
  • 网络scientific predicting;Scientific prediction;Scientific Forecasting;science prediction
  1. 科学预测与决策是现代生产力的先导;

    Scientific forecasting and decision making are the precursors of modern productive force ;

  2. 公司战略是公司全局活动的指导思想,是对公司未来几年所做的科学预测和合理规划。

    It is the scientific forecasting and rational planning for the next few years .

  3. TBM施工进度的科学预测方法

    Scientific forecast method on construction rate of progress for TBM

  4. 特别是结合现金流量的概念,对Zeta模型开展必要的改造,以达到对财务风险进行科学预测的目标。

    Especially , the study holds the amendment to Zeta model combining the concept of cash flow , in order to forecast financial risk scientifically .

  5. 3S技术集成不仅可为地质工作提供及时、可靠的基础信息,而且还可对地质信息进行综合分析、处理,进而对成矿靶区进行科学预测。

    The technical integration of threeS not only can timely and reliably provide basic information for geological work , but also can comprehensively analyse and conduct geological information , and scientifically predicates mineralization target .

  6. Barlow说,许多草药中的活性化学物尚未被鉴别出来,因此,数据库中的某些化合物是“建立在化合物的化学足迹基础上的科学预测”。

    The active chemicals in many herbs have not yet been identified , Barlow said , so some of the compounds in the database are " scientific predictions based on chemical footprints of compounds " .

  7. 施泰纳说,这些科学预测有理由导致公众恐慌。

    Steiner says these scientific predictions are legitimate cause for public alarm .

  8. 以科学预测的方法指导文献资源建设

    Directing the Document Resource Construction at Libraries with Scientific Method

  9. 建立国际政治重大事件科学预测机制的设想

    The Assumption of Establishing Scientist Forecasting Mechanism for International Affair

  10. 在采用科学预测方法的同时也要注意提高预测的精度。

    Forecast precision must be paid attention to be improved .

  11. 科学预测和技术预测的方法研究

    A Methodological Study on Scientific Prediction & Technological Forecasting

  12. 油田开发规划科学预测的理论和实践

    Optimum study and simulator of oilfield development planning

  13. 目的对医院业务工作量进行科学预测。

    Objective To predict the hospital workload reasonably .

  14. 对紊乱科学预测法在森林害虫灾害预测预报中的思考

    Thinking about the Disaster Forecasting of Forest Pest-insect by Using Confusion Science Forecasting Method

  15. 我们可以根据规律而作出科学预测。

    We may base scientific predictions on laws .

  16. 它们是无条件预言的根据,而不是有条件的科学预测。

    They are the basis of unconditional prophecies , as opposed to conditional scientific predictions .

  17. 这个纯逻辑的论点适用于各种各样的科学预测者。

    This argument , being purely logical , applies to scientific predictors of any complexity .

  18. 人口老龄化深刻影响国民经济的健康持续发展,与广大群众切身利益息息相关。根据科学预测,未来50年内,人口老化趋势会进一步扩大,老化程度将更加严重。

    According to scientific projections , the population aging will deepen during the next 50 years .

  19. 为银行卡管理层和个人消费信贷业务提供科学预测和决策依据。

    For individual consumer credit card business management and provide scientific basis for decision-making and prediction .

  20. 论科学预测

    On Scientific Forecasting SCIENCE

  21. 竞赛的缘由是索舒尔渴望登顶进行科学预测。

    The reason for the competition was that Saussure himself desired to reach the summit to make scientific calculations .

  22. 关于未来社会所有制关系和经济关系的科学预测是马克思经济思想的重要内容。

    Scientific predictions on social ownership relations and economic relations in the future are the important elements of Marxism .

  23. 深入研究需水问题,科学预测未来我国各行业用水的需水量,是一项非常重要的研究课题。

    It is a very important task to research thoroughly water demand and predict water demand of our trades .

  24. 对中药生产计划中重要的年度生产计划使用线性多目标规划对其进行科学预测与分析。

    It utilizes the linear multi-targets programming to aid producing the yearly production planning that is important for the production .

  25. 改革现行人事管理制度,建立起现代卫生人力资源管理体系,从市场角度科学预测各级各类卫生人力资源需要量,合理配置卫生人力资源。

    Reform the old personnel system , build modern human resource management system after forecasting the HHR used developed method .

  26. 在此基础上对我国2010年各月份的客运量进行了科学预测。

    On this basis , we conduct a scientific prediction for the volume of passenger traffic of each month in2010 .

  27. 科学预测图书出版量对制定产业发展战略与规划具有现实意义。

    The reasonable prediction for books publication is very important and significant for establishing books publication industry developmental strategy and plan .

  28. 进而对泰安市耕地和基本农田保护规模进行了科学预测,并对泰安市基本农田进行合理布局。

    The scale of cultivated land and protected basic farmland is scientifically predicted and rational distribution of basic farmland is analyzed .

  29. 这些研究结果,完善色彩心理学,探索色彩学研究方法,对家具、装饰用材选材的科学预测和提高人类居住质量培养人们审美意识,具有积极意义。

    These results are positively significant to material selecting for furniture and decorating , quality predicting of wood products and accommodation improvement .

  30. 本文根据所收集的数据资料,采用灰色预测理论对煤炭市场价格的变化趋势做出科学预测。通过案例分析证明了本方法有较高的实用价值。

    According to the gathered data , the paper makes scientific prediction of coal market prices ' change tendency using gray prediction theory .