
yù suàn biān zhì
  • Budgeting;budget-making
  1. 基于多Agent的地方财政风险预算编制系统的设计

    Research and Design for Agent-Based Distributing Computation Structure of Local Government Financial Risk Budget Edit System

  2. 并构建了基于多Agent分布式计算体系结构的地方财政风险预算编制系统;研究了Agent的基本结构以及多Agent的协作机制。

    Meanwhile , the agent-based distributing computation structure of the system is given , and the basic structure of agent and the cooperation mechanism of those agents are discussed .

  3. 部门预算编制中存在的一些问题及对策

    Some Problems Appearing in Budget Establishment of Departments and Their Countermeasures

  4. 对国土资源调查项目经费预算编制与审查的思考

    Budget Making and Examining the Fund for Land Resource Survey Project

  5. 方案规划、预算编制、监测和评价(规则)

    Programme planning , budgeting , monitoring and evaluation ( rules )

  6. 运用现代化手段,提高预算编制的水平。

    Adopt modern methods and enhance the ability of budget planning .

  7. 第二部分介绍和归纳预算编制的国际经验及借鉴。

    The second part introduces the international experiences on budget preparation .

  8. 大型运动会经费预算编制及其应用

    Budget Plans for Large-scale Sports Events ' and Application of it

  9. 大型土石方场地平基施工图预算编制

    Constructional Drawings Budgeting of Site Leveling with Large Earthwork and Stonework

  10. 完善我国国有资本经营预算编制工作的研究

    Study on improving the formulation of operation budget for state-owned capital

  11. 国有资本经营预算编制需明确五个问题

    Five Problems to Be Solved in Budget Workout for State-Owned Capital Management

  12. 军费预算编制方法改革的实践与思考

    Reform of the method of drawing up the budget of military expenditure

  13. 高等学校预算编制方法的探讨

    A Research into Budgeting Operations in Institutions of Higher Learning

  14. 认真做好军以下单位的预算编制改革

    Reform of budget system in the army level and under

  15. 采用成本预算编制投标报价

    Price quoted in the bid prepared by using cost budget

  16. 对高校预算编制改革的思考

    Reflections on Reform in Drawing up Budgets in Institutions of Higher learning

  17. 论政府预算编制与执行的分离

    Argument for the Separation of Governmental Budget Compilation and En for cement

  18. 信息不对称与预算编制程序关系研究

    An Empirical Study on the Relation between Information Asymmetry and Budget Procedure

  19. 用这个预算编制程序算你能承担得了多少。

    Use this budget planner to work out what you can afford .

  20. 地质调查项目预算编制管理信息系统的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of MIS on automatic budgets-making of Chinese geologic survey project

  21. 企业预算编制中内部转移价格的确定方法

    Determination of Internal Transfer Price in Enterprise Budget Compilation

  22. 地调项目设计预算编制与审查中的几个问题

    Problems on working out design and budget and audit in geological survey projects

  23. 预算编制通常是由下到上来进行的。

    Budgets are usually prepared from bottom to top .

  24. 方案规划、预算编制和评价工作队

    Working Party on Programme Planning , Budgeting and Evaluation

  25. 土地整理项目预算编制主要问题分析

    Analysis of land consolidation project budget marking main problem

  26. 提高公路工程施工图预算编制质量探讨

    The Important Factors of Compiling Quality of Highway Engineering Budget Estimate and Budget

  27. 战略财务计划:现代企业预算编制的起点

    Strategic Finance Planning : the Starting Point for Modern Enterprises ' Budget Preparation

  28. 科学预算编制视角下中国最优预算收入规模的测定

    Determination of China 's Budget Revenue 's Optimal Scale

  29. 浅谈公路工程投标预算编制

    The Study on Budget Programming of Highway Engineering Bidding

  30. 在对部门收支进行探讨的基础上,论文借鉴吸收了2002年中央部门预算编制表格,设计出了地方政府预算的编制表格。

    As that finished , I design the chart of local department budget .