
  • 网络advertising music
  1. 商业广告音乐的使用探析

    Analysis of Commercial Advertisement Music and Its Use

  2. 电影音乐配乐、电视剧音乐配乐、片头音乐、广告音乐、节目配乐。

    Background music for motion pictures , TV series , and other programs , theme songs for TV shows , and commercial jingles .

  3. 从最初的吆喝叫卖到现在的企业听觉识别系统的打造,广告音乐在品牌传播中的重要作用不断凸现。

    From crying wares in ancient age to complete corporation audio identity systems in modern time , commercial music has its strong function impressive during the process of brand communication .

  4. 人声语言、自然音响和广告音乐(广告歌曲)三大语言要素是贯穿影视广告声音体系的灵魂,它们合力构建出广告影片中栩栩如生的声音形象,并树立起极具魅力的听觉识别系统。

    Human voice , nature sounds , together with music and songs , are the three key elements to the TVC audio system , they work together to construct the vivid sound environment , and to establish the unique sound images .

  5. 视频游戏一旦联网,游戏机将成为一个类似于PC的平台,可以销售广告、音乐等服务。

    Once video games are routinely connected to the Net , the console becomes a valuable platform , much like the PC , from which ads , music and , of course , video games can be sold .

  6. Spotify已经拥有超过500万名用户,用户可以在线收听带有商业广告的音乐,或是付费收听不带广告的音乐。该公司说,计划在美国和中国也推出这项服务。

    Spotify has more than five million users who can listen to streaming music with commercials , or pay to listen to ad-free streams , and has said it plans to launch in the U.S. and China as well .

  7. 浅谈影视广告中音乐的运用

    On the Application of Music to Advertising on Showbiz

  8. 本课题主要采用内容分析法与个案研究法相结合的方法研究电视广告中音乐使用的情况,采用调查问卷法和实证分析法对音乐对电视广告效果的功能和影响加以分析。

    It also uses questionnaires and empirical analysis to analyze the effect and influence of music in commercial films .

  9. 作品《孩子不哭》荣获第十五届中国国际广告节音乐类铜奖。

    Production : " children don 't cry ," won the15th China International advertisement Music Festival Bronze Award advertisements .

  10. 笔者认为,这样的研究,对于广告和音乐的各自发展及其相互融合,是有一定的意义的。

    Undoubtedly , there is a certain degree of significance for the respective development and their integration of advertisement and music .

  11. 之后,如果想跳过广告听音乐或者离线下载音乐,你就需要每月支付10美元的费用。

    After that , you 'll have to pay $ 10 a month if you want to listen without ads and download your music for offline access .

  12. 罗布森的同龄人发现,很难找到时间定时看电视,同时与传统的电台广播相比,他们更愿意在Last.fm等网站上收听没有广告的音乐。

    His peers find it hard to make time for regular television , and would rather listen to advert-free music on websites such as Last.fm than tune into traditional radio .

  13. 除了音响设计,及音乐录音工作,也曾参与歌剧,音乐剧,舞蹈,电视主题音乐及广告的音乐创作。

    Besides sound design , and music recording , has also been involved in music compositions for musical theatre , music drama , stage dance , television theme , and commercial advertising .

  14. 尤其是综合了电视、广告、音乐三个元素的电视广告这样的课题,学术界的研究成果还不是很多,把电视广告和音乐元素结合起来的专业探究更是不多见。

    Especially the issues such as the kind of combination of TV , advertising , music are not too many , the kind of television advertising and musical elements combination research is even less .

  15. 在本文第一章中,作者试图说明电影、新闻、广告和音乐等美国媒体是如何歪曲青少年的形象的,并通过对这些形象的分析,揭示了媒体所展现的青少年是什么样的。

    In the first chapter of the thesis , the author tries to find out how the images of American youth are misrepresented in American mass media , namely movies , TV and newspaper , advertisements and music .

  16. 本研究将广告中音乐的类型划分为广告歌、歌曲、乐曲和无音乐,同时对品牌认知的维度进行了重新界定,将其按照认知过程划分为品牌识别、品牌理解和品牌评价。

    The research in this thesis divides the types of music in advertising into jingle , songs , melody and non-music . Meanwhile , to redefine the dimensions of brand cognition in accordance with the depth of the cognitive processes to the brand identity , brand understanding and brand evaluation .

  17. 广告的背景音乐是OhByJingo,目的也非常简单:专注于足球,而不是食物。

    With Oh By Jingo playing in the background , the aims of the ad are simple , too : keep the focus on the football , not the food .

  18. 广告的背景音乐是“OhByJingo”,目的也非常简单:专注于足球,而不是食物。

    With " Oh By Jingo " playing in the background , the aims of the ad are simple , too : keep the focus on the football , not the food .

  19. 我这次给一个咖啡广告做了音乐。

    I made this demo for this coffee commercial this one time .

  20. 但当它成为苹果广告的背景音乐后仅仅一周

    But it started running in apple commercials and literally like the next week ,

  21. 现在,从大众广播到电视广告,嘻哈音乐似乎无所不在。

    It seems that hip-hop music is ubiquitous these days , from popular radio to TV commercials .

  22. 但是,全球性广告和流行音乐意味着在大多数国家,你能看见过听到一些英语。

    But global advertising and pop music mean that in most countries , you will see or hear some English .

  23. 用户将不能下载音乐,但百代和百度表示,两家公司将研究开发广告支持的音乐下载服务。

    Users will not be able to download the music but EMI and Baidu will explore developing advertising-supported music download services , the companies said .

  24. 英语是书籍和报刊出版、科学技术、广告与通俗音乐以及信息储存的主要世界语言。

    English is one of the main languages used in books , newspapers , science and technology , advertisements , pop music and information storage .

  25. 大众文化特指20世纪以来由文化产业制作的诸如电影、广告、流行音乐、通俗小说、电视节目等文化产品。

    The mass culture specifically refers to the cultural products produced by the industry of culture since the twentieth century , such as films , advertisements , popular music , common novels , and TV programs .

  26. 从2004年开始,一种新的电视节目形态&音乐选秀在我国兴起和蔓延,居高不下的收视率与巨额的广告收入使得音乐选秀节目成为一道令人瞩目的电视文化奇观。

    " Election Show of Music ", a new form of TV programs , has begun and developed quickly in our country since 2004 . It has been a marvelous sight of TV culture because of its lastingly high viewing ratio and large number of advertising profits .

  27. 为此宝马还给这则广告配了古典音乐。

    It is scored to classical music .

  28. 相反,百代和百度将共享在中国提供的由广告支持的免费音乐视听服务产生的收入。

    Instead , EMI and Baidu will share revenues from an advertising - supported free music streaming service in China .

  29. 广告英语语音表现手段与广告英语音乐美

    Advertising English : Its Phonetic Means and Musical Beauty

  30. 广告英语运用各种语音手段创造广告语言的音乐美。

    Various English phonetic means are used to create the beauty of music in advertising English .