
It is because of the above reason that well-known trademark is more easier infringed than common trademark .
The special protection for well-known trademark goes deeply into protection which oversteps their general principles and methods of the protection for ordinary trademark .
At present , " Trademark law " has still left behind a big space for the geographical name to be registered as a trademark .
The well-known trademark as a contains a huge commercial value of the identification mark , its unique advocacy role makes its need to give different with ordinary trademark protection .
According to the legal principle with reciprocity right and obligation , known trade mark obligee need enjoy special protection as well as obiligation than ordinary owner of trade marks .
Then make the statement of relief measure , not only could apply for injunction relief but also could do a series relief like obtain above normal compensate for trademark tort .
Opposite to the protection of common trademark , special , protection of well-known trademark requires high-level protection , which is not confined to the protective principles and measures adopted by common trademark .
Because the well-known marks itself is containing the huge economic value , compared with the ordinary trademark is easier to receive the violation , thus how to protect the well-known marks became the question which all countries must face .
Then the article proposes make definite provision about the status and significance of the likelihood of confusion standard in the trademark law to regular the protection of the general trademark and protects the well-known trademark combined with the association theory .
Based on the previous discussion of unregistered trademarks in the chapters before , this chapter summarizes suggestions of the unregistered trademark protection in our country from the three aspects of unregistered well-known trademarks , registered famous trademarks and unregistered common trademarks .
Therefore , compared with well-known trademarks is also easier to become a common trademark or production and operation of many businesses competing for the goal , well-known trademark holders and the legitimate rights and interests were also more vulnerable to attacks against unlawful .
In this paper , ' the unregistered famous trademarks ' is defined a kind of unregistered trademark between the unregistered well-known trademark and the unregistered general category , especially for reputation and influence , which not only has been used but have a certain extent of influence .
If these well-known trademarks are also cancelled in accordance with the relevant provisions as the common trademarks , regardless of the investment of the owners and the users of the well-known trademark . It is not only a waste of social resources , but also unfair to the operator .
As to the ordinary brand , it is tortious only when it is registered malevolently .
As for the trademark , we divide it into two kinds , ordinary trademark and combined trademark .
Analysis of the Protection of Common Unregistered Trade Marks
The thesis that the article studied now is the law protection of ordinary unregistered trademark .
" Rolodex " is the commercial name of a common in-dex system much used by busy executives .
C hinese trademark law protects unregistered well-know trademarks , but the protect ion of common unregistered trademarks should be improved in our country .
Different from the well-known trade mark as an ordinary trademark has many special features and characteristics as a trademark holder can bring more economic benefits and competitive advantage .