
  • 网络International Sourcing Promotion Center
  1. 上海跨国采购中心有限公司

    Shanghai International Merchandising Center Co. , Ltd

  2. 最后,文章提出了上海发展服务贸易和建设跨国采购中心若干建议。

    The paper also put forward some suggestions to Shanghai 's development in TIS and international purchase center .

  3. 将政府数据作为江苏跨国采购中心起步阶段的推动力,能够发挥江苏跨国采购中心的比较优势和后发优势;

    Using government data as an impetus during the early stages of JSGSPC can bring comparative and later-comer advantages into play .

  4. 另一方面,现代国际贸易中心一般具有口岸货物集散中心、大宗商品交易与定价中心、贸易营运与控制中心、国际展览与跨国采购中心、国内市场流通中心、国际购物天堂等六大功能。

    On the other hand , modern international trade center generally have six functions including port cargo distribution , commodity trading and pricing , trading operations and control , international exhibition and multinational purchasing , distribution center of domestic market , international shopping paradise .

  5. 上海、津、岛等市政府相继成立了跨国采购促进中心。

    They build up multinational purchasing promoting center in Shanghai , Tianjin and Qingdao .