
  • 网络intercultural sensitivity
  1. 中国人跨文化敏感性现状及影响因素研究

    A Study on Status and Relevant Factors of Chinese Intercultural Sensitivity

  2. ti5.0分析软件对数据进行分析,结果表明中国国际旅游公司从业人员的跨文化敏感性表现出文化特有的特征,反映了中国传统文化价值观对其的影响。

    Ti software . The results demonstrated that Chinese IS exhibits particular characteristics , which reflects the uniqueness of the Chinese culture .

  3. 文化认知领悟、民族认同感、差异和谐化、关系最优化和灵活变通性构成了跨文化敏感性的五个特征,影响跨文化敏感性的双因素为激励因素(目标)和推动因素(文化价值观)。

    Cultural Comprehension , Chinese Ethno Identification , Differences Harmonization , Relationship Optimization and Change Accommodation as well as the push ( value ) and pull ( goals ) factors are the central characteristics of the Chinese IS .

  4. 这篇文章能够加强理解个体层面因素是如何影响自我揭露这种交际行为,从而提高跨文化交际敏感性,增强跨文化交际的能力。

    This thesis can contribute to the understanding of individual-level factors mediating cultural-level factors on the communication style of self-disclosure .

  5. 加强跨文化的敏感性,提高跨文化的适应能力,对教学双方来说都是有必要付出的努力。

    To strengthen the cross-cultural sensitiveness and the ability of cultural adaptation is of great necessity for both the teachers and students .

  6. 因此,增强对跨文化差异的敏感性,加强文化传通与合作变得尤为重要。

    Hence , enhancing cross-cultural sensitivity as well as improving cross-cultural communication and cooperation becomes crucially important .

  7. 突出了非语言交际的重要性,以提高人们跨文化交际的敏感性和质量。

    It aims to illustrate the differences of non-verbal communication and highlight its importance as well as to achieve the effectiveness of cross-cultural communication .

  8. 英语教学应增加跨文化意识、跨文化差异敏感性和交际模式的培养,引入话语教学,使语言知识与语用规则有机结合,以培养学生的跨文化语用能力。

    English teaching should strengthen the cultivation of cross-cultural sense , the sensitivity to cross-cultural differences and the mode of communication , introduce discourse teaching and combine language knowledge with pragmatic rule organically to improve students ' cross-cultural pragmatic ability .

  9. 解读跨文化交际中的美式个人主义价值观以期提高英语学习者跨文化意识的敏感性,增强跨文化交际的能力。

    With the help of the interpretation of cross-cultural American individualism , can English learners improve the susceptibility of cross-cultural awareness and promote their communicative ability .

  10. 从跨文化交际的角度出发,归纳和分析了词汇文化对阅读产生障碍的原因,提出了排除词汇文化障碍的有效途径,从而提高语言运用能力和跨文化交际的敏感性。

    This paper , from the view of cross-cultural communication , analyses the cause of barriers in reading comprehension and suggests the effective ways of solving cultural barriers , aiming to improve students ' language competence and consciousness of cross-cultural communication .