
  1. 的企业人际关系经理和员工关系主管理查德•罗伯(RichardLobo)说,摊牌会很有帮助,因为多数职场霸王都是懦夫,对正面冲突是避之唯恐不及的。

    ' Talking it out helps a lot as most bullies are cowards and avoid confrontation , 'says Richard Lobo , corporate human relations manager and head of employee relations at Infosys Technologies Ltd.

  2. 企业人际关系管理:提升人力资源管理价值

    Interpersonal Relations Management : Promoting HRM Value

  3. 最后分析了网络经济时代企业人际关系模式的特征,并就企业如何推动人际关系模式转型提出了建议。

    Finally , the article analyzes the characteristics of interpersonal relationship mode in the network economy era , and gives some advices on how to promote the enterprise interpersonal relationship transition .

  4. 但现今对《孙子兵法》的研究却时常偏离军事用途,多注重其在市场营销、企业人际关系等非军事领域的具体运用,对军事功能反倒不够注重。

    However , the current researches on The Art of War often deviate from military use and tend to focus more on its applications to marketing , corporate interpersonal relationship and other non-military fields , while military function is less concerned .

  5. 企业内部人际关系绿化的内在动因分析

    Analyzing Inherent Reason of Afforesting the Interpersonal Relationships Inside Enterprises

  6. 4企业内部人际关系的差异性研究。

    In chapter 4 , we research the differences of interpersonal relationship in enterprises .

  7. 改善企业内外人际关系,获取高度密切合作

    " To improve interpersonal relationships inside and outside the organization , thus , winning Better co-operations "

  8. 基于企业内部人际关系对职业经理人变革影响性分析的对策性研究。

    The countermeasure research on the analysis of how the interpersonal relationship in enterprises influencing the usage of manager .

  9. 在前面已有研究成果的基础上,共分三个方面展开论述:一、基于不同企业内部人际关系差异性分析的对策性研究;

    Based on the front production , it is discussed in three sides : 1 . the countermeasure research on the differences of interpersonal relationship in enterprises ;

  10. 提出了从树立良好的群体安全意识、建立良好的群体规范、提高群体内聚力、优化企业内部人际关系等六个方面着手,促进企业安全管理水平的提高。

    In order to promote the enterprise 's safe management level , it puts forward 6 aspects , that is , establishing the good safe consciousness , setting up colony norm , improving cohesive force , and optimizing the interpersonal relationships inside enterprises etc.

  11. 企业兼并中的人际关系磨合成本研究

    On the Inter-Relationship Integration Cost in Firm Acquisition

  12. 认为愿景技能、沟通技能、激励技能是企业管理人员处理人际关系的必备技能;

    Puts forward that vision-building skill , communicating skill and motivating skill are three basic skills for management stuff dealing with interpersonal relationships ;

  13. 主要表现在:他们注意保持企业内部和谐的人际关系;

    It can be mainly shown in the following aspects : firstly they pay attention to keeping the harmonious interpersonal relationship inside enterprises ;

  14. 企业内外有别的人际关系使得经理人能力得不到发挥这一问题在我国企业中相当突出,但研究相对不足。

    It is a very serious problem in our country that the usage of manager is embarrassed by the interpersonal relationship in enterprises , but the correlated research is scarce .

  15. 企业文化包括有形企业物器,企业内部的人际关系和有关制度,企业的感召力、凝聚力、精神风貌等。

    Enterprise culture including the sundries of tangible enterprise , interpersonal relationships and relevant systems inside enterprises , influence , cohesiveness , spiritual style and so on .

  16. 2从静态的角度界定了企业内部存在的制度圈,并着重分析了属于非正式制度范畴的企业内部人际关系;

    Secondly , the institution circle inside enterprises is defined from the static angle of view , and the interpersonal relationship in enterprises is emphasized which belongs to the informal institution category ;

  17. 第五章对民营企业内部的认知信任状况研究,分析员工对管理者能力的信任以及企业内部的人际信任关系。

    We analyzed the trust of staffs to capacity of the managers and the interpersonal trust among people within the enterprise .