
  • 网络Advertising targets;Advertising Objective;ad objective
  1. 广告目标对广告运作的策略性指导

    Strategic Importance of Targeting in Advertising

  2. 文摘:建立广告目标不仅为广告运作提出了任务,而且对广告策略的形成作了规定和指导。

    Abstract : targeting in advertising consists not only in proposing tasks but also , more importantly , in specifying its strategic guidelines .

  3. 其次,关于科技期刊广告目标市场选择策略,主要的考虑因素应是科技期刊读者的信息需求,以读者的广告信息偏好为标准来对行业目标市场进行细分。

    The first consideration in target market choice is the information preferring of audience , and segmentation the advertiser market is also according to this standard .

  4. 它们相互作用的结果最终体现为文稿在虚实方面的整体艺术美感,为达到具体的广告目标或满足特定消费人群的心理需要而服务。

    The result of the process finally incarnates a holistic aesthetic feeling of the substantial and / or insubstantial of copy-writing , which serves for achieving an idiographic target of advertisement or meeting the special consumers ' mental need .

  5. 准确篇由准确·唯一、准确·广告目标、准确·文化环境、准确·调查研究、准确的切入点这几篇小文章组成。

    The chapter about accuracy is made up of these articles . They are " Accurate and Only " , " Accuracy and Advertising Goal " , " Accuracy and Culture Environment " , " Accuracy and Investigation " and " Accurate cutting point " .

  6. 我们都知道电视广告没有目标针对性。

    We all know that television broadcast commercials are not targeted .

  7. 您会重定向到该广告的目标页。

    You are redirected to the target page for that ad.

  8. 体育广告的目标定位及市场策略

    Goal Orientation and Market Policy of Sports Advertising

  9. 巴士广告A目标

    " A " Goal of Bus Ads

  10. 广告商通过这一信息来了解消费者的兴趣,以便确定广告投放目标。

    They use the information to learn about consumers ' interests in order to target advertising .

  11. 然而与电子邮件垃圾广告的目标是你不同,评论垃圾广告的目标一般是搜索引擎。

    However unlike email spam where the target is you , comment spam generally targets search engines .

  12. 而福特的发言人称,这个广告的目标是指向年轻人,希望营造一种幽默效果。

    A spokeswoman for Ford said that the advert was aimed at young men and was intended to be humorous .

  13. 而4%到15%的广告在目标地区之外被浏览。

    And at least 4 % and up to 15 % of ads were served outside their intended geographical areas .

  14. 各行业中为企业经营活动购买或选定用品的人们构成了产业广告的目标对象。

    People in business who buy or specify products for use in business comprise the target audience for business advertising .

  15. 广告的目标在各国都是一样的,即有效地传达信息和诱导需求。

    The goal of advertising is the same in any country , namely to communicate information and persuasive appeals effectively .

  16. 在我这个年纪的孩子很多都生病了,真的不公平。她认为麦当劳利用广告向目标对象孩子们推销食品。

    It isn 't fair that so many kids my age are getting sick , ' she said , suggesting the company targets children with its advertising .

  17. 有针对性的消息:与广播和印刷媒体,互联网让广告主目标到底谁要看见他们的广告,并在什么情况下。

    Targeted messages : Unlike broadcast and print media , the Internet allows advertisers to target exactly who will see their ads , and in what context .

  18. 这是一门糟糕的生意,尤其是考虑到三分之二的美国成年人并不希望网站在追踪和分析其个人行为的基础上把他们列为某个广告的目标受众。

    This is a bad bargain , especially since two-thirds of American adults don 't want ads that target them based on that tracking and analysis of personal behavior .

  19. 通过以上分析找到电影贴片广告的目标市场,并对市场进行准确的定位,制定出相应的市场营销策略,以便科学、有效地运作电影贴片广告市场。

    Found the goal market of the film advertisement through above analysis , and carries on the accurate localization to the market as well as formulate the corresponding marketing strategy in order to operate the film advertisement market effectively and scientifically .

  20. 广告标识符和目标页被指定为查询字符串。

    The ad identifier and target page are specified as a query string .

  21. 互联网广告在向目标人群投放方面很难获得精确度,而任何特定广告购买的成本取决于一系列因素。

    Precision is hard to come by , and the cost of any particular ad buy depends on a host of factors .

  22. 福特说,它计划下个月为嘉年华推出一个广告活动,目标将对准“美”和她的同龄人。

    Ford says it plans to roll out an ad campaign for the Fiesta next month that will be aimed at Mei and her peers .

  23. 国泰航空公司最近一次开展的全球广告宣传将目标锁定商务旅行者和度假旅行者,并强调其公司致力于为乘客提供优质的服务。

    Cathay Pacific 's latest global campaign targets business and leisure travellers and highlights the airline 's dedication to providing its passengers with outstanding service .

  24. 如何使广告的赢利目标与广告的其他社会性功能统一起来,做到企业与公众、社会的共赢,成为新时期广告理论和实践发展的趋势,也成为伦理学的一个新的关注点。

    How to unify the economic goal and the community goal and make the corporation and the public get advantage together has been a new hotspot of ethic .

  25. 这种或强或弱的对话性实际上就是广告主和目标受众之间的最本质的关系的体现。

    The dialogism that exists in the advertising , whether strong or weak , is virtually the most basic embodiment of the relationship between the advertisement owner and the object .

  26. 准确界定产品利益点,强调广告诉求与目标市场需求的一致性;

    Accourdingly , the ad operation and plotting should be based on their marketing strategy , emphasize on the consistence between the ad communication and the requirement of the target market .

  27. 广告的最终目标是说服广告受众去买广告商所推出的产品,因此广告商们就会不遗余力的采取多种有效的形式来吸引广告受众的注意。

    The ultimate purpose of advertising is to persuade the audience to buy the product advertised , thus the advertiser will definitely put a lot of efforts into linguistic choices which are of great importance to attract the attention of the audience .

  28. 你常会看到一种物以类聚的模式。悲观的新闻常吸引悲观的读者,部分是因为这类人通常是广告的最佳目标——消极的人更可能会相信,通过购买产品可以改变他们的情绪状态。

    You 'll often see a pattern where like attracts like . Pessimistic news sources will attract pessimistic readers , partly because those are the best targets for advertising - negative people are more likely to believe that buying products will change their emotional state .

  29. 论广告活动的多层目标设定对广告效果的影响

    The Influence of the Multilayer-goal Setting on the Advertising Effect

  30. 提示:文本转自普特英语听力论坛烟草广告有没有将目标瞄准年轻女孩呢?

    So did a cigarette ad target young girls ?