
  1. 从丰富/馆藏资源、优化阅读环境、加大宣传力度、重视导读、检索和科学采购文献信息以及引进营销观念、强化馆员素质等方面进行研讨。

    Suggestions are raised to enrich library resources , optimize reading environment , strengthen propaganda , stress reading guidance , index and literature purchase , and improve library staff , etc.

  2. 本文论述了药材采购计划管理的方法,一是科学拟订采购计划;

    The methods of plan management of drug stock were discussed in this paper .

  3. 我公司已建立起科学的采购、生产、营销、运营体系。

    Our company has established a scientific purchasing , production , marketing , operating system .

  4. 目前,高校图书馆在采购图书时还缺少一套科学的采购方法及其数学模型。

    At present , the college libraries still lack of a scientific method of procurement and its mathematical model for the procurement of books .

  5. 整合部门间关系,确定科学的采购管理,对企业的有效运作起着重要作用。

    Integrating the relationship among the related manage departments and adapting the scientific supply management will play an important role for the effective enterprise running .

  6. 所以,科学地进行采购成本管理成了物资企业管理的重要内容。

    So , managing the purchasing cost scientifically would be an important matter in administration of material enterprises .

  7. 本文阐述了新形势下医疗设备管理的科学性,采购的科学性和维修的可靠性。

    The paper describes scientific management ; scientific purchase and maintenance reliability of the medical equipment in new situation .

  8. 构建合理、客观、科学的政府采购评价原则、构建评价指标体系是一项重要的任务。

    To construct reasonable 、 objective and scientific measurement principle and indication system of the government procurement is an important task .

  9. 近年来,由于我国药品注册审批中频繁发生商业贿赂和寻租事件,药品定价管理不科学,招标采购管理不严格,导致了药品流通秩序混乱,药价持续虚高。

    Since the frequent occurrences of commercial bribe and rent seeking problem in the register , examination and approval processes of medicine , the unscientific management on medicine price-making and undemanding management on medicine bidding , the medicine circulation is in chaos , and medicine prices hike up .

  10. 要提高政府采购效率,必须采取有效措施努力提高采购人员素质,加强预算的编制工作,并建立供应商档案制度,建立科学规范的采购程序,加快信息化建设,完善监督机制。

    In order to promote governments ' purchase efficiency , effective measures must be taken to improve the quality of purchase agents , strengthen financial budget programme , set up files of suppliers , establish standard and scientific purchase procedures , speed up information construction and perfect supervising system .

  11. 第三,根据我国经济发展水平与各行业的发展状况,采用循序渐进的方式,科学地确定政府采购市场的开放次序和程度;

    Thirdly , select the sequence and degree of opening according to the development level of the country .

  12. 再次,电子化采购在采购信息系统中可以使用专业分析模型,对政府采购数据进行整理、比较,提供科学、准确的采购信息。

    Furthermore , e-procurement in the procurement information system can be used in professional analysis model of government procurement data , collate , compare , and provide scientific and accurate procurement information .