
  • 网络compiler;JIT;gCC;javac
  1. 编译器只嵌入您的应用程序所使用的类型信息。

    The compiler embeds only the type information that your application uses .

  2. 可以认为这是将编译器的部分工作延迟到了运行时

    Think of it as deferring part of the compiler 's job to runtime .

  3. 在许多基于编译器的Scheme实现中,宏展开在编译时发生。

    On many compiler-based Scheme implementations , macro-expansion time occurs during compile time .

  4. 关于C编译器对++运算编译的研究

    About C Compiler to + + Operation Translation Research

  5. 最新的C编译器将编译和汇编步骤组合成一个步骤。

    Modern C compilers combine the compile and assemble steps into one step .

  6. 用于PLC的华P语言编译器设计与实现

    Design and Realization of the Hua-P Language Compiler For PLC

  7. 新的可移植的C编译器已经能够自我编译,可能在今年内发表。

    A new portable optimizing C compiler has compiled itself and may be released this year .

  8. 用于C语言的错误处理预编译器

    Precompiler handling errors for C language

  9. 国产开放系统平台Java及时编译器的设计与实现

    Java just in time compiler for Chinese open system

  10. 使用MATLAB编译器创建一个C++共享库。

    Use MATLAB compiler to create a C + + shared library .

  11. 编译器会认为变量x已被定义。

    The compiler will announce that the variable x has already been defined .

  12. Wilson实现了剩下的在编译器中缺少的case支持。

    Wilson implemented the rest of the missing case support in the compiler .

  13. F编译器和其他二进制文件的智能搜索

    Clever search for the F # compiler and other binaries

  14. 这本书充满了微软是如何实现其C编译器的细节信息。

    This book is full of detailed information on how the Microsoft choose to implement its C # compiler .

  15. 我刚刚做完了BEGIN和END块的编译,这样整个编译器就完成了。

    I just finished up compilation on BEGIN and END blocks , which brings the compiler to completion .

  16. 然而时曰不久,C编译器变得更快,并具有优秀的内置编辑器和调试器。

    The momentum , however , did not stay . C compilers became faster and got nice built-in editors and debuggers .

  17. MATLAB编译器及其应用

    The Application of the MATLAB Compiler

  18. abstract为编译器指出,是的,这个类应该是抽象的。

    Abstract indicates to the compiler that , yes , this class is supposed to be abstract .

  19. GNUC编译器支持许多不同版本的C编程语言。

    The GNU C compiler supports a number of different versions of the C programming language .

  20. WebSphereRealTime使用的动态JIT编译器针对在RT系统中的使用进行了专门的调整。

    The dynamic JIT compiler that WebSphere Real Time uses has been specially adapted for use in RT systems .

  21. 触发器和函数的开发可以使用内联SQL/PL,这种方法不需要C编译器。这种方法支持SQLPL语句的一个子集。

    Development of triggers and functions can use inline SQL / PL , a subset of SQL PL.

  22. 对于Java,他们起初很乐观的打算分析调试模式下的字节代码,因此不需要再写一个编译器。

    For Java they first attempted to optimistically analyze debug mode byte code , thereby removing the requirement for writing a compiler .

  23. Uncheckedgenerictypeoperation编译器每当遇到未经检查的泛型类型操作,就将发出一个错误或者警告。

    Unchecked generic type operation The compiler will issue an error or warning whenever it encounters an unchecked generic type operation .

  24. 默认情况下,此复选框处于选中状态,指示编译器生成文档信息并将这些信息放置在一个xml文件中。

    By default , this check box is selected , instructing the compiler to generate documentation information and place it in an XML file .

  25. 必须在机器上的/usr/vacpp目录中安装IBMXLC++编译器。

    The IBM XLC + + compiler must be installed on your machine in the / usr / vacpp directory .

  26. 当前市场上还没有完整的XSLT编译器。

    There is currently no full XSLT compiler on the market .

  27. make和所有的C编译器的问题在于C预处理程序(preprocessor)和头文件的工作方式。

    The problem with make and just about any C compiler is the way in which the C preprocessor and header files work .

  28. 您将使用MATLAB编译器创建一个C++共享库,该库将包含矩阵求逆函数。

    You will use the MATLAB compiler to create a C + + shared library that will contain the matrix inversion function .

  29. 运行HC编译器以创建相应的表类

    Run the HC compiler to create the corresponding table class

  30. 示例ODBC程序必须用一个适当的C语言编译器编译,例如VisualC++。

    The sample ODBC program must be compiled by an appropriate C programming language compiler , such as Visual C + + .