
  1. 他们存在着较强的自卑闭锁心理、极度的自尊心理和严重的依赖心理。

    To a great extent , they are mentally humble , self-centered and dependent .

  2. 如引导学生树立正确的世界观、人生观以及男女交往观,营造健康的心理氛围,以集体活动方式打破学生闭锁心理,引导他们正确对待生活挫折等。

    In addition , the author puts forward to create health psychological education atmosphere , encourage students to participate in group activities and lead them to face life setbacks correctly .

  3. 闭锁性:青春期心理成熟的外部表征成熟前期马铃薯茎叶挥发性成分研究

    Introverting : External Representation OF Psychological Mature ; Volatile Components of Potato Stalks and Leaf at Early Maturity Period