
  1. 油漆车间质量管理体系QS-9000

    Paint shop quality system QS - 9000

  2. 本论文主要涉及的内容是批量生产企业的车间质量管理信息系统。随着市场竞争的不断加剧,产品质量成为企业能否赢得成功、求得生存的决定性因素之一。

    With the increasing competition of the market , the quality of the product has become one of crucial factors for batch production enterprises to survive and succeed in competitions .

  3. 在涤纶POY与DTY生产厂中,基于一定的管理基础,实施有效的锭位质量管理方法,可为生产车间的质量管理提供有效的质量跟踪手段和质量管理方法,使得产品质量明显提高。

    In polyester POY and DTY manufacturing plant , based on a certain management level , people can use the yarn end-spindle quality control method to improve the yam quality effectively .

  4. 计算机在针织车间产质量管理中的应用

    The Application of Computer in Quality Management of Knitting Room

  5. 单件生产车间的质量管理

    Quality Control in a Job Shop

  6. 飞机结构件数控车间的质量信息管理与集成技术

    Quality Information Management and Integration Technology for Flight Structures NC Machining Workshop

  7. 但是如何准确地对批量生产企业的车间质量信息进行管理、如何建立集成环境下质量管理信息系统的开发框架都是我们面临的问题。

    But how to manage the quality information accurately , how to present a platform for quality management information in integrated environment and how to avoid the repeated work in system development are problems faced to us .

  8. 讨论了以制造执行系统为基础建立离散制造业车间制造过程质量信息管理系统的意义;(2)对MES系统的定义、产生背景、在计算机集成制造中的定位、功能进行了阐述。

    It discussed the significance to establish the manufacturing execution systems for discrete manufacturing workshop which based on the quality of the manufacturing process information management systems ;( 2 ) The definition of the MES , background , positioning and functions in computer integrated manufacturing are described .

  9. 各车间负责车间生产、质量管理工作。

    The workshops shall be responsible for direct production and quality control .

  10. 车身装焊计算机辅助质量管理系统各车间负责车间生产、质量管理工作。

    COMPUTER AIDED QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FOR ASSEMBLE AND WELDING OF BODYWORK The workshops shall be responsible for direct production and quality control .

  11. 车里雅宾斯克钢管厂开发出一系列热轧无缝钢管新品种各车间负责车间生产、质量管理工作。

    A NUMBER OF NEW HOT-ROLLED SEAMLESS STEEL TUBE PRODUCTS DEVELOPED BY CHELYABINSK STEEL TUBE WORKS , RUSSIA The workshops shall be responsible for direct production and quality control .

  12. 在对上述质量控制方法研究的基础上开发了一种基于J2EE的车间质量控制信息系统,将该系统运用于重庆卡福汽车制动阀有限公司数控车间生产过程的质量管理中,取得了较好的效果。

    The method has been used to production quality control in machining workshop of Chongqing Caff automotive bracking and steering system co. , Ltd and we had obtained better effects .