
  • 网络group purchasing;group procurement;gpo
  1. 地区性高校集团采购中数据库费用分摊研究

    Research on Cost Allocation of Database in the Group Purchasing of District Colleges

  2. 论我国高校电子资源集团采购评估

    On the Group Purchasing Evaluation of Digital Resources in the University Library of China

  3. 三是对信息集成的应用层相关技术进行了研究,提出了一种适合嘉陵集团采购供应链管理系统的基于XML的分布式系统集成框架,对企业其它应用系统进行了有效集成。

    The last is application layer information-integrated technology . This thesis brings through a distributing system-integrated solution based on the XML of the procurement supply chain management for JiaLing Group , and effectively integrates the bequeathed system .

  4. 并以实现采购管理信息平台为基础,对DF集团采购管理重要组成部分进行了优化。

    With the information platform as the basis , it will optimize the major components as well as make appraisals of DF Co. procurement .

  5. 本文实现的HW集团采购管理系统可以为其他类似集团型企业进行采购管理提供参考。

    The centralized procurement management system in this proposal can offer a reference for the procurement for other group company .

  6. 对集团采购数字资源费用的思考

    Thinking of the costs for the consortium acquisition of digital resources

  7. 论电子信息资源集团采购体系的构建

    On the System Construction of Institutional Purchase of Electronic Information Resources

  8. 图书馆数据库资源集团采购策略分析

    Analysis of Tactics about Group Purchase of Database in Library

  9. 今天,第四届跨国零售集团采购会在这里隆重开幕。

    Today , we hold the Fourth International Retailers'Sourcing Fair .

  10. 集团采购&购买电子资源的有效方式

    Consortium & An Efficient Way for Electronic Resources Acquisition

  11. 多目标集团采购计划优化模型的研究。

    Research on optimal plan of multiply group purchase .

  12. 衡钢集团采购管理的创新研究

    The Research on the Innovation of Purchasing Management in Hengyang Steel Tube Group

  13. 我国图书馆电子资源集团采购模式研究

    A Study of Patterns for the Group Purchase of Electronic Resources in China

  14. 重点分析了集团采购中的利益各方,并探讨了利益平衡策略。

    This paper discusses the interest balancing strategies about the consortia acquisition of electronic resources .

  15. 集团采购模式的供应商管理

    Management to Suppliers of Purchasing

  16. 丰田昨天采取了进一步措施,宣布重组集团采购职能,将原先的三个采购部门合并为两个。

    Toyota followed up yesterday by reorganising its procurement functions , merging three purchasing divisions into two .

  17. 接着分析了当前牧羊集团采购与库存管理的状况及存在的主要问题;

    Secondly again main problems in purchase management and inventory control of Jiangsu Mu Yang Group is researched .

  18. 最终,国美电器不得不作出决定,在签约集团采购客户之外,只接受单一消费者单笔订单。

    Finally , gome have to make a decision , signed the group purchasing customers , accepting only a single consumers outside single order .

  19. 配合集团采购部,对在模具的国外引进过程中,模具的技术资料和实际的状况进行确认,提供技术支持。

    As the mold transform from foreign , offer the technical support for the corporate purchase dept. , Identify the mold data and the actual situation .

  20. 中部地区各高校间合作不够,未形成共建共享,集团采购力度不够。

    Cooperation between the colleges and universities in central region is not enough , the operation of co-building and shared not formed , the group procurements are inadequate .

  21. 第七部分为综合案例:“a集团采购环节的审计实践”,以生动的事例全面阐述了内部审计在风险管理中所起的作用。

    The seventh section cited a synthetic case " audit practice about purchase link in a corporation ", using the lively case elaorated all-round the effect that internal audit take .

  22. 会计信息化环境内部会计控制设计研究&以某钢铁集团采购与付款内部会计控制为例分析

    Research on Designing Internal Accounting Control under the Condition of Accounting Informationization & based on a case of internal accounting controlling procurement and payment operation of an iron and steel group

  23. 做好数据库订购的准备和分析评估工作,应考虑使用成本问题;采购过程中的质量控制,注意集团采购模式;

    Apart from preparation and assessment of database acquisition , consideration should also be given to the cost of using as well as the quality control and model of consortia acquisition .

  24. 再其次,运用供应链管理思想设计了全新的牧羊集团采购与库存管理方案,就采购管理提出了供应细分法,并根据细分法,构造了四种组合的库存管理模型;

    Following with application of supply chain management , a new project about purchase management and inventory control of Jiangsu Mu Yang Group is designed , subdivision method is brought forward .

  25. 全球采购的优点是整车厂可充分利用世界范围内的零部件竞争优势,获取市场的最新技术,适应汇率波动以及集团采购的批量效果,得到最佳质量、最佳服务、最合理价格的配套产品。

    The advantage of global sourcing is that car makers can make the best of suppliers competition to get the new technology , adapt the exchange rate and group sourcing effect . The car makers will get components with the best quality , service and cost .

  26. 其次,介绍了F集团现有采购组织及其运作状况,分析了C事业处原有采购管理模式存在的问题。

    Secondly , the purchase organization of Corporation F and their existing operation situation are introduced .

  27. 中国一拖集团公司采购战略整合计划

    Strategic Planning of Purchasing Integration in the First Tractor Company Limited

  28. 来自皇后大道集团原油采购合约的收益直接进入一家被总统把控的神秘机构。那家机构的账户甚至对于政府大臣都是保密的。

    Revenues from deals with the syndicate go to an opaque agency controlled by the president whose accounts are off-limits even to government ministers .

  29. 最后,通过某集团统一采购问题决策实例,证明了模型的实用价值及其有效性。

    Finally , the result of a given instance about a group 's uniform purchase has demonstrated the practical value and validity of the model .

  30. 最后针对K集团天津公司采购中存在的问题提出了相应的解决方案。

    Finally , K Group Tianjin problems in the procurement put forward the corresponding solutions .