
  • 网络precontract;pre-contract
  1. 预约合同制度探究

    Analysis of Pre-Contract System

  2. 随着经济的快速增长,为了固定交易机会,预约合同在实践中被大量使用。

    With rapid economic growth , a pre-contract has been widely used in practice for regular trading .

  3. 第二部分是预约合同的比较法考察。

    The second part of the contract appointment of comparative law study .

  4. 预约合同的法理基础是诚实信用原则。

    Reservation contract is the legal basis of the principle of good faith .

  5. 预约合同的本质是契约。

    Precontract is a contract in substance .

  6. 论述了预约合同的概念、功能、法律特征及法理基础。

    Discusses the concept of contract appointment , functions , features and legal basis of the law .

  7. 主要分析各国关于预约合同的立法和对预约合同的分类。

    Analysis of the major countries on the legislative and appointment contracts for the classification of the contract appointment .

  8. 据天空体育新闻了解利物浦几乎接近与标准列日前锋约瓦诺维奇签下预约合同。

    Sky Sports News understands Liverpool are close to agreeing a pre-contract deal with Standard Liege striker Milan Jovanovic .

  9. 从我国现实情况看,商品房认购书本质上属于预约合同。

    Look around the reality of our country , the preliminary agreement of commercial housing essentially belongs to the precontract .

  10. 通过实践分析和理论探讨,商品房认购合同的法律性质一般应认定为预约合同。

    Through analysis of practice and theory , the legal nature of real estate subscription contract should normally be identified as booking contract .

  11. 在介绍了我国的立法现状后,提出了将预约合同纳入法律体系的必要性。

    After introducing the current legislative situation in China , it is essential for the pre-contract to be a part of its legal system .

  12. 预约合同制度与缔约过失制度同作为规范前合同责任的制度,虽然两者在概念上完全不同,但在功能上确有很大重迭。

    Precontract and culpa in contrahendo are law system to regulate contract responsibility . Although completely different in the concept , they have great overlaps in the function .

  13. 该部分从一般合同入手,分析了预约合同的义务、责任、承担责任方式及归责原则。

    Part of the general contract from the start , the appointment of the obligations of the contract , the responsibility and bear the responsibility and liability principles manner .

  14. 明确就业协议为预约合同,劳动合同为本合同的法律属性,才能处理好二者的衔接。

    To understand employment agreement is a appointment contract and labor contract is just the legal nature of the contract is helpful to understand the linking of two different phases .

  15. 识别预约合同,是适用法律、承担责任的前提,该部分通过与各种类似合同进行比较来认定预约合同。

    Recognition appointment contract , is the applicable law and assume responsibility on the premise that the various parts of a similar contract with the comparison to that appointment contract .

  16. 而我国的法律却未对预约合同作出相关规定,导致预约合同的当事人无法得到法律的保障。

    However , under China law , there are no relevant provisions for a pre-contract . Therefore the parties involved in such a contract cannot be protected by Chinese law .

  17. 从审判角度分析了商品房买卖的特殊之处、商品房买卖预约合同的辨析、种类、成立、效力以及法律责任。

    Trial from the perspective of the unique sale of commercial housing , booking the sale of commercial housing Analysis of the contract , the type of establishment , effectiveness and legal responsibilities .

  18. 预约合同制度作为大陆法系各国存在已久的一项法律制度,自十九世纪初在法国民法典确立开始,就引起了各国的广泛关注,并被纳入到各自的法律体系之中。

    Precontract is a long existed institution in the civil law system . It has aroused widespread interests and has been brought into law system since appeared in the Civil Code of France .

  19. 因此研究预约合同成为一种现实的必要,特别是研究商品房买卖预约合同案件的审理,更具有特别的理论意义、现实意义和社会意义。

    So booking contract research necessary to become a reality , especially on the sale of commercial housing reservation contract processing of cases , the theory of special significance , practical and social significance .

  20. 商品房认购书是以格式条款的形式订立的独立的合同,它与商品房买卖(预售)合同的关系是预约合同与正式合同的关系。

    The real estate of offers to stand-alone contract is entered into in terms of format in the form of contract with the sale of real estate ( in advance ) appointment contract with the formal contract .

  21. 鉴于我国对意向协议书和预约合同未作出明文规定,文中建议我国最高法院出台相应的司法解释,并在未来民法典中确立预约制度。

    Owing to no specific regulation on preliminary agreement and pre-contract in current civil law , relevant judicial explanation shall be formulated through the Supreme Court , and the pre-contract should be established in the future civil law .

  22. 预约合同指当事人约定将来订立一定合同的合同,目的是在订立本合同的条件尚未成熟时,先订立预约使相对人受其约束,以确定本约的订立。

    Precontract is a promise to make a forward contract , whose purpose is to make sure the forward contract be concluded , through a precontract made by the interested parties to bound the concerned person , as the condition of concluding forward contract be not ripe .

  23. 最后,从选择立法模式、加强物权保护、借鉴情事变更原则等方面对构建我国的预售商品房预约合同制度提出设想。

    Finally , the thesis tries to come up with some ideas on building the pre-contract system for advance sales of commercial housing in terms of the legislative mode , the protection of property rights and the principle of changed circumstances according to the doctrine of frustration of contract .

  24. 预约保险合同是一种简化的保险合同。

    Open cover is a kind of predigested insurance contract .

  25. 预约保险合同应当由保险人签发预约保险单证加以确。

    The open cover shall be evidenced by an open policy to be issued by the insurer .

  26. 文章结合英国最新权威判例,分析了各种类型预约保险合同的特征和当事人的权利义务,提出《海商法》中预约保险制度需进一步完善之处。

    This paper analyses the characteristics of all kinds of open cover and the rights and obligations of the parties , and suggested revision opinions pertaining to open cover are put forwarded .

  27. 预约保险合同应当订明预约的保险责任范围、保险财产范围、每一保险或一地点的最高保险金额、保险费结算办法等。

    The open cover shall stipulate the scope of cover , the range of property insured , the maximum amount of insurance each risk or at each place and the method of settling premium , etc.

  28. 第八部分从预约与独立合同两个方面阐述认购书的法律适用问题。

    Part eight mainly discourses on the law regulations concerning subscription book from the aspects of subscription and the independent contract .

  29. 首先,作者分析了预约效力的理论基础,并认为契约自由原则、诚实信用原则及信赖保护原则都是预约产生合同效力的理论基础。

    Firstly , the author considers that the principles of freedom of contract , faithfulness and reliance as theoretical bases for effecting of the precontract .