
  1. 通过计算GRP和千人成本,对十堰市公交车车身广告、候车亭广告和户外大牌媒体投放效果进行分析,提出基于GRP的公交车车身广告投放建议。

    Through calculating GRP and thousand people 's cost , the paper analyzed the result about Shiyan bus body advertisement , the advertisement of bus shelter and outdoor big shot , and especially made suggestions on choosing bus body advertisement based on GRP .

  2. 专用汽车车身广告设计研究

    Research on Poster Design of Special purpose Vehicle Body

  3. 车身广告到底能拍多少?

    How much can these ads sell ?

  4. 五大元素组合有效公交车身广告

    Five Elements Buildup The Effective Bus Ads

  5. 包括速冻、解冻、贴标签、包装及再包装、运输车辆车身广告等。

    Service included freezing process , defrosting , labeling , package , repackage and advertisement on delivery trucks .

  6. 既满足了室内高精度广告宣传画,同是也能提供高精度户外车身广告及门头宣传画。

    Not only satisfy the high-precision indoor advertising art , the same can also provide high-precision outdoor advertising and door body first poster .

  7. 第三个部分和第四个部分分析车身广告形式的设计元素和城市公交车身广告的设计原则、设计流程。

    The third and fourth parts of the body-part analysis of the design of forms of advertising , and urban public transport element of the design principles of advertising , design process .

  8. 试图在研究过程中分析找出车身广告潜藏的问题原因与设计规律,以期让公交广告传播媒体得到更好的发展。

    In the course of trying to identify the potential problem of advertising and design of the reasons for the law , with a view to enable public transport to be better advertising media development .

  9. 我一直认为有一天你会名声大噪我能想象广告牌上全是你的照片公车车身广告上也有你但你根本不愿意主宰自己的权利

    I thought one day you 'd make a name for yourself . You know , I could imagine your picture on billboards . And ... The side of a bus . But you aren 't willing to own your power . Yes , I am .