
  1. 福瑞内部交易结算矛盾时有发生,对企业管理造成较大困扰。

    Many problems caused by internal transactions have occurred , causing the internal management of enterprises large disturbance .

  2. 通过对福瑞内部交易结算问题研究,作者从企业角度分析了跨国公司通过规划内部交易活动实施企业战略及规范内部管理的思路和方法,为各方了解跨国公司内部交易结算提供了参考。

    Internal trading settlement on the issue of FIH , of transnational corporations from the corporate point of view of internal trading by planning the implementation of activities and standardize in management corporate strategy idea and method , for the internal operations of multinational companies provided samples and reference .