
cì pǐn
  • reject;defective goods;substandard products;substandard goods;ungraded products;pants
次品 [cì pǐn]
  • (1) [substandard products]∶质量比标准产品稍差的产品

  • (2) [defective goods]∶制造得不完美的东西;有瑕疵的物品

次品[cì pǐn]
  1. 如果所有流氓商人销售的都是价格过高的次品,那么他们就会逐渐失去可供敲诈的顾客。

    If all rogue traders sold overpriced , substandard goods then they would run out of customers to rip off .

  2. 当心别上当让他把残次品卖给你。

    Make sure he doesn 't try to palm you off with faulty goods .

  3. 所幸的是,铁可以再加工,次品、废品不必被扔掉。

    Luckily , iron can be reworked and mistakes don 't have to be thrown away

  4. 我们反对将次品机器向市场倾销。

    We object to dumping substandard machines on the market .

  5. 该公司因为一件次品而受到媒体攻击。

    The firm had received bad publicity over a defective product .

  6. 针对当前啤酒次品回收自动化程度低的现状,设计了全自动的啤酒次品回收机。该机的控制系统采用可编程控制器(PLC)进行控制。

    This control-system use the Programmable Logic Controller ( PLC ) to retrieve the beer substandard product .

  7. n.下级;次品adj.差的;下级的,下等的他的分数比我的低这学期。

    inferior His grades are inferior to mine this semester .

  8. 现在就担心有些厂家不重质量,拿的次品LED做电筒,用不了多久就有死灯。

    Now just worry some manufacturer not heavy quality , take rejects LED flashlight , it won 't do how long is the death lamp .

  9. 用Yau先生的话说,他的公司已经现实了“零次品”和“交货延误零天”的记录。

    In Mr Yau 's words , his company has achieved " zero defects " and " zero days late " in delivery .

  10. 结合生产流程与制造工艺,在OCV装配过程中对阀芯位移量进行测试,降低了次品率,控制了生产成本。

    Due to production processes , the spool displacement of OCV can reduce the defect rate and control the cost of production .

  11. 一磅店,工厂次品店,赌徒,木板封死的窗户,单看Stoke-on-Trent火车站的景色知道这座城市跟繁华没什么关系。

    THE pound stores , factory seconds shops , bookies and boarded-up windows around Stoke-on-Trent railway station do not bespeak a thriving city .

  12. 采用30min混凝土强度快速推定和15min快速测定新拌混凝土水灰比,以便于施工中尽早发现混凝土质量问题,减少误浇次品混凝土所造成的损失。

    In order to discover quality problem of concrete early and avoid loss , determining water-cement ratio within 15 min and deducing concrete strength within 30 min are adopted .

  13. 本店大减价的商品均非次品。

    None of our grand sale goods are of poor quality .

  14. 合格的就采用,次品就废弃。

    The good ones are used and defective ones are discarded .

  15. 次品率约为25%。

    The rate of imperfect items is about twenty-five per thousand .

  16. 而且老实说,我觉得我们的产品中有次品。

    And frankly , I think we had an inferior product .

  17. 我们负担费用,请你退回次品好吗?

    Would you send back the defective articles at our expense ?

  18. 经济学家就称这种商品或者劳务为次品。

    Economists refer to the goods or service as inferior .

  19. 回收次品盐酸浓度达31%。

    The concentration of hydrogen chloride could reach 31 % .

  20. 广告能将次品强卖给消费者吗?

    Can advertising foist an inferior product on the consumer ?

  21. 我们应该把这些残次品退回厂家。

    We should send these goods with defects back to the manufacturer .

  22. 他的工厂生产次品,罪有应得。

    His factory made faulty goods and deserved the punishment .

  23. 你卖给我的是次品,我要求得到满意解决。

    You have sold me a faulty product and I demand satisfaction .

  24. 我们的商检局决不会放过任何次品。

    Our Inspection Bureau won 't let go anything defective .

  25. 新生产条件下产品次品率的估值

    Estimating value of substandard product rate in new product ion

  26. 严格的质量管理和质量检验保证了低次品率。

    Stick quality control and checking keep low rates of inferior products .

  27. 次品氧化锌吸收法处理低浓度二氧化硫烟气的工业试验

    Commercial test of zinc oxide absorb low-concentration sulfur dioxide gas

  28. 如果我发现商品是次品的话是否可以退货或者换货呢?

    Can I return or exchange my purchase if find it defective ?

  29. 这批货里次品太多了。

    There are too many defective items in this shipment .

  30. 这些长筒袜是次品,稍有微疵。

    These stockings are seconds and have some slight defects .