
  1. 系统思维、定量化思维、创造性思维、预测性思维是科学思维方式的主要表现形式。

    Systematic thinking , quantitative thinking , Creativ thinking and forecasting thinking and the chief modes of scientific thinking methods .

  2. 通过教学实验证明:预测性思维能力的培养对排球普修课防守战术优化教学有重要意义,同时还可为别的体育教学提供有益的参考。

    Proved through teaching : training predictive ability of thinking is very important for the optimization of the Volleyball defensive tactics teaching , furthermore , it may provide a useful reference for other physical education .

  3. 《周易》预测方法以象性思维、普遍联系观点和全息性原理为基本原理,可以对事物未来的发展变化趋势做出判断。

    The prediction method of " Book of Changes ", taking the image of thinking , ideas of general contact and holographic principle as the basic principle , can make judgment to the trend of development and change .