
  1. 因此,驰名商标比普通商标更易遭致损害。

    It is because of the above reason that well-known trademark is more easier infringed than common trademark .

  2. 所谓驰名商标的特殊保护,就是在普通商标一般性、普通性保护的基础上,超越具有共性原则、共性方法的深层保护。

    The special protection for well-known trademark goes deeply into protection which oversteps their general principles and methods of the protection for ordinary trademark .

  3. 而目前《商标法》的规定仍然为地名注册为普通商标留下了较大的空间。

    At present , " Trademark law " has still left behind a big space for the geographical name to be registered as a trademark .

  4. 驰名商标作为一种蕴含了巨大商业价值的识别标志,其特有的宣传作用使得其需要给予与普通商标不同的保护。

    The well-known trademark as a contains a huge commercial value of the identification mark , its unique advocacy role makes its need to give different with ordinary trademark protection .

  5. 很显然,按照权利与义务对等的法律原则,享受特殊保护的驰名商标权利人,是否应当承担较普通商标权人更多的义务。

    According to the legal principle with reciprocity right and obligation , known trade mark obligee need enjoy special protection as well as obiligation than ordinary owner of trade marks .

  6. 然后阐述了救济的措施,除了可以申请禁令救济之外,还可以获得高于普通商标侵权的赔偿和一系列的辅助救济。

    Then make the statement of relief measure , not only could apply for injunction relief but also could do a series relief like obtain above normal compensate for trademark tort .

  7. 驰名商标的特殊保护是相对于普通商标的保护而言的,其特殊性就在于,驰名商标要求不同于普通商标的更高水平的保护,即对驰名商标的保护不限于普通商标保护原则和保护措施。

    Opposite to the protection of common trademark , special , protection of well-known trademark requires high-level protection , which is not confined to the protective principles and measures adopted by common trademark .

  8. 驰名商标因其自身蕴含着巨大的经济价值,较之于普通商标更容易受到各种类型的侵害,因而如何对驰名商标进行特殊保护成为各国必须面对的问题。

    Because the well-known marks itself is containing the huge economic value , compared with the ordinary trademark is easier to receive the violation , thus how to protect the well-known marks became the question which all countries must face .

  9. 因此,笔者建议在商标法中明确规定混淆可能性标准的地位和意义,对普通商标的保护以混淆可能性为标准,对于驰名商标在混淆可能性标准的基础上引入联想理论。

    Then the article proposes make definite provision about the status and significance of the likelihood of confusion standard in the trademark law to regular the protection of the general trademark and protects the well-known trademark combined with the association theory .

  10. 从未注册驰名商标、未注册知名商标与未注册普通商标三个方面,通过前几章对未注册商标的相关论述而分别归纳出的关于完善我国未注册商标法律保护的建议。

    Based on the previous discussion of unregistered trademarks in the chapters before , this chapter summarizes suggestions of the unregistered trademark protection in our country from the three aspects of unregistered well-known trademarks , registered famous trademarks and unregistered common trademarks .

  11. 因此,驰名商标也较之与普通商标更容易成为众多企业或是生产经营者的竞相争夺的目标,驰名商标持有人的合法权益也为此而更容易遭到不法侵害。

    Therefore , compared with well-known trademarks is also easier to become a common trademark or production and operation of many businesses competing for the goal , well-known trademark holders and the legitimate rights and interests were also more vulnerable to attacks against unlawful .

  12. 本文将声誉和影响介于未注册驰名商标和未注册普通商标之间的一类已经使用并有一定影响的未注册商标称为未注册知名商标。

    In this paper , ' the unregistered famous trademarks ' is defined a kind of unregistered trademark between the unregistered well-known trademark and the unregistered general category , especially for reputation and influence , which not only has been used but have a certain extent of influence .

  13. 如果对这些驰名商标也按照普通商标的相关规定全部撤销,而不考虑驰名商标所有人和使用人的投入,不仅会浪费社会资源,而且还有失公平。

    If these well-known trademarks are also cancelled in accordance with the relevant provisions as the common trademarks , regardless of the investment of the owners and the users of the well-known trademark . It is not only a waste of social resources , but also unfair to the operator .

  14. 普通注册商标,则只有在恶意注册的情况下才构成侵权。

    As to the ordinary brand , it is tortious only when it is registered malevolently .

  15. 对于二值商标图像,本文将其分作两类,一类是普通的商标图像,另一类是组合商标图像。

    As for the trademark , we divide it into two kinds , ordinary trademark and combined trademark .

  16. 普通未注册商标保护浅探

    Analysis of the Protection of Common Unregistered Trade Marks

  17. 本文研究的是普通未注册商标的保护问题。

    The thesis that the article studied now is the law protection of ordinary unregistered trademark .

  18. “Rolodex”是一种普通索引系统的商标名称,通常被繁忙的管理人员所使用。

    " Rolodex " is the commercial name of a common in-dex system much used by busy executives .

  19. 我国商标法已将未注册的有一定影响的商标和驰名商标纳入保护范围,但普通的未注册商标的保护水平尚需要提高。

    C hinese trademark law protects unregistered well-know trademarks , but the protect ion of common unregistered trademarks should be improved in our country .

  20. 驰名商标作为一种有别于普通的特殊的商标具有许多功能和特点,更能为商标持有人带来更多的经济效益和竞争优势。

    Different from the well-known trade mark as an ordinary trademark has many special features and characteristics as a trademark holder can bring more economic benefits and competitive advantage .