
  1. 提取待测印鉴与预留印鉴二值图像的SIFT特征并匹配。

    In the binarized images of the two seal imprints , SIFT features are extracted and matched .

  2. 凭印鉴去取的,请在指定位置加盖预留印鉴。

    For withdrawal by seal , please affix the seal at the designated place .

  3. 下级行请领款项的现金调拨业务,须实行预留印鉴签章核对制度。

    The lower line please order item song subordinates responsible for escorting the cash transfer business , must execute signature signature checking system .

  4. 当银止收到你的收票请求付款时,它将按账号存放正在你的账夹内,并将签字取你预留印鉴卡上的签字核对。

    Whenever checks were received for payment , the bank would file them by number in your folder and compare the signatures with the one on your card .

  5. 卖方、买方及买方代理签具的货物验收合格报告,且买方签章需为银行预留印鉴。

    The Acceptance Report signed and issued by the Seller , the Buyer and the Buyer 's Agent and stamped by the Buyer with the bank reserve seal .

  6. 买方出具的收货证明,证实货物包装完好无损,且买方签章需为银行预留印鉴。

    Proof of receipt issued by the Buyer proving that the goods are packed in a perfect condition and stamped by the Buyer with the bank reserve seal .

  7. 一直以来,潍坊农业银行的现金调拨都是实行填写现金调拨单加预留印鉴签章核对制度,然后手工传递,既影响效率,又容易出现无真实行为的现金调拨交易。

    All the time since , Weifang City Agricultural Bank cash transfers are implemented to fill in the cash transfers with single signature signature checking system , and manual transmission , affect both the efficiency , and easy to appear without the real behavior of the cash transfer transaction .