
  • 网络analogy;analogical thinking
  1. 艺术比较思维和艺术类比思维同为隐喻艺术思维的基本方法。

    Artistic comparative thinking and artistic analogical thinking are the principal method of metaphorical artistic thinking .

  2. 以及在教学中应注意类比思维与求异思维的结合。

    And we should lay stress on combination of the analogical thinking and the different thinking .

  3. 老子哲学的结构性类比思维方式;

    Mode of thinking of structural analogy of his philosophy ;

  4. 类比思维经常被看作是获得创造力的一个关键途径。

    Analogy thought is usually looked as a key way of acquiring creativity .

  5. 转换在于类比思维的存在,因而能使具体形象之间的意义,具体形象与抽象意义相互联系;

    By analogy , transformation could integrate diverse concrete figures or concrete figure with abstract meaning .

  6. 利用上述结果,讨论了创新思维中类比思维、直觉思维、形象思维的特征及其在数学教育中应用的特点,进一步分析了在数学教育中如何加强创新思维的培养和训练。

    By above results , feature and speciality in mathematical education about analogical thinking and intuitive thinking and image thinking is discussed .

  7. 方法:以批判性思维的评价方法,对类比思维过程中心理因素进行研究。

    METHODS : By means of evaluation of critical thinking , the psychological factors in the process of analogous thinking were investigated .

  8. 所以深刻挖掘教材内容,进行类比思维训练是培养创新思维的重要任务。

    To get a deep understanding of the teaching material and to have training of analogous thinking are the important tasks of developing creative thinking .

  9. 人应当从事文化事业,因为这是类比思维的应用。这位人类学家在讲座中将两种文化进行对比。

    Man should be involved in the cultural mandate ; this is the application of analogical thinking . The anthropologist contrasted two cultures in his lecture .

  10. 中国古典美学比较突出地体现着东方式的思维方式,包括中和思维、类比思维、整体思维、圆形思维等。

    Classical Chinese aesthetics predominantly embodies the oriental way of thinking , consisting of neutral thinking , analogous thinking , integration thinking , and circular thinking , etc.

  11. 它既有图像的直观化、形象化的特点,同时还能有效地促进知识迁移,是类比思维和图像智能的有机统一体。

    It is not only an intuitional and vivid image , but also an effective tool for knowledge migration . It is a unity of analogical thinking and image intelligence .

  12. 结论:类比思维在认识新事物、解决新问题的过程中,或者以简单的道理说明抽象事理的过程中,都发挥着重要的思维工具作用。

    CONCLUSION : Analogous thinking plays an important role as thinking tool in the process of recognizing new things and solving new problems , or explaining abstract affair with simple reasons .

  13. 第二部分为对初中学生创新思维的训练,主要有1、逆向思维训练;2、置换思维训练;3、离散思维训练;4、类比思维训练。

    Section two focuses on the training of junior middle school students ' innovative thinking which includes the trainings of contrary thinking , replacement thinking , discrete thinking , and analogy thinking .

  14. 阐述了类比思维在化学教学诸如化学概念、化学反应原理、物质结构与性质、化学实验、有机化学、化学计算等方面的应用。

    The analogical thinking can be well applied in chemistry teaching , for example , the teaching of definitions , theories of chemical reactions , the structures and qualities of substances , chemical experiments , organic chemistry , and stoichiometric calculation .

  15. 立法假定的生成过程中运用到了许多逻辑方法和思维模式,包括逻辑上的归纳思维、类比思维和演绎思维,以及非逻辑上的形象思维、直觉思维和思辨思维等。

    Generation process assumed by the legislation applied to a number of logical methods and ways of thinking , including logic of inductive thinking , analogical thinking , and deductive thinking , as well as non-logical thinking in images , intuitive thinking and philosophical thinking .

  16. IAM显得更为接近人类的类比映射思维,但仍需做一定的修正。

    IAM is closer to the analogical mapping thinking of human , but it still need be modified .

  17. 这种相似的现象正是类比的思维基础;

    It is this similarity that paves the foundation for analogous thinking .

  18. 认识上帝的可能性:上帝的形象,类比的思维,和清晰,真实,权威的知识。

    The Possibility of Knowing God : The Image of God Analogical Thinking , and Clear , Real , Authoritative Knowledge .

  19. 在数学的发现和数学学习中,类比(思维)常常需要同归纳、联想一起协同作战。

    In the discovery and learning of mathematics , analogy ( thinking ) should often be used in conjunction with induction and association .

  20. 研究以文本研究和个案研究的方式,运用内容分析法和访谈法等研究方法,力图呈现高中生物教学中类比推理思维的应用现状。

    Based on the text research and case study , using content analysis and questionnaire survey try to present biology teaching situation of the application in high school .

  21. 人对上帝,对自己,和对世界的认识之所以有可能,一方面是基于上帝按著祂的形象造人,人起初有类比的思维的可能和任务;

    It is possible for man to know God , know himself , and know the world ,( a ) because God created man according to his image , and man 's analogical thinking ;

  22. 观察、类比、逻辑等思维方法是建构藏象理论的重要方法。

    Observation , categorization , and logics are the important methods .

  23. 这种功能主义的类比为深入研究思维和认知提供了可能。

    This functionalist analogy makes the further study of thought and cognition possible .

  24. 进行类比教学培养创新思维

    Developing Creative Thinking Through Teaching of Analogy

  25. 他的有机整体观突破了有机体的类比,达到了思维方式的高度。

    His organic unity went beyond the organic analogy , and reached a height of thinking modes .

  26. 举一反三是一种运用类比推理的逻辑思维方法,用于启发式教学很有效。

    Inference is the logical thinking using analog reasoning and is effective in heuristic methods of teaching .

  27. 本文类比迁移问题解决思维过程是根据下列四个阶段设计的:①源问题和靶问题的编码或称为表征;

    The essay 's thinking process is designed according to four periods : ① encoding or representation to base problem and target problem ;

  28. 类比在人类的思维过程中处处存在,可以说类比是人类认知的中心成分,是很多其他认知过程的基础。

    Analogies exist in our mind everywhere . Analogy is the center of human recognition . It is the base of other recognition process .

  29. 古人用元气理论解释自然现象过程中的整体观念,形成了以直观和类比方法为主的思维方式。

    The ancients have made use of ' primordial-Qi ' theory to explain natural phenomenon , which is in the person of ' the concept of holism ', and have given priority to intuition thinking and analogism .

  30. 对类比概念的界定和分类、类比思维的心理学基础、国内外对类比思维的研究、类比思维在科学发展中的作用等进行了综述。

    In this thesis , a summary is made about the definition and clarification of analogy , the psychological background of analogical thinking , the studies on analogical thinking at home and abroad and its effects on scientific development .