
  • 网络Advertiser;Sponsor
  1. 欧内尔女士认为,公司会与任何对该频道有兴趣的广告主进行真正有思想的对话。

    Ms.O'Neill said the company has " very thoughtful conversations " with any advertiser who shows an interest in the channel .

  2. 因此,广告主与Twitter签约时,通常并不清楚到底要付多少钱。

    As a result , exactly how much an advertiser will pay is often unclear when it signs up with Twitter .

  3. 上周四,全美广告主联盟(TheAssociationofNationalAdvertisers)和美国广告代理商协会(AmericanAssociationofAdvertisingAgencies)发布了“最佳操守声明”,呼吁广告客户不要在盗版网站上发布广告。

    Some ad-industry groups are warning against placing advertisements on pirate sites .

  4. Twitter如何向广告主证明投资收益率?

    How do you show ROI to advertisers ?

  5. 在这个新平台推出之前,广告主必须手动管理他们在twitter上的广告。

    Before the new platform , advertisers had to manage their twitter campaigns manually .

  6. 用户查看广告主的tweet信息时,Twitter会获得一些广告收入。

    Twitter gets paid something when users see advertisers ' tweets .

  7. 表见代理刍议BPA:让广告主和媒体脱颖而出

    BPA : Let The Ads Agency And Media Talent Showing Itself

  8. 对于一再提出的有关广告主目前在Twitter上的投入问题,他拒绝透露,至于公司其他方面的财务状况,他也三缄其口。

    He declined repeated opportunities to disclose how much advertisers currently spend on twitter , or any other company financial information .

  9. 5.整体而言,有些广告主会早早尝试,而其他广告主很久之后才在Twitter平台上投放广告,这是为什么?

    Generally speaking , why have some advertisers been early adopters and others taken longer to begin advertising on your platform ?

  10. 最近,它还与Facebook公司签订了协议,允许广告主使用其照片,还扩大了素材视频目录。

    And shutterstock recently inked a deal with Facebook ( FB ) to let advertisers use its photos and is expanding its catalog of stock video .

  11. 【《财富》(Fortune)也决定不再置身事外。】去年广告主们花在软广告上的金额达到了24亿美元,比2012年跃升了77%。

    ( Fortune has also decided to engage in the practice . ) Last year , advertisers spent $ 2.4 billion on native ads , a 77 % jump over 2012 .

  12. 如果用户点击这些tweet、转发给他人或其他情形,广告主会支付更多的钱。

    But advertisers pay more when users click on the tweet or retweet it to others , among other situations .

  13. Facebook拥有大量用户数据,包括用户的兴趣、地理位置和其他细节,这部分解释了为何有这么多广告主涌向该平台。

    Facebook holds a trove of data on its users , including their interests , location and other variables , which partly explains why so many advertisers are flocking to the platform .

  14. 调查还将涉及google与广告主的合同关系,尤其将关注这样一些指控:google强迫广告主接受排他性义务,并限制广告主将自己的数据转移至竞争平台。

    It will also probe the contractual relationship which Google has with advertisers . In particular , it will explore allegations that Google imposes exclusivity obligations and restricts advertisers from moving their data to competing platforms .

  15. 的确,大概一年前,Twitter公司推出PromotedTweets(由广告主撰写并付费发布的Tweet)时,仅有6家公司买账;而现在则达到600家之多。

    Indeed , when twitter rolled out promoted tweets tweets written by and paid for by advertisers roughly a year ago , there were only six marketers ; now there are 600 .

  16. 另一方面,FourSquare面临的问题在于:本地广告主和用户热情不再。数据显示基于“签到”的服务总体上来说受欢迎度已经下降。

    FourSquare , on the other hand , faces difficulties with local advertisers and numbers that suggest check-in based services have lost overall popularity .

  17. 天知道他们俩中是否有人会获得成功,但肯定会有人找到办法说服用户和广告主为经过编辑、并完整呈现在ipad上的深度数字内容付费。

    Who knows if either of them will succeed , but someone will find a way to get users and advertisers to pay for in-depth digital content delivered as an edited whole to the iPad .

  18. 联合利华是全球第二大广告主,每年耗资几十亿英镑,拥有多芬(Dove)、PGTips、Marmite和宝丝(Persil)等众多品牌。

    Unilever is the world 's second-largest advertiser , spending several billion pounds a year and owning brands that range from Dove and PG Tips to Marmite and Persil .

  19. 短信应用Snapchat正成为广告主的另一种选择,上月Snapchat在戛纳曾大展身手。

    Snapchat , the messaging app , is becoming an alternative option for advertisers and had a big presence in Cannes this week .

  20. 媒体采购机构传立媒体(mindshare)的信息交流主管保罗罗林森(paulrowlinson)表示,电视广告主提供超本地化服务的能力,与本地化社区正在发生的变化相吻合。

    Paul Rowlinson , head of exchange at media buyer mindshare , says the ability for TV advertisers to go hyper - local chimes with changes taking place in local communities .

  21. 但奥利奥饼干(Oreo)和恰敏卫生纸(Charmin)这样的广告主却因全年都在发布有趣好笑的内容、与消费者持续互动而备受赞誉。

    But advertisers like Oreo and Charmin have earned praise for being interesting or funny enough all year to get continual interactions from consumers .

  22. 本文以Hadoop集群框架为基础,设计了分布式MR-RTB算法实现高效的广告主的实时竞价算法,并将其运用到广告推送服务中。

    In this paper , a Hadoop cluster framework , the design of distributed algorithms for efficient MR-RTB advertisers ' real-time bidding algorithms , and apply it to the advertising push service .

  23. Kik赞助的一项新研究表明,美国用户现在花在短信应用上的平均时间要多于社交网络应用。不过唯一的问题是,这些短信应用需要找到赚钱的手段,目前广告主还没找到靠谱的方式插入朋友间的聊天之中。

    A new study , commissioned by Kik , shows that U.S. users now spend more time on average in messaging apps than they do on social networking apps . The only problem ? These messaging apps need ways to make money , and there 's no reasonable way for advertisers to wedge themselves into conversations between friends .

  24. 美国红十字会公共广告主位推进及其分布研究

    Thematic Progression and Theme Distribution of American Red Cross Pubilc Ads

  25. 磨砺十年,推动中国广告主协会

    Chastened for Ten Years and Promote the Association of Chinese Advertisers

  26. 在广告主每年度的广告费用中,媒体投放费用往往占据了最大的比例。

    Media budget is the biggest part in the whole advertising expenses .

  27. 但广告主所支付的每千人印象成本将有所上涨。

    But they will pay more on a cost per thousand basis .

  28. 广告主青睐隐性广告

    The Recessive Ads Is In favour Of Ads Agency

  29. 最后,广告主选择反语是为了追求最佳关联。

    Third , the choice of irony is in the search for relevance .

  30. 但它与广告主达成的大部分交易都不是固定金额合同。

    Most of the deals it strikes with advertisers are not fixed upfront .