
  1. 本文介绍美国国防预研计划局(DARPA)支付得起的树脂基复合材料计划的目标,评述该计划的项目进展状况和各项目技术成熟水平。

    This paper describes the goads of the DARPA affordable resin matrix composite program , reviews the developing status and technology maturity levels of the projects under the program .

  2. 国防预研投入产出效益探讨美国国防预研计划局支付得起的树脂基复合材料计划进展述评

    Discussion on Out put / Input Effectiveness for Advanced Defense Research Review of the DARPA Affordable Resin Matrix Composite Program

  3. 首先,建立一个集中的论坛,让开发小组能够发表他们的复合应用程序开发计划,这样做的好处是无法估量的。

    First , having a central forum for development groups to present their plans for composite application development is of immeasurable benefit .