
  1. (四)编制并提出财政预算、决算;

    To draw up and introduce budgets and final accounts ;

  2. 如建立预算与决算,而且要向民众公开。

    If a budget and final accounts , and open to the public .

  3. 筹集办学经费,审核预算、决算;

    Raising operational funds , examining and approving the budget and the final accounts ;

  4. 国防费预算、决算由全国人大审查批准。

    China 's defense budget and final accounts are reviewed and approved by the NPC .

  5. 武器装备研制项目经费分配的里程碑预算控制决算方法研究浅析经费预算管理软化的原因

    Fund Distribution in Research Program of Weapon Equipment the Method of the Milestone Budget-control-final Accounts

  6. 议决年度工作计画、报告及预算、决算。

    To establish a plan for the year , report , estimated cost and final cost .

  7. 社区矫正的经费应实行以省级统筹为主,县级统筹为辅的模式,而且社区矫正的经费应进行独立的预算和决算。

    Community Correction funds should be implemented " the provincial level-based , county-level co-ordination , supplemented " mode , and the funding of the Community Correction should conduct an independent budget and final accounts .

  8. 第三十七条工会应当根据经费独立原则,建立预算、决算和经费审查监督制度。

    Article 37 A trade union shall work out its own budget and final accounts , as well as its own fund inspection and supervisory systems in accordance with the principle of independent accounting .

  9. 各单位编制本单位预算、决算草案;按照国家规定上缴预算收入,安排预算支出,并接受国家有关部门的监督。

    Various units shall compile the drafts of their own budgets and final accounts , turn over budgetary revenues as prescribed by the state , manage the budgetary expenditures , and accept supervision of the relevant departments of the state .

  10. 指定公司的年度财务预算方案、决算方案;

    To prepare annual financial budget plan and final accounts plan ;

  11. 针对我国工程造价中三算三超现象,探讨了设计概算、施工图预算和竣工决算中存在的问题,并提出了相应的对策和建议。

    This paper probes into the problems existing in the preliminary estimate , the working drawing estimate and the budget needed for the completion of projects , and puts forward some corresponding countermeasures and suggestions .

  12. 条各级政府审计部门对本级各部门、各单位和下级政府的预算执行、决算实行审计监督。

    The auditing department of a government at any level shall exercise auditing supervision over the budget implementation and final accounts of all departments and units at the corresponding level and the governments at lower levels .

  13. 阐述了对扩初设计概算费用、施工图预算、竣工决算进行审计的重要性及其审计步骤与审计内容。

    This paper expounds the importance , procedures and contents of the audit for the approximately-estimated cost of the extended preliminary design , the working drawing estimate , and the budget needed for the completion of projects .

  14. 工程造价贯穿于项目实施的全过程,其中存在3个比较重要的工程造价计算,即设计概算、施工图预算和竣工决算。

    The construction cost runs through the whole course of the implementation of the projects , in which there are three more important calculations of the construction cost of the preliminary estimate , the working drawing estimate and the budget needed for the completion of projects .

  15. 作为会计制度的执行者迫切希望能够找到一种既能解决问题又同现行政策不相抵触的办法来提高会计信息质量,解决现行国有林场会计制度同财政部门预算、部门决算的衔接问题。

    As the executor of accounting system , eager to find a solution they are not inconsistent with current policy approaching to improving the quality of accounting information , and to solve the current accounting system of state-owned forest farm budget with the finance department , accounts department interface .

  16. (vi)决定本联盟计划和通过三年预算,并批准决算;

    ( vi ) determine the program and adopt the triennial budget of the Union , and approve its final accounts ;

  17. 基建工程预算、结算、决算审计;

    Construction work auditing on budgets , settlements , and final accounts ;

  18. 职位描述:财务预算、核算、决算管理。

    Position description : financial budget and final accounts management .

  19. 长期以来,工程建设投资控制中存在着不少问题:比如三超现象,即概算超估算、预算超概算、决算超预算;

    There are a lot of problems of investment control in project for a long time .

  20. 高校财务预算、核算、决算一体化管理的实践探索

    Practical Probe into Management of " Budget , Accounting , Final Accounting Integration " of College Finance

  21. 在我国固定资产投资领域内,普遍存在着概算超估算、预算超概算、决算超预算的现象。

    The phenomena of financial estimation exceeding budget , budget exceeding financial estimation and final accounts exceeding budget exist popularly in our domain of fixed assets investment .

  22. 但从近些年来的相关调查发现,在我国建设项目成本管理中存在普遍而且非常严重的三超(概算超估算,预算超概算,决算超预算)问题。

    But , according to some investigations on cost management of construction projects , there are at large and even very severity cost overrun risks , which are general estimates over rough estimates , budgetary estimates over general estimates and final accounts over budget .

  23. 在我国工程项目成本控制领域长期存在概算超估算、预算超概算、决算超预算的不正常现象,严重影响着建设工程的投资效益。

    The abnormal phenomena such as budget estimate exceeding estimate , budget exceeding budget estimate and final accounts exceeding budget exist in the field of cost control for project investment for a long time in China , the investment efficiency of the construction projects is seriously affected therefore .

  24. 签署立法会通过的财政预算案,将财政预算、决算报中央人民政府备案;

    To sign budgets passed by the Legislative Council and report the budgets and final accounts to the central people 's government for the record ;

  25. 第三十一条审计机关有权要求被审计单位按照规定报送预算或者财务收支计划、预算执行情况、决算、财务报告,社会审计机构出具的审计报告,以及其他与财政收支或者财务收支有关的资料,被审计单位不得拒绝、拖延、谎报。

    Article 31 Audit institutions shall have the power to require auditees to submit , in accordance with the relevant regulations , their budgets or plans for financial revenues and expenditures or make false reports .