
  • 网络trade dress;Three-dimensional mark
  1. 商标是立体商标的,这种声明;商标的一份或多份图样。

    Where the mark is a three-dimensional mark , a statement to that effect ; one or more reproductions of the mark .

  2. 立体商标注册的限制性条件

    The Restrictive Conditions of the Stereoscopic Trademark Registration

  3. 对立体商标几个问题的探讨

    An Inquiry into Several Issues in Stereoscopic Trademarks

  4. 比较分析三维立体商标的可注册性

    Comparative Analysis on the Registrability of Three-Dimensional Trademarks

  5. 首先澄清了立体商标法律保护是否必须证明第二含义的困惑。

    Firstly , this paper clarifies the puzzle that whether three-dimensional trademark protection must prove the second meaning .

  6. 因此,对于这两个词语的仔细解读有助于将立体商标的实质审查内容统一化、标准化。

    Therefore , Precise understanding for these two words will help to make the substantive examination of three-dimension trademark unification and standardization .

  7. 商品及其包装形状是否能获得立体商标保护,必须正确判断该形状是否符合商标所要求的特征。

    When judging whether a commodity and its packing shape can enjoy stereoscopic trademark protection , we must properly decide whether the shape is in compliance with the characteristics required of trademarks .

  8. 否则会混淆商标保护和专利制度中外观设计保护的界限,将立体商标的保护演变为对公平竞争的阻碍。

    Otherwise , the dividing line in exterior design protection between trademark protection and patent system would be confused and the protection of stereoscopic trademarks would become an obstacle to fair competition .

  9. 而理论研究的众说纷纭无疑为立体商标审查以及司法实践埋下了极大的隐患,不利于商标法的准确适用。

    Without doubt , the wide divided opinions of the theory research have laid down enormous hidden danger for the three-dimensional trademark examination and judicial practice , affecting the application of trademark law .

  10. 自2001年商标法将立体商标纳入保护范围以来,实务中,不管是通过行政注册程序还是通过司法认定程序,能获得注册的立体商标的数量极为有限。

    Since 2001 the three-dimension trademark has been protected by Trademark law , the number of registered three-dimension trademark is just a few whether through administrative or judicial confirmation process in the practice .

  11. 随着经济的飞速发展,商标形式也在不断创新,从传统的文字、图形商标到立体商标、颜色商标,甚至出现了气味商标。

    With the rapid economic growth , the trademark forms have been undergoing innovation , with a tendency from the traditional word , figurative trademark to Three-Dimension , color trademark and even to the scent trademark .

  12. 以立体商标为例,虽然目前对立体商标给与保护的国家和地区有80多个,我国也于2001年将立体商标纳入我国商标法保护范畴,但各国对立体商标应当如何保护仍莫衷一是。

    As far as the three-dimensional trademark concerned , although three-dimensional trademark can be protected in more than 80 countries , including our country , these countries are still unable to agree upon how to protect the three-dimensional trademark .

  13. 怎样的立体标志才具有显著性?怎样的立体标志又具功能性?这些一直都是在立体商标注册过程中必须回答的问题。

    Which kind of three-dimension trademark is functional ? These questions must be answered in the process of registering the three-dimension trademark .