
biān zhī
  • braid;weave;knit;plait
编织 [biān zhī]
  • [weave;plait;braid] 使条状物互相交错或钩连而组织起来

  • 编织毛衣

  • 用藤条编织椅子

编织[biān zhī]
  1. 欢迎函索免费式样体验自己编织的乐趣。

    Send for our free patterns to knit yourself .

  2. 我整天无休止地编织缝纫。

    I had endless hours to knit and sew

  3. 编织和针织是传统的家庭手工业。

    Weaving and knitting are traditional cottage industries .

  4. 他们指控他编织了一个满是谎言和欺诈的骗局。

    They accused him of weaving a web of lies and deceit .

  5. 编织紧密的布最适合作画。

    Fabrics with a close weave are ideal for painting .

  6. 培养一种能放松身心的爱好,比如编织。

    Take up a relaxing hobby , such as knitting .

  7. 这些编织精美的篮子是用柔韧的云杉嫩树根编成的。

    The finely twined baskets are made with young , pliable spruce roots .

  8. 她母亲数了数编织针上的针数。

    Her mother counted the stitches on her knitting needles

  9. 她学了缝纫、编织和刺绣。

    She learned sewing , knitting and embroidery .

  10. 她在诗中编织着奇思妙想。

    She weaves imaginative elements into her poems

  11. 这女孩有一双会编织的巧手。

    This girl has a light hand for knitting .

  12. 这种毛线很适合编织。

    This wool knits up well .

  13. 她整日编织。

    She knits all day .

  14. 路仿佛没有尽头,街道就像触足伸开的蜘蛛编织成的黑网。

    The way seemed interminable , and the streets like the black web of some sprawling spider .

  15. 毛线衣可用手工编织,在多数情况下,这种手工制作的服装较为细巧,也便宜一些。

    Woolen sweaters can be hand knitted , producing in most cases a finer and less expensive garment .

  16. 最近纱线公司RedHeart发布了一封主题为“钩织和编织对健康的益处”的电子邮件,这封邮件促使我去探索编织之类的活动所带来的健康价值中还有什么其他需要了解的。

    A recent email from the yarn company Red Heart titled " Health Benefits of Crocheting and Knitting " prompted me to explore what else might be known about the health value of activities like knitting .

  17. 为了支持这一建议,德克萨斯大学拉达拉斯分校的丹尼斯·C。帕克和他的同事于2014年进行了一项研究,该研究证明,学习编织或数码摄影能增强老年人的记忆功能。

    In support of that suggestion , a 2014 study by Denise C. Park of the University of Texas at Dallas and colleagues demonstrated that learning to knit or do digital photography enhanced memory function in older adults .

  18. 蓓塔森·科克希尔是一名来自英格兰巴斯的健康教练,同时也是《为健康和幸福编织》一书的作者,她创建了一个名为Stitchlinks的网站,探索被她称之为编织治疗的价值。

    Betsan Corkhill , a wellness coach in Bath , England , and author of the book Knit for Health & Wellness , established a website , Stitchlinks , to explore the value of what she calls therapeutic knitting .

  19. 大约15年前,我被邀请加入编织小组。

    About 15 years ago , I was invited to join a knitting group .

  20. 对我来说,我尽量不错过编织小组每周一次的活动。

    I for one try not to miss a single weekly meeting of my knitting group .

  21. 编织对健康的益处

    The Health Benefits of Knitting

  22. 工艺纱理事会报告说,如今年龄在25岁至35岁之间的女士中有三分之一的人在编织或钩织。

    The Craft Yarn Council reports that a third of women ages 25-35 now knit or crochet .

  23. 我编织了无数的婴儿毯、毛衣、围巾、帽子和婴儿帽。

    I 've made countless baby blankets , sweaters , scarves , hats , caps for newborns .

  24. 到哪儿都带着我的编织活,尤其当我需要坐着不动聆听的时候。

    I take a knitting project with me everywhere , especially when I have to sit still and listen .

  25. 一旦你超越了最初的学习曲线,编织和钩织就可以降低心率和血压。

    Once you get beyond the initial learning curve , knitting and crocheting can lower heart rate and blood pressure .

  26. 似乎我也是全国性地对编织和其他手工艺重燃兴趣的一员。

    It seems , too , that I 'm part of a national renewal of interest in needle and other handicrafts .

  27. 在他的受访者中,54%的临床抑郁症患者表示编织使他们感到高兴或非常高兴。

    Among her respondents , 54 percent of those who were clinically depressed said that knitting made them feel happy or very happy .

  28. 15岁时,母亲曾教过我编织,大学期间我在课上编织过,毕业后的几年里,也一直在编织。

    My mother had taught me to knit at 15 , and I knitted in class throughout college and for a few years thereafter .

  29. 也许最令人兴奋的是,研究表明诸如编织和钩织等手艺可能有助于防止因年龄增长导致的大脑功能退化。

    Perhaps most exciting is research that suggests that crafts like knitting and crocheting may help to keep off a decline in brain function with age .

  30. 不列颠哥伦比亚大学2009年研究了38名学习编织的患有饮食失调症的女士,研究发现,学习这种手艺有效改善了饮食失调症。

    A 2009 University of British Columbia study of 38 women with an eating disorder who were taught to knit found that learning the craft led to significant improvements .