
  • 网络Off balance sheet business;Off-Balance-Sheet Activity;Off-Balance sheet Activities
  1. 金融深化中的我国商业银行表外业务创新研究

    A Study on the Off-Balance-Sheet Activities Innovation under the Financial Deepening Background

  2. 在近年来的竞争环境下,银行一直在积极地通过从事表外业务来寻求利润。

    Banks have been aggressively seeking out profits by engaging in off-balance-sheet activities in the more competitive environment of recent years .

  3. 表外业务风险是银行整体风险的一部分,随时可能转化为表内风险。

    OBSA risks are part of the overall risk of the bank .

  4. 商业银行应针对表外业务具有的多风险性采取风险管理措施,对表外业务风险进行管理。

    Commercial banks should take measures to manage the risks .

  5. 通过表外业务的发展,西方国家银行收入迅猛增加。

    Through off-balance sheet activities , western banks ' income are increasing rapidly .

  6. 巴塞尔文件与我国银行表外业务监管

    Papers Issued by Basle Committee and Supervision of Off-Balance Sheet Activities in China

  7. 商业银行表外业务发展问题及对策研究

    Study on the Of f - balance Sheet Activities Development of Commercial Banks

  8. 繁荣时期颇为流行的专营机构以及表外业务机构业已消失。

    Conduits and off-balance sheet vehicles that were popular during the boom have disappeared .

  9. 因此实施有效的表外业务风险管理具有十分重要的意义。

    Therefore , the implementation of effective risk management strategies is of great significance .

  10. 通过金融创新,大力发展中间业务和表外业务;

    Develop middle business and the business out of the asset and liability sheets by financial innovation ;

  11. 然而我们也要清醒的认识到表外业务是一把双刃剑。

    However , we should have a clear understanding that off-balance sheet activities is a double-edged sword .

  12. 银行表外业务是20世纪80年代以来西方国家银行业发展的重点。

    The business outside statement has been the key point of western bank business since 1980 ' s.

  13. 同时也说明表外业务所产生风险的巨大破坏性和表外业务风险管理的重要性。

    Also point out the huge destructiveness of the creation risk and the importance of OBS risk managements .

  14. 通过表外业务的开展,可以降低经营成本,增加收益及规避风险。

    Through off-balance sheet activities , it could reduce the operating costs , increase profits and avoid risks .

  15. 论巴塞尔协议与我国外资银行监管法制的完善巴塞尔文件与我国银行表外业务监管

    On Basle Committee on Banking Regulations and Supervisory Practices and Improving Supervisory Legal System of Foreign-funded Banks in China

  16. 通过对远期外汇协议以及利率互换风险的评测,使表外业务的风险评估成为可能;

    We have found some ways to evaluate the risks of Foreign Exchange Forward Contract and Interest Rate Swaps ;

  17. 商业银行业务主要分为三大部分:资产业务、负债业务和表外业务。

    Main business of the commercial bank is divided into three parts : assets , liabilities and off-balance-sheet business .

  18. 建行此次操作属于表外业务,不会增加发行人的负债。

    The construction bank the operation belongs to the table the business , does not increase the issuer of debt .

  19. 开展表外业务不但可以为银行带来丰厚收益,还可以提高银行的社会化服务水平。

    The Off-Balance Sheet activity cannot only increase the income and fees , but also improve the service level of banking .

  20. 第五,以表外业务和私人金融业务为新的服务品种,为顾客提供更加个性化的金融服务。

    Fifth , to set up new services'of external business and private finance business to provide customers with more individualized financial services .

  21. 第二部分重点研究表外业务的风险识别,其中包括表外业务的宏观风险识别和微观风险识别。

    The second part emphasize on risk identify of the OBS , among them including the macroscopic risk and the tiny view risk .

  22. 对我国商业银行表外业务存在的问题进行了探讨,并针对存在的问题提出了增强商业银行的竞争能力和盈利能力的相应的对策。

    This paper discusses the existing problems in the outside-statement business in the commercial banks of China , and puts forward corresponding countermeasures .

  23. 然而,尤其特别是在欧洲,同样有大量需求同样来自对冲基金、以及和与银行有关的表外业务实体机构。

    However , especially in Europe , a large chunk of demand also came from hedge funds and from off-balance-sheet entities linked to banks .

  24. 美国为了加强对表外业务的监管,就表外业务的市场准入、资本充足率、信息披露做出了相关的法律规定。

    USA in order to strengthen the supervision of OBSA made legal regulation of market access , capital adequacy ratio and disclosure of information .

  25. 发展商业银行表外业务,可以在不改变资产负债表的情况下,扩大商业银行业务规模范围,提高效益。

    It can extend the business scale and increase the economic profits without changing balance sheet by developing off-balance sheet activity of commercial banks .

  26. 在我国许多金融法律、行政法规中经常出现中间业务一词,它的定义与巴塞尔协议所定义的表外业务非常相近。

    The word intermediary business often appears in many laws and regulations of finance , and its definition is similar with that of OBSA .

  27. 在国际工程承包中,银行保函是一种常用的担保形式,也是商业银行表外业务的一种。

    Bank bond is an usual format of guarantee in EPC contract for international project and a kind of off - balance sheet activities ( OBS ) .

  28. 商业银行业务不断多元化,表外业务的比重不断提高,这样有利于信贷风险的降低。

    The commercial banking business multiplies gradually , the proportion of business different of saving and loan enhances gradually , it is advantage to reduction of credit risk .

  29. 信用卡业务是银行表外业务的一个重要的有机组成部分,可逃避传统资产负债表的约束,是巨大的利润来源。

    As an important organic composition part of banks ' intermediary business , the credit card business can escape restraint of the balance sheet and bring huge profits .

  30. 表外业务成本低、收入高、潜力大等特点,使其迅速成为商业银行三大支柱业务之一。

    Because of the characteristics such as low cost , high profit , big latent capacity , OBSA become one of the most important businesses of the commercial bank .