
yā lì ɡuǎn lǐ
  • stress management
  1. 一位老师正在给他的学生讲关于压力管理的事情。

    A teacher was giving a talk to his students on stress management .

  2. 迈克尔·C·霍尔:“我认为德克斯特身上最引人注目的地方在于他的压力管理能力。”

    Michael C. Hall : " I think what is most remarkable about Dexter is his capacity for stress management . "

  3. 结论:压力管理训练可以影响教师SCL-90评分,提示压力管理训练有助于维护教师心理健康水平。

    Conclusion : stress management training can alleviate the teacher 's stress .

  4. 目的:在小学教师中开展压力管理训练,采用SCL-90作为训练前后评价指标,探讨促进教师心理健康水平的有效手段。

    Objective : to study the effect of stress management training for mental health of teachers in primary school .

  5. 投资银行瑞银(ubs)开办了压力管理研讨会,提供企业心理辅导,并设立了内部“关怀小组”。

    UBS , the investment bank , runs stress management seminars , offers corporate counselling and has an in-house " care team " .

  6. Pip压力管理设备(零售价为179美元)利用人体皮肤表面的电变化来衡量人的应激反应。

    The Pip stress manager ( $ 179 retail ) uses electrical changes at the surface of the skin to measure an individual 's stress response .

  7. 文化创意企业特征与工作压力管理策略分析

    Characteristics of Cultural Creative Enterprise and Management Strategy of Working Pressure

  8. 企业员工压力管理探索

    Research on Managing Stress on the Employee in the Enterprise

  9. 工作压力管理理论在企业中的应用研究

    Research on the Theory of the Job Stress Management Used in Enterprise

  10. 笔者介绍了压力管理的概念及实现方法。

    This article introduces the concepts and actualizing methods of pressure management .

  11. 供水管网的泄漏及压力管理

    Management of the Leakage and Pressure of Water Supply Networks

  12. 中小学教师职业压力管理探究

    An Inquiry into Teacher Professional Pressure Management in Primary and Middle Schools

  13. 加油站地下储油罐压力管理系统的相关研究水罐车作业水罐车供水

    Relative research on vapor space pressure management system in refueling service stations

  14. 照护者支持干预(如:压力管理、暂托服务)

    Caregiver support interventions ( e.g.stress management , respite care )

  15. 论大学生压力管理与和谐校园的构建

    On College Students Pressure Management and Harmonious Campus Construction

  16. 企业的员工心理援助和压力管理研究;

    Studies on Employee Assistance Program and stress management ;

  17. 压力管理训练对护理本科生压力水平的影响

    Effect of Stress-management Training on the Levels of Stress Among Baccalaureate Nursing Students

  18. 饭店员工工作压力管理的研究

    The Research on Job Stress Management of Hotel Staff

  19. 结论压力管理训练有助于提高教师的压力应对能力。

    Conclusion Stress management training can improve the stress coping ability of teachers .

  20. 利用微流量控制系统实现控制压力管理钻井技术

    Pressure management drilling by using micro flow control system

  21. 有效的压力管理包括识别和管理急性压力和慢性压力。

    Effective stress management involves identifying and managing both acute and chronic stress .

  22. 情商模型在员工压力管理中的应用&兼评华为公司的压力管理

    Applying Emotional Intelligence in Pressure Management & Evaluating the Pressure Management of Huawei

  23. 一位讲师正在给他的学生讲授压力管理。

    A lecturer was giving a lecture to his student on stress management .

  24. 图书馆员压力管理分析

    Analysis on the Pressure Management of the Librarians

  25. 教师要学会压力管理

    Teachers Should Learn How to Manage Their Stress

  26. 三是结合实例研究了压力管理的策略。

    Thirdly , Combining the example , study the strategy of the stress management .

  27. 对建筑企业预算人员的压力管理研究

    Study on Construction Organization Stress Management on Estimators

  28. 有关于精神压力管理的课程及大量自我帮助的资源。

    There are also courses for stress management and lots of self help resources .

  29. 因此,成功有效地实施压力管理必将成为企业管理的一个重要课题。

    Therefore , effectively implementing stress management will be an important topic of business management .

  30. 管理者在知识型员工压力管理过程中,应高度重视组织支持的中介缓冲作用。

    Thereby , managers must attach importance to organizational support in process of stress management .