
  • 网络retaliatory duty;Retaliatory Tariff
  1. 该法案提出的报复性关税不会得到世界贸易组织(wto)的支持,实际上,如果中国把官司打到世贸组织,美国很可能面临严峻的法律挑战。

    The retaliatory tariffs proposed by the bill would not find support from the World Trade Organisation and , in fact , the US would be likely to faceaserious legal challenge if China brought the case to the organisation .

  2. 与报复性关税一样,特惠关税在国际关系中也被当成一种武器使用。

    Like retaliation tariff , preferential tariff is used as a weapon in international relations .

  3. 美国将推迟对法国葡萄酒、奶酪和其他产品征收报复性关税。

    The US will imposing retaliatory tariffs on French wine , cheese and other products .

  4. 任何国家都有进行报复性关税的意愿,因为这样会减少因被对方增收关税所带来的经济损害。

    Every country prefers retaliatory tariff for its probability of lessening the financial harm caused by others .

  5. 中国政府立刻作出反应,对美国价值340亿美元的产品征收报复性关税。

    Chinese authorities immediately brought in retaliatory tariffs on US products amounting to 34 billion US dollars as well .

  6. 10月3日,美国参议院进一步通过一项法案,允许对中国商品征收报复性关税。

    On Monday the US senate pressed forward with a bill allowing for the imposition of tariffs on Chinese goods .

  7. 中国表示正在考虑对美国出口的汽车零件和鸡肉产品征收报复性关税。

    It has also said that it is considering the imposition of retaliatory tariffs on American exports of car parts and chicken meat .

  8. 中国对美国大豆征收的25%报复性关税会导致美国大豆进口成本每吨增加700至800元,合101至116美元。

    China 's 25 % retaliatory tariffs on American soybeans will increase the price per ton of beans from the United States by between 700 and 800 yuan , or 101 to 116 U.S. dollars .

  9. 征收报复性关税的货物、适用国别、税率、期限和征收办法,由国务院关税税则委员会决定并公布。

    Measures governing goods subject to retaliatory customs duties , country or region of application , tariff rate , period , and method of levy shall be determined and published by the State Council Tariffs Commission .

  10. 急切地想要发展经济的想法使得很多国家实施保护主义政策,比如1930年的美国斯穆特一霍利关税协议和其他国家报复性的关税设定,加速了全球贸易的崩溃。

    Frantic attempts to shore up the economies of individual nations through protectionist policies , such as the 1930 US Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act and retaliatory tariffs in other countries , exacerbated the collapse in global trade .

  11. 北京威胁要采取行动的产品,对美国具有政治重要性。中国否认相关行动是为了报复美方的轮胎关税。

    The products that Beijing is threatening to target - while denying that it is retaliating for the tyre tariffs - are politically importance in the US .