
  • 网络Budget level;budgetary level
  1. 在财政预算级次支出结构中,分权界限模糊,财权和事权不明晰。

    On the expenditures structure of financial budget classes , bondage of decentralization is obscure and the financial and business authority also not divided clearly .

  2. 根据预算的级次,政府预算会计包括政府层面的预算会计,以及机构层面的预算会计。

    According to the level of budget , governmental budgetary accounting consists of government-level budgetary accounting and expenditure organ-level budgetary accounting .

  3. 本文从教育经费预算渠道、教育经费预算科目、教育经费预算级次和教育经费预算考核等方面,论述了在不同政府预算收支分类模式下,政府预算收支分类体系对于教育经费预算所带来的影响。

    In this article , how much influence that the categorization system of budget income and expense will exert on budget of education is discussed in different models of categorizations of government budget . budgeting of all government revenues and expenditures ;