developing regions the " gradual point-axle devel - opment " pattern for the near future and the " net - work development " pattern in the long-dated future can be the correct strategic choice .