- 网络Kiautschou;the Jiaozhou Bay;the kiaochow bay

[Jiaozhou Gulf] 在中国山东省山东半岛南岸。南胶河注入。湾口为青岛港。1898年,中国清政府与德国签订《中德胶澳租界条约》,胶州湾为德国强租;1914年又为日本强占。1922年,中国政府收回
Numerical simulation on concentration of pollutants COD , N and P in Jiaozhou Bay
Benthic Exchange Rate and Flux of Dissolved Silicate at the Sediment-Water Interface in Jiaozhou Bay
Application of Q statistics on studying of phytoplankton species diversity in the northern Jiaozhou Bay
Numerical computation of distribution of COD in Jiaozhou Bay
Three Dimensional Simulation on Transportation and Diffusion of Pollutant COD in Jiaozhou Bay
Application of ground penetrating radar to the geological forecast for water-bearing faults in the Jiaozhou Bay subsea tunnel construction
Components of Ca , Mg , Mn and Sr in Bivalve Shells from Jiaozhou Bay and Their Influence Factors
Ammonium uptake and regeneration fluxes of the microplankton assemblages in the Jiaozhou Bay
Moreover , adsorption behavior and mechanism of COD on the coastal sediment of Jiaozhou Bay was surveyed during the adsorption experiment ;
Analysis on TSP prediction before and after grouting about water-burst fault F_ ( 4-4 ) of subsea tunnel in Qingdao Jiaozhou Bay
The results show that temperature , organic degradation and phytoplankton activity play important roles in seasonal variation of pCO2 and CO2 flux from autumn to winter .
ECOM ( Estuary Coastal Ocean Model ) is used to simulate the tidal system and the tidally driven movement of water particles in Jiaozhou Bay , China .
It is learnt from the results that no HCH pollution can be concluded .
Distribution and Air-Sea Fluxes of N_2O in South China Sea in Spring The Distributions and Atmospheric Fluxes of Nitrous Oxide and Methane in Jiaozhou Bay and Its Adjacent Coastal Area
First , the release behaviors of organic pollutants , including of amount and rate , and influence conditions of organic pollutants in coastal sediments , were investigated ;
The flux of silicic acid from main rivers around Jiaozhou Bay can reach 28.67 X 10 ~ ( 4 ) mol / d.
Content and changing character of HCHs and DDTs in water of estuaries in Jiaozhou Bay
By interpreting the Landsat TM image during low tide level , the distribution and diffusion of white-water from Alkaline Factory on east coast of the Jiaozhou Bay was monitored .
Application of eCom to simulate tidal currents in Jiaozhou Bay
HCH carried into the Jiaozhou Bay has its higher content in summer than that in spring or autumn .
The reactive metals , AVS , and organic carbon , etc , were analyzed in9 short column sediment cores from the Licun estuary in the Jiaozhou Bay .
The microflora of raw Pacific oyster ( Crassostrea gigas ) and the microflora changes of samples storaged at - 20 ℃ were analyzed .
To understand the composition and structure of denitrifying communities in the Jiaozhou Bay , the diversity of denitrifying bacterial nirS gene from the sediments of Jiaozhou Bay was investigated by using a PCR-based cloning approach .
A two dimensional varied boundary pollutant transportation numerical model of Jiaozhou Bay is established by using the split steps finite element method . Based on the computed tidal current field , it chooses COD as a pollutant factor .
Moreover , the analysis of OC / OP ratios suggested that the terrestrial inputs were the dominant source of Jiaozhou Bay sediments .
A three dimension barotropic model , included the Mellor Yamada turbulent closure scheme , was applied to simulate M 2 tide , tidal and residual current in the Jiaozhou Bay . The tide simulation was verified .
Comparing the evolving LVQ with the standard LVQ , the experiment results indicate that the approach of GA-based LVQ has improved the seafloor classification speed and accuracy .
The content of dissolved inorganic nitrogen ( DIN ) was higher than the third-class seawater standard in China . Study on Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen Distributions and Eutrophication in the Jiaozhou Bay
Take Jiaozhou Bay for example , worse than grade IV sea water quality monitoring points accounted for 42.8 % in 14 monitoring sites of Jiaozhou Bay in 2007 , active phosphate , inorganic nitrogen and COD is included in the main pollutants .
Higher PBSi concentrations were found at north and northeast side of the bay , while lower at the central section .