
cái chǎn xìn tuō
  • property trust;estate trust
  1. 在国有资产信托中,可根据国有资产的不同特点和需要,采取财产信托、国有股权信托、表决权信托等不同形式。

    Different forms of trust can be adopted to manage state-owned property , such as estate trust , state-owned stock ownership trust , voting right trust , etc.

  2. 附带可终止权益的财产信托;

    Qualified terminal interest property trust ;

  3. 你也可以设立财产信托,这样孩子们只有达到一定年龄才能动用遗产。

    You could also set up a trust so the children can 't spend any inheritance until they are a certain age

  4. 保险资金具有长期稳定性、财产信托性、收益追求性和社会公共性等特点。

    Insurance has several characteristics , such as long time limit , stability , property trust , profitability and sociality .

  5. 他21岁时继承了财产.信托财产的指定继承人

    He entered on his inheritance when he was 21 . trust remainder

  6. 儿子继承父亲的财产。信托财产的指定继承人

    A son inherits from his father . trust remainder

  7. 股权信托,简而言之,就是以股权作为信托财产的信托。

    Shares Trust , in short , is a trust that the equity as the trust property .

  8. 包括财产和信托基金,家庭法,合同法,消费者保护法和侵权法。

    Includes the law of property and trusts , family law , contract law , consumer law and tort .

  9. 信托财产对信托业务中产生的对外债务原则上承担独立的有限责任。

    Trust property , in the common sense , should undertake independent and limited liability for all its business activities .

  10. 这是一种人们创造出能为自己后代留下财产的信托种类,他们会继续缴纳所得税。

    That is a trust that people create where they give assets for future generations , and they continue to pay the income tax on it .

  11. 可以说,信托财产是信托设立的前提条件,是信托赖以存在的物质基础,在信托法律关系中极为重要。

    It is called that the trust property is a prerequisite for the establishment of trust , and is the basis of the existence of the trust , so trust property is extremely important in trust the legal relations .

  12. 该部分主要从信托财产、信托法律关系和信托当事人、信托管理的连续性三个方面对信托基本理论进行说明,主要目的是为下文股权信托的论述提供铺垫。

    It is illuminated mainly from the aspects of trust property , trust relationship and parties , continuity of trust administration , which aims at offering foundation for the dissertation of trust of right of shares in the following text .

  13. 信托关系的核心在信托财产,而信托财产最显著的特质则在其独立性。

    The core of trust relationship lies in trust property with its most distinguishing nature of independence .

  14. 知识产权与金融资产非常类似,具有拥有的风险性和处理的困难性,知识产权同样可以作为信托财产,适于信托。

    Intellectual property is similar to the finance capital , having the Characteristic of the risk of possesses and the difficulty to deal with .

  15. 被拆迁人将其原有房屋作为信托财产设立民事信托,政府将土地作为信托财产设立商事信托。

    The demolition of the original housing make the house as trust property and set up civil trust . While the government make the land as trust property and establish commercial trust .

  16. 通过与委托、代理、寄托、公司等制度相比较,信托的核心特征在于:A.信托财产移转;B.信托财产独立性与同一性。

    Through the comparison with the entrust , agency , custody , and company , the core features of trust can be : A. the title of trust property should be transferred ; B. independence and identity of the trust property .

  17. 他所有的财产都是家庭信托的一部分。

    In all fairness , everything he has is tied up in family trusts .

  18. 没有信托财产,则无信托可言。

    No trust property , no trust .

  19. 法律、政法规禁止流通的财产,不得作为信托财产。

    Properties forbidden to circulate by laws or regulations shall not be used as trust property .

  20. 作为一项财产管理制度,信托制度起源于英国的用益制度。

    As a property management system , the system of trust is derived from the English Use .

  21. 确定信托财产所有权须考察信托财产流转全过程。

    To judge the belongingness of trust property must review the course of trust property 's transfer .

  22. 遗嘱信托制度的具体内容包括:遗嘱信托的关系人,遗嘱信托的信托财产,以及遗嘱信托的设立、变更、终止。

    The content includes the relative parties and trust estate of Testamentary Trust , and the establishment , change and termination of Testamentary Trust .

  23. 《信托投资公司管理办法》存在的问题是:对信托投资公司未规定信用等级要求、信托定义未规定信托财产所有权转移、信托监管制度不完备。

    The problems in Management Regulations of Trust Investment Company are no credit provision , no transfer of the trust property and no strict supervision system .

  24. 受益证券清偿后,资产池之剩余财产应依资产信托证券化计划,分配与残值受益人。

    After the beneficial securities have been paid off , the remaining property in the asset pool shall be distributed to the residual beneficiary in accordance with the Assets Trust securitization plan .

  25. 在纽西兰设立一个信托,并将在中国的财产转移至该信托对那些打算移民并定居纽西兰的中国公民是有利的。

    Setting up a trust in New Zealand and transferring assets situated in China to the trust will be beneficial to those Chinese nationals who intend to migrate to New Zealand and reside here .

  26. 第一章:信托财产概述,分信托财产的概念和范围、信托财产上的所有权及信托财产占有瑕疵的继承三节。

    Chapter one : A summary of trust property , in this chapter , introduced the definition and scope of trust property , the legal nature of trust property right and the trust property tracing .

  27. 该章首先分析了大陆法系为什么建立信托财产公示制度即信托财产公示制度建立的必要性,分析中对公示中存在的主要矛盾&信托的封闭性与公示的矛盾进行了探讨。

    This chapter illustrates why the civil law countries establish the trust property publicity system . In the argue , the author also analyse the main contradiction of the publicity & the obturation and the publicity .

  28. 然而如果没有可辨识的、独立的财产,也就没有信托,所以信托财产处于信托关系的核心地位。

    Trust property is certainly in the core of trust , if there is no identified and independent property , there is no trust .

  29. 第二步:由受托人按照信托的目的管理处分信托财产,并将管理处分信托财产所得的信托利益分配给受益人。

    Third stage , the trustee manages the trust property according to the objective of the trust .

  30. 另一方面,信托业务的核心是信托财产,只有基于大量可供信托的财产,信托业务才能够得到发展。

    On the other hand , the core of the trust business is trust property ; only there is large number of property provided for trusting can the trust business be able to develop .